Lia cursed as the bullets began to fly. The idiot Russians didn’t have a clue where they were but were putting so much lead out that sooner or later they were bound to hit something. She had gotten her knife into one of the dogs as it came at her, and used the rifle butt on the second, crushing the Doberman’s skull and killing it instantly.

Damn shame to hurt dogs. She felt like shit.

The Russians stopped firing. They had flashlights, and she saw them flickering about ten feet away, near the entrance to the fenced-in yard where she was. Then they put the lights out.

“You see where they are?” said Karr in her ear.

Something moved very close to her and she froze, not even daring to answer.

“Damn,” Karr cursed in her headset. Obviously he was pinned as well.

Okay, Marine, Lia thought to herself. This is where you show us you can live up to your re´sume´. Get your cute butt in here and show us you’re more than gray-haired eye candy, Charlie Dean.
