Discount Armageddon marks the beginning of my second urban fantasy series, and my greatest thanks are extended to Phil Ames, without whom this series would not exist. Betsy Tinney endured my endless questions about the world of professional ballroom dance, while Kate Secor put up with my insistence on watching every single episode of So You Think You Can Dance (sometimes twice).

The tireless machete squad provided proofreading and editorial services, with yeoman labors being performed by Will Frank, Ryan Nutick, and Priscilla Spencer. Amy Mebberson and Bill Mudron supplied incredible artistic interpretations of my characters. Meanwhile, back on the ranch, Chris Mangum and Tara O’Shea made sure my website and graphic needs were met with sleep and élan. I couldn’t do this without them.

My agent, Diana Fox, never lost faith in me, even when I explained that my latest project involved fighting evil through the power of ballroom dance, while Sheila Gilbert and the entire team at DAW worked to make this book a thousand times better than it was to start. My cover artist, Aly Fell, was a dream come true. I am so blessed.

Thanks to Kate Secor and Michelle Dockrey for sharing my time with fictional people, to my mother, for cat-sitting during convention season, and to Jude Feldman and the staff at Borderlands Books, for everything. Any errors in this book are entirely my own. The errors that aren’t here are the ones that all these people helped me fix.
