It was a week later that I had the most shameful humiliation of all. Mr. Raleigh was driving to town that morning to buy supplies and foodstuffs, and would be gone till the next evening. Just before he left, he told me to get Rosa. When I brought her back, he said calmly to her, “I shan't be back till tomorrow night, and I expect you and Selena to behave. Lucille will tell me whether you did or not. However, as Lucille herself is my ward and subject to my discipline, you are to watch her conduct about the house. I'll phone you this evening to learn whether she's been a good girl, Rosa.”

“Oh, M-Mr. Raleigh,” I gasped, turning a violent red with mortification and feeling the tears come to my eyes.

“Goodbye, my dear.” He ignored my outburst. “I trust Rosa won't have any bad reports to give me about you, Lucille. Keep an eye on both the girls and be truthful when I ask you on the phone tonight about their behavior.” With that he left and got into the car and drove away.

Rosa and I were both very red in the face and could hardly look at each other. Mr. Raleigh had pitted us against each other, and I was dying of embarrassment to think that like a schoolgirl I'd be “reported” on by her, just as I knew it must rankle her pride to have me, who was younger than she, have to tell Mr. Raleigh about whether this beautiful young servant had “behaved herself.”

I had some housework and studying to do assigned to me by Mr. Raleigh and I occupied myself with it through the afternoon. At lunch, which Rosa served me in my room, I blushed violently to have to see her after what Mr. Raleigh had said to both of us. It was eight o'clock in the evening when the phone rang, and I answered it. It was Mr. Raleigh. He chatted a bit pleasantly, then asked me if Selena and Rosa had been good girls and done their work. I told him yes, and then he asked to bring Rosa to the phone. Uneasily, I went to get her and then waited nervously. I heard her say, glancing at me wide-eyed, “Yes, sir, if you say so-oh, yes, of course I will, sir. You'll be home day after tomorrow, in the morning? Shall I have breakfast ready for you, Mr. Raleigh? All right, sir… goodbye.”

She hung up and turned to me, eyes avoiding mine carefully.

“What is it, Rosa?” I asked curiously, feeling a premonition of something wrong.

“Mis' Lucille,'' she blurted, getting red in the face and still avoiding my gaze, “the Master, he tell me… I… I… got to spank you tonight before you go to bed. An' tomorrow night, S-Selena, she have to do it.”

“Oh, no. Oh, Rosa, no,” I cried frantically, turning redder than she in my stupefaction. “Surely he didn't say that? But… but… didn't he ask you how… how… I was today and you know I didn't do anything wrong.”

“He… asked me, all right. But then when I tell him, he say to me, Rosa, Miss Lucille, she needs to be kept obedient, and I won't be home to do it tonight or tomorrow night. So tonight you give her a spanking and have Selena give her one tomorrow night. That's what he say, Mis' Lucille, don't be mad… I–I'm awful sorry, honest… You know I don't want to do such a thing but Mr. Raleigh, he say if I or Selena don't obey him, he gives us both a good hard whipping with the birch when he gets home. Please, Mis' Lucille, don't hold it against me. I only have to carry out his orders, you know that.”

I burst into tears. This seemed the final blow of humiliation. I couldn't bear the thought of having this beautiful young woman shame me and so carry out an order by proxy… and… and then Selena, who wasn't much older than I was… Oh, it was terrible for Mr. Raleigh to think of a horrid, shameful thing like that. “Oh, Rosa, Rosa, please, please, let… let me call him up if you know where he is… I–I'd rather take a worse spanking and get it from him,” I sobbed.

She shook her head, “No ma'am, he told me you might say that, an' he say for me to tell you that if you don't let me 'n Selena spank you, he going to look at you when he comes home Friday morning and if he see your b-bottom isn't spanked, he going to whip us both awful hard and give you the hardest spanking he ever gave you, Mis' Lucille. That's what he say!”

“Oh, Lord, oh, it's awful,” I groaned, wringing my hands in anguish.

“I know, Mis' Lucille, I'm awfully sorry, an' I sure don't want to do it to you, but I don't dare disobey Mr. Raleigh, no more than you do. You know that,” she said compassionately. “Besides, he told me Selena was to watch an' see I gave you a good spanking tonight, an' tomorrow night. I have to watch her spank you, to make sure… what he say… your bottom gets what it needs… Oh, Mis' Lucille, please forgive me. That's just what the master said.”

I was in an agony of fearful humiliation and distress. If only he'd have put off my punishment — though I hadn't done anything wrong, I knew — and given me double when he did it himself, it wouldn't have been so hard to bear. But to do this… And then I remembered how he had made me “prepare” Rosa. And this was no doubt his cruel, mocking way of showing me that in his home I was no more immune from punishment than Rosa and Selena. Never had I so felt the degradation of my position with him as now. I knew too with sinking heart that to try to resist or evade the spankings would mean that I would be severely whipped and heaven knows how often or what other forms of “discipline" Mr. Raleigh would devise. I had to submit myself humbly, as if it were directly to him himself, but the worst part was having one of the girls watch this while I was being spanked by the other. I groaned, “Oh, R-Rosa, please, I… if I let you… tonight… please, don't have Selena there to see. C-can't you do it yourself the-the way he wants? I promise I'll never tell him she wasn't there. Surely you can do that much for me. I'll die of shame if anybody sees while you-you do it to me.”

She shook her head slowly, looking down sorrowfully at the floor. “Oh, no, I can't do that, Mis' Lucille. I'd sure want to, I know how you feel, sure enough I do, Mis' Lucille, but he tells me just what to do and he said Selena she got to watch tonight and me tomorrow when Selena does it. Mis' Lucille, please don't take it so hard. You know it isn't me wanting to do this to you, don't you?”

“Y-yes I know, Rosa,” I sobbed, trying to control my tears. “I mean…” I couldn't go on, my throat choked up so.

“Just before you go to bed, Mis' Lucille, you supposed to-to take off all your clothes.”

“Oh, Lord-oh, Rosa, please, no, no, he didn't say that, surely,” I cried in despair.

But she shook her head again impassively, and replied dolefully, “That's just what Mr. Raleigh say, Mis' Lucille. I'm bound to tell the truth. All your clothes and then get over my lap after you give me the hairbrush. When I finished spanking, then you have to… to… thank me for doing it for Mr. Raleigh. That's just what he say again, Mis' Lucille. And then put on your nightie and go to sleep.”

I burst into tears and buried my face in my hands, weeping hopelessly while she shook her head compassionately and left the room. I ran up to my room and threw myself on the bed and cried like a child for a long time, despondent, forsaken in my shame and loneliness. I had no parents anymore, no friends who would help me, no money or any way to get it and escape Mr. Raleigh. No, no, I was his slave now, and he was showing me by this supremely humiliating order, passed on to someone else, a servant in his home, that he meant to do whatever he liked with me.

But slowly I resigned myself to my ordeal, though the thought of it made me groan and blush violently: to have to strip naked before those two lovely girls and put myself across one of their laps while the other watched to make sure my-my bottom was… well… spanked. Oh, Lord, what agonizing shame for a girl. But-but I had to accept my fate. I had to… and-and the sooner it was over with, the better, so far as my shame and humiliation were concerned. I lay there trembling and blushing, reliving in my mind all the things Mr. Raleigh had done to me since that first terrible evening when he had made me strip naked in front of my parents and appraised me and then bought me as his slave girl. Time dragged slowly. I was dying of anxiety. Once or twice I got up with the idea of going to Rosa and asking her to do it now and get it over with, but my pride and shame prevented it. It was not till quarter past ten that there was a knock on my door. I had been sitting in the armchair, with a book, whose pages I mechanically turned but without seeing. I dropped the book with a gasp and stammered, “C-come in.” The door opened, and Rosa entered, looking very embarrassed, and behind her was Selena, both in their black silk dresses, white aprons, and dainty little lace caps which Mr. Raleigh made them wear in their service.

“It-it's time, Mis' Lucille,” Rosa said, not unkindly, clearing her throat nervously. Tears came to my eyes and I clenched my hands in an agony of nervous mortification, but I determined not to cry or make a spectacle of myself. Yes, the best way was to face it quickly and have it over with, then I could be left to myself and cry in my despair at the awful way Mr. Raleigh treated me. I said nothing, but began slowly to undress, putting my dress and slip on a straightback chair near the bed. I took off my stockings and elastic garters, then my shoes, and I stood in my brassiere and step-ins, miserable with embarrassment. The two lovely colored girls stood looking down, Selena behind Rosa, trying to be as self-effacing and impersonal as possible. And I was grateful for this consideration. I could not put this awful moment off any longer and so, with a stifled little sob, I took off my brassiere and then hesitantly slipped down my step-ins and, stepping out of them quickly with a gasp that made my whole body shudder, picked them up and put them with my brassiere on the chair over my dress and slip.

Rosa had gone over to the armchair and seated herself smoothing her skirt and keeping her eyes away from me. I realized now that I had to bring her the hairbrush. Selena stood beside the chair, glancing covertly at me, and I felt my face and throat and forehead burn with shame as I walked to the dresser and got the hairbrush and slowly came back with it. Trying not to look at Rosa, I handed it to her, and then, biting my lips and closing my eyes, I laid myself down across her ample lap.

“Mis' Lucille,” Rosa murmured softly, “Selena, she supposed to hold your hands so you won't get off or try to stop me.”

I uttered a choking cry of dismay and nervous despair.

“Oh no, no, no, Rosa… Pl-please, don't. No, I promise I won't do that, don't make me do it, Rosa, please don't, this is just awful without-without doing that,” I groaned.

“I–I sorry, Mis' Lucille, but the Master tell me that what you have to do. He say he going to ask me if you did exactly what I told you,” Rosa replied.

I burst into a stifled sob, as I raised my arms and felt Selena grasp my hands quickly without a word. I cannot describe the atrocious despair and humiliation I felt now, draped over this beautiful girl's lap, waiting for her to spank my bare bottom with my own hairbrush while the other pretty servant was holding my hands and no doubt watching me to make sure, as Mr. Raleigh had commanded, that Rosa spanked me properly.

She put her left arm around my bare waist just as he had done, and that mortifying contact made me shudder and groan with my terrible humiliation. “Are-are you ready now, Mis' Lucille?” she asked nervously. “Please, please don't be angry with me for this. It's what Mr. Raleigh he done told me I have to do to you.”

“Yes, yes, oh, for Lord's sake do hurry and finish it, then, please, Rosa,” I groaned, “I'm so horribly ashamed.” And, bowing my head, abandoning myself across her lap, I waited with shuddering flesh and agonized soul for the first stinging noisy blow to fall on my quivering, tensing hindquarters.

The grasp of Selena's hands added immeasurably to my distress, for this additional witness of my own sex to my degradation was almost more than I thought I could bear. In a pitiful quivering torment of moral distress and with that physical apprehension which I can never get over no matter how many times I am spanked, I waited-waited for this designated by-proxy punishment Mr. Raleigh was inflicting on me. And so unjustly… All I could think of was that I must not cry or ask for mercy no matter how much it hurt, for Mr. Raleigh would, with his usual cruel fascination for all details pertaining to a girl being spanked or whipped, ask the girls how I had taken my correction.

And then suddenly the back of the hairbrush cracked soundly against one of my bottom cheeks: the spanking had begun. I steeled my muscles against it, clenched my lips tightly and kept my eyes closed. I heard the girls' quickening breaths, and even that impersonal sound seemed like a new shame added to my misery. Holding my waist tightly with her arm curved over me, Rosa smacked my naked upturned bottom with the hairbrush with a slow, methodical rhythm, first on one side and then the other. She spanked hard too, almost as hard as Mr. Raleigh would have done, and as the smarting spread over my quivering rear, I found it more and more difficult to lie passive across her lap. My fingers shifted and tensed in Selena's hold, which shamed me fearfully. Rosa descended the hairbrush emphatically, and I felt it land in progressive measure from the top of my behind to the base of it, just as Mr. Raleigh would have done. I had not the least doubt that my lovely disciplinarian was adapting herself to this new role based on her own experiences under Mr. Raleigh's punishing hand.

As the blows succeeded one another and the stinging of my bottom grew more and more pronounced-happily I had been able to suppress all my cries and only allowed feverish gasps of pain to escape my tightened lips, though the warmth of my bare bottom now was making my hips twist and start a little every time the hairbrush smacked it-I began to wonder whether Mr. Raleigh had given Rosa any orders as to the length of the punishment and, with this thought remaining in my mind as she continued with inexorable regularity to spank my squirming and burning bottom, I gasped, “Oh, oh… please, Rosa, t-tell me h-how many times must I bear it before it is over. Please tell me so-so I can know what to expect and endure it submissively.”

“The Master say till all your bottom is very red, Mis' Lucille,” Rosa said softly, in a gentle voice in which I detected sympathy and perhaps admiration for the stoicism I had thus far shown. “An' he say Selena she supposed to say when that time come.”

“Not yet, Mis' Lucille,” Selena spoke up, tensing her hold on my trembling hands. “I awful sorry to have to say and do these things, jist lak' Rosa, but it what the Master he orders me to do, please, Mis' Lucille.”

“Oh… oh d-dear… it's all-all right… only please get it over quickly, then, Rosa,” I gasped tearfully, gritting my teeth and preparing my stinging naked flesh anew.

“Yes, Mis' Lucille, I know how it must hurt,” Rosa responded. And with this I felt the hairbrush crack down again on the middle of one of the throbbing naked cheeks of my bottom. I started nervously with a gasp, for it had been so awfully hard and crossed and tightened my bare legs, bowing my head again, which I had raised in my convulsive movement under the resumed punishment. I had tried to count, and believed it was about twenty-four spanks she had given me thus far. I was sure my bottom was very red by now, for it certainly pained me very much. But I suppressed the desire to ask, for my shame was already so great that tears were blurring my eyes, and I waited wretchedly in my humiliation for the rest of my spanking.

Rosa did not hurry. Much to my despair, she continued the same methodical way of spanking my bare bottom: first smacking one cheek and then the other, beginning at the top of my seat and so progressing down to my thighs, then spanking me gradually back to the top of my bottom again. By forty, I was crying uncontrollably and fidgeting and rubbing my thighs together back and forth and uncrossing and crossing my ankles, for I had tried desperately not to kick as that would have been too shameful an evidence of my suffering. My bottom burned me terribly, but the prolonged time of this proxy discipline, as Mr. Raleigh called it, was perhaps the worst to bear. If only she would hit me more rapidly, I feverishly told myself. Oh, how much more did I have to endure?

She kept on now, after a slight pause… forty-four… forty-six, forty-seven. And at the forty-eighth spank which bit harshly into the base of my throbbing, furiously burning hindquarters, I raised my head, my heels kicked to-and-fro, and I sobbed tearfully, “Oh, please, please! Isn't it over yet? Please, it hurts dreadfully. Please. I'm sure my-my b-bottom…

Rosa's arm tightened round my waist and I heard her say comfortingly, “Not yet, Mis' Lucille honey. Now you just be a brave little girl for awhile, and it will be over soon. That right, Selena?”

“Uh huh, Rosa. Her bottom's gittin' awful red now. But you tell me Mr. Raleigh done told you Mis' Lucille, she supposed to get a good hard spanking,” said Selena in her sweetly husky voice.

“Oh, Lord, oh, my bottom hurts me terribly already, Selena,” I sobbed, forgetting all my pride in the face of this complacent sentencing to more suffering. “I've had a good hard spanking already. Oh, please, it's as bad as Mr. Raleigh ever gave me.” And then I turned red and caught my breath sobbingly for this admission before the lovely servant girls seemed the very utmost of my humiliation.

“Now you lie still an' grit your teeth, Mis' Lucille honey, and we'll finish up very soon,” Rosa said comfortingly to me, patting my bottom with the hairbrush, no doubt meant for a sympathetic gesture, but one that made me burst into tears of shame and misery. Then again I felt the sharp loud cracks of the brush descending on my writhing, squirming, burning bare seat, and I cried out in suffering, my hips and legs getting out of control from the violation of my nerves. I kicked my legs frantically, squirming over her lap, and I felt Selena tighten her grasp on my twisting hands.

“Oh, please, oh, please, no more, oh, ow… oh. Rosa, please let me off now,” I sobbed frantically, turning my tear-stained face back to her just as I had done with Mr. Raleigh, forgetting all my resolutions before the terribly smarting, throbbing, searing of my naked hindquarters.

“I think she had enough, Rosa. How about it?” Selena said.

“Yes! Oh thank heavens.” I sobbed in relief, wanting to plunge my hands to my furiously swollen bottom and soothe the gnawing heat that invaded every inch of it. It was Selena who, murmuring words of sympathy, helped me rise, weeping bitterly and rubbing my seat unashamedly as I stood trembling, head bowed, before the beautiful servant who had spanked me so severely at Mr. Raleigh's order…

After a time to let me exhale my sobs and tears, Rosa stammered, “You-you have to-to thank me, Mis' Lucille-just like Mr. Raleigh said. Please don't be mad with me, Mis' Lucille, it-it makes me want to cry to spank you so hard… You know why I had to do it…”

Mastering my sobs, I managed at last to falter out the atrociously humiliating formula Mr. Raleigh had exacted: “Th-thank you R-Rosa for sp-spanking me in-in Mr. R-Raleigh's place.”

“Y-yes, oh Lord t-till t-tomorrow night,” I groaned miserably, as I stumbled to my dresser and took out the black silk nightdress which was my only one and which held such terrible associations for me of punishment, humiliation, and physical repugnance.

I got into bed, lying there on my sides, my poor bottom feverishly throbbing, and could hardly say good night when they both said it to me, turned out the light, and left the room.
