Part 1


FROM: Director, Turadup, William and Schaper, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

TO: All expatriate staff

DATE: 15 Shawal / 3 July 1985

I need not remind anyone of this week’s tragic events involving Turadup employees. In order to safeguard the company’s position in these very difficult times, I must request all staff and families about to depart on leave to behave as follows:

a. Refrain from talking to the press—whatever your holiday destination.

b. Refrain from public speculation about the recent deaths—remember that the matter is still under investigation by the Saudi police and Her Majesty’s representatives.

c. Exercise the utmost caution in personal conduct between now and your departure—dispose (carefully) of all items or substances which could attract the interest of the police, and do not leave your compound without your documents.

I feel sure that if these precautions are observed, we may expect a continuance of good relations with the Saudi authorities, and a smooth passage into the next Five-Year Plan.

May I take this opportunity to wish you, on behalf of Daphne and myself, a pleasant vacation and a safe return to the Kingdom after Haj. Sincerely—

Eric Parsons
