Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, 3:17 A.M.

During the administration of Harry Truman, the White House was virtually gutted and rebuilt due to the weakened condition of its centuries-old wooden beams and interior walls. The Trumans moved across the street to Blair House and, from 1948 to 1952, new foundations were laid and the decaying wooden struts were replaced by steel girders. A basement was also excavated, ostensibly to provide more storage space. In fact, it was created to provide safe areas for the president and members of his staff and family in the event of nuclear attack. Over the years, the basement was secretly expanded to include offices, command headquarters, medical facilities, surveillance posts, and recreational areas. It is now comprised of four levels that go down over two hundred feet.

All four basement levels are only accessible by a pair of elevators. These are located in both the East and West Wings. The West Wing elevator is located a short distance west of the president’s private dining room, in a corner that is halfway between the Oval Office and the vice president’s office. The carriage is small and wood-paneled and holds six people comfortably. Access to the elevator is gained by thumbprint identification. There is a small green monitor to the right of the door for this purpose. Since the White House recreation areas are down there, all the members of the First Family have access to the elevator.

Hood went to the vice president’s office and waited outside. Because the vice president was at the White House, there was a secret service agent standing a little farther along the corridor. The vice president’s office was close to the State Dining Room, where the original White House meets the newer, century-old West Wing.

Hood was there less than a minute when Megan Lawrence arrived. The First Lady was dressed in a medium-length white skirt and a red blouse with a blue scarf. She was wearing very little makeup. Her fair skin made her silver hair seem darker.

The secret service agent wished the First Lady a good morning as she passed. Megan smiled back at the young man and then continued on. She embraced Hood warmly.

“Thank you for coming down,” Hood said.

Megan put her arm through his and turned toward the elevator. That gave her a reason to stand close to Hood and talk quietly. The secret service man was behind them.

“How are you going to handle this?” she asked.

“It’s going to be a tough, uphill fight,” Hood admitted. “Back in the Oval Office, the president was very focused. If your husband has had doubts about his ability to function, then what Fenwick and the others have given him is the perfect remedy. A crisis. They couldn’t have planned it better. The president seemed to be putting a lot of trust in what Fenwick was telling him. He needed to. It was helping him get his confidence back.”

“So you said,” the First Lady remarked. “And they’re all lies.”

“I’m certain of it,” Hood assured her. “The problem is, I don’t have hard evidence.”

“Then what makes you so sure they are lies?” the First Lady asked.

“I called Fenwick’s bluff when we were alone in the Cabinet Room,” Hood said. “I told him we had the terrorist who orchestrated the situation overseas. I told him the terrorist is going to tell us who he was working for. Meaning Fenwick. Fenwick told me I’ll never get the information to the president.”

They reached the elevator. Megan gently put her thumb on the screen. There was a faint hum behind it.

“Fenwick will deny he ever threatened you,” she pointed out.

“Of course he will,” Hood said. “That’s why I need you to get the president away from the meeting. Tell him you need to see him for five minutes. If I did that, Fenwick and his people would chew me up. But they’ll be very reluctant to attack you. That would turn the president against them.”

“All right,” Megan replied. The door slid open. The First Lady and Hood stepped in. She pressed button S1—Sublevel One. The door closed, and the elevator began to move.

“There’s a guard downstairs,” Megan said. “He’s going to have to call ahead. I don’t have access to the Situation Room.”

“I know,” Hood replied. “Hopefully, someone other than Fenwick or Gable will answer the phone.”

“What if I, can only get my husband alone? Just the two of us,” Megan asked. “I get his attention. Then what?”

“Tell him what you’ve noticed over the past few weeks,” Hood said. “Talk to him honestly about what we’re afraid of, that Fenwick has been manipulating him. Buy me time, even if it’s only two or three hours. I need that to get the evidence to stop a war.”

The elevator stopped. The door opened. Outside was a brightly lit corridor. The walls were white and lined with paintings of American military officers and famous battles from the Revolution to the present. The Situation Room was located at the end of the corridor behind two black double doors.

A young, blond, fresh-faced marine guard was seated at a desk to the right of the elevator. There was a telephone, a computer, and a lamp on the desk. On a metal stand to his left were several security monitors.

The guard rose and looked from Hood to Megan. “Good morning, Mrs. Lawrence,” he said. “Up kind of early for a swim,” he added with a smile.

“Up kind of late, Corporal Cain,” she smiled back. “This is my guest, Mr. Hood. And I’m not going for a swim.”

“I didn’t think so, ma’am,” he replied. The guard’s eyes shifted to Hood. “Good morning, sir.”

“Good morning,” Hood said.

“Corporal, would you please phone the president?” Megan said. “Tell him I need to speak with him. Privately, in person.”

“Certainly,” the guard said.

Cain sat and picked up the phone. He punched in the extension of the Situation Room.

Hood did not often pray, but he found himself praying that someone other than one of Fenwick’s people was there to answer the phone.

A moment later, the guard said, “The First Lady is here to see the president.”

The guard fell silent then. Hood and Megan stood still in the quiet corridor. The only sound was a high faint whine that came from the security monitors.

After a moment, the guard looked up. “No, sir,” he said. “She’s with a gentleman. A Mr. Hood.” The guard fell silent again.

That wasn’t a good sign. Only one of Fenwick’s people would have thought to ask that question.

After several seconds the guard said, “Yes, sir,” and hung up. He rose and looked at the First Lady. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I’ve been told that the meeting can’t be interrupted.”

“Told by whom?” she asked.

“Mr. Gable, ma’am.”

“Mr. Gable is trying to keep Mr. Hood from delivering an important message to the president,” Megan said. “A message that may prevent a war. I need to see my husband.”

“Corporal,” Hood said. “You’re a military man. You don’t have to take orders from a civilian. I’m going to ask you to place the call again. Ask to speak to an officer, and repeat the First Lady’s message.”

“If Mr. Gable gives you trouble, I will take responsibility,” Megan said.

Corporal Cain hesitated, but only for a moment. He picked up the phone and remained standing as he punched in the extension.

“Mr. Gable?” he said. “I would like to speak with General Burg.”

General Otis Burg was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“No, sir,” Cain said after a moment. “This is a military matter, sir. A security issue.”

There was another pause. Hood tasted something tart in the back of his throat. He realized, after a moment, that it was blood. He was biting his tongue. He relaxed.

A few seconds later, Corporal Cain’s voice and demeanor changed. His posture was stiffer, his tone formal. He was speaking with General Burg.

Cain repeated the request. Several seconds after that, the young Corporal hung up. He looked at the First Lady.

“Your husband will see you both,” he said proudly.

Megan smiled and thanked him.

Hood and Megan turned and hurried down the corridor to the Situation Room.
