The decision has already been made to keep him in the hospital for at least the next few days, rather than transferring him to the prison infirmary. I support the decision and would have fought for it if there was resistance. If solitary confinement in the prison couldn’t prevent this attack, the infirmary would be a shooting gallery.

There are two guards outside Billy’s room when I arrive. He looks like he’s been through a meat grinder, but he does not seem the type to complain about it. “You okay?” I ask. “Are they treating you well?”

“No problem, although what the hell is the deal with this male nurse thing?”

“You’ve got a male nurse?”

“Damn straight; he’s gotta be six foot two. He wanted to sponge me down. I told him if he tried it, he’d be taking my bed in intensive care.”

“Do you need anything?”

He nods. “Yeah. I need you to get me out of here.”

“The hospital?” I ask.

“No… prison. But first tell me about Milo. I heard you got him off.”

“Yes. We prevailed.”

“Man, Pete was right. You must be good. Where’s Milo now?”

“Still at the shelter. I should have him out by tomorrow. Which brings up the question of what I should do with him.”

“Can you hold on to him until you get me out?”

“What makes you think you’re getting out?”

“If you go to the prosecutor, I think he’ll be willing to make a deal.”

“You’re going to plead?”

He shakes his head. “I’m going to trade.”

“Billy, I don’t think you get it. First of all, I’m not your lawyer; I only represented you for the purpose of getting Milo out. Second of all, if I was your lawyer, I wouldn’t put up with this cryptic bullshit.”

He is aware that I’m angry, and backs off immediately. “Okay, I’m sorry, you’re right. I need you to be my lawyer, full-time. I want you to do for me what you did for Milo.”

“No thanks. I’ve got all the clients I need.”

“Do it as a favor for Pete.”

“Been there, done that. Besides, he hasn’t asked me to represent you,” I point out.

“He will.” When I don’t respond, he says, “Come on, man, I’m a wounded veteran. Don’t you care about your country? What do I have to do?” he asks. “Sing ‘God Bless America’?”

There’s something obnoxiously charming about Billy, but I’ve always been able to resist obnoxious charm. Maybe it’s because I possess so much of it myself. The truth is, I don’t want this case; in fact, I don’t want any case. But I also can’t leave him confined to this hospital bed with no one to help him.

“All right,” I say. “I’ll compromise with you. I’ll handle your plea bargain—”

He interrupts to correct me. “Trade.”

I nod. “Trade. But you’re going to tell me what it is you have to trade. I’m not going in there unless I know what I’m talking about.”

He thinks for a moment, weighing his options, and then nods. “Okay. Jack Erskine… the guy that was killed… if there was ever someone on this planet who deserved to die, it was him.”
