
A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.

al-Abadi, Haider, 314

ABC, 32–35, 40, 340, 342

abortion, 24–25

Access Hollywood tape, 29–37, 39, 43

Afghanistan/Afghanistan War, 115–28, 254–60

Bannon and, 122–23, 124, 125, 126, 127, 195–96, 254

CIA and, 119, 123, 126, 255, 257–58

civilian scenario planning on, 313–14

decision on policy regarding, 254–60

enlisted soldiers, Trump’s meeting with, 123–24

Graham on, 121–22, 123, 126–28, 259, 316

Harvey on, 108, 109

as House of Broken Toys, 314

India on, 125

Kabul, extent of violence in, 311, 312

Mattis and, 50, 51, 123, 124, 125–26, 196, 256, 258, 260, 313

McMaster on, 117–21, 122, 123–26, 254, 255–56, 257, 258, 259, 260, 310–11, 314

mineral wealth of, 125, 309–11

MOP used in, 184

Nicholson on, 311–13

NSC meetings and strategizing, 117–21, 124–26, 254–60

under Obama, 116, 117–18, 120, 127, 128

poppy fields, 125

as quagmire, 229, 246

R4s (reinforce, realign, reconcile, and regionalize), 121, 123, 258

South Korea compared, 313

strategy in, 115–28, 221–22, 254–60

Taliban, 116, 118–19, 121–23, 125–27, 255, 258, 260, 311–13

Trump asking McEntee about, 231

Trump briefed on, 124–26

Trump’s desire to pull out of, 229–30, 314–15

Trump’s opposition to war, 115–16, 120, 314

“victory” in, 260, 311–13

AFL-CIO, 248

African countries, immigrants from, 320

agricultural products, trade in, 158–61, 220, 341

Ailes, Roger, 12–13

Air Force One, 145, 229, 234, 241, 259, 271, 279, 281, 352, 353

Airborne Early Warning aircraft, 184

al Qaeda, 51, 72–75, 108, 112, 116, 256, 257

al-Abadi, Haider, 314

al-Assad, Bashar, 131, 146–47, 149–53

Aliyev, Ilham, 309

Alliance for American Manufacturing, 248

aluminum tariffs, 223, 273, 277, 337

American Manufacturing Council, 247–48

antibiotics produced by China, 275


Access Hollywood tape and, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36

of Flynn for leading “Lock Her Up” chant, 60

of Graham for Republican majority, 101

Trump’s difficulties with making, 34, 242, 244, 249

Apple, 190

The Apprentice (TV show), 2

arms deals, 220

Article II powers of president, 326, 328, 350, 356

al-Assad, Bashar, 131, 146–47, 149–53

assassination ban, 181

assassination/replacement of Kim Jong Un, proposals regarding, 181–84, 282

The Atlantic, 339

Augusta National Golf Club, Masters Tournament at, 339


refugee agreement, 207

steel tariffs exemption for, 207–9

automotive industry, 58, 142, 175, 223, 276–77, 335

autonomous vehicles, economic impact of, 58

Azerbaijan, 309

B-2 stealth bombers, 178

Baier, Bret, 285

Baker, James A., III, 54

Baltics, Russia on war in, 132

Banana Republic, 136

bankruptcies of Trump, 274–75

Bannon, Steve (Stephen K.)

Access Hollywood tape and, 31–33, 34, 35, 37

Afghanistan War and, 122–23, 124, 125, 126, 127, 257, 259, 260

appearance and demeanor of, 8

Bossie and, making inquiries about Trump candidacy, 1–7

campaign strategy of, 25–26

Charlottesville, media view of Trump after, 253, 254

as “chief strategist,” 48

Christie and, 35, 37

Comey, firing of, 162, 163, 165

on election night, 45, 46, 47, 214–15

in final ten days of campaign, 43–44, 45

foreign policy, on lack of organizing principle for, 195–96

foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

Graham and, 186–88

on immigration, 185–88, 267–68, 321

Kelly and, 253–54, 261

Kushner and Ivanka Trump, problems with, 144–45, 186

Mannafort, meeting with, 20–22

McMaster, appointment of, 86–87, 88, 89, 90

on Melania Trump, 32, 299

on Middle East, 297–98, 307

on military families, and Trump, 75

money for transition team and, 40–41, 42

Mueller investigation, testimony in, 352

on North Korea, 259

on Paris Climate Accord, 190, 191, 192

presidential campaign, takeover of, 8–16, 19–24

Priebus and, 48, 144, 145, 236–37

Priebus on, 236–37

resignation of, 254, 259, 267, 321

on Saudi Arabia, 114, 298

second presidential debate and, 38–39

Sessions, Trump’s attack on, 214–15

on Syrian air strike, 148, 149–50, 151

#TimesUp and #MeToo movements, 299–300

on trade/trade agreements/trade deficit, 140

on transgender troops, 201, 203

Trump, breakdown in relationship with, 190, 297–301

Trump presidency as viewed by, 297–300

White House staffing in transition period and, 51, 55

Yemen strike and, 72–73, 75

Bedminster, Trump National Golf Club at, 12, 51, 229, 238, 240, 248, 261

Beirut, bombing of Marine Barracks in (1983), 52

Bernanke, Ben, 233

Biden, Joe, 99, 122

bin Laden, Osama, 108, 116

bipartisanship, 99, 103, 217, 218

Blackwater (defense contractor), 122

Bloomberg, 199, 339

Blue Lightning, 279

Blue Room (White House), 104

Bolton, John, 87–88

Bortnikov, Alexander, 28

Bossert, Tom, 339–42

Bossie, David, 1–7, 40, 145

Boston bombers, 207

Brady, Kevin, 291, 292, 294

Brazile, Donna, 30

Breitbart News, 8, 9, 22, 39

Breitbart News Daily (radio show), 13

Brennan, John O., 28, 62, 63, 64, 68, 182–83

Britain. See United Kingdom

Broaddrick, Juanita, 38, 39

Brzezinski, Mika, 205, 206

Building and Construction Trades, 335

Bunker, Archie, Trump compared to, 3, 25

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 138

Bush, George H. W., 76

Bush, George W., 31, 64, 76, 93, 105, 116, 117, 137, 182, 185, 260, 274, 314, 318

Bush, Jeb, 17, 100

BuzzFeed, 69

Cabinet Room (White House), 251, 317, 337

Camp David, 146, 254

Campbell Soup, 248


case for free trade with, 220

Chinese intellectual property violations and, 272

NAFTA, 135, 142, 155–58, 160, 233, 264, 274

Caslen, Robert, 88–89

CBS, 246, 302

CBS This Morning, 65, 181

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Afghanistan War and, 119, 123, 126, 255, 257–58

intelligence standards, 63–64

Iran nuclear deal and, 132

Iraq, WMD allegations against, 64

North Korea and, 180, 183, 308

permanent government institutions, power of, 162

Russian meddling in election and, 28–29, 62–71

Saddam Hussein, efforts to remove, 182–83

on Saudis, 111

Syria, Saudi Arabia funding operations in, 303

chain immigration (family reunification policy), 186–87, 268, 321

change agent, Trump as, 15, 297

Charlottesville, 238–52

CEO comments on, 247–48

Cohn’s response to, 248–51

Congressional comments on, 239–40

media coverage of Trump and, 253–54

military comments on, 246

Mnuchin on, 250

Porter’s response to presidential comments about, 247, 252

Trump comments on, 239, 240–47, 249

video watched by Trump, 248–49

white supremacist march in, 238–39

chemical weapons attack on Syrian rebels, air strike in retaliation for (April 2017), 146–54

Cheney, Dick, 49

Child Tax Credit, 293–94


Afghanistan’s mineral wealth and, 125, 309, 311

agricultural trade with, 158–61, 220, 341

antibiotics produced by, 275

Bannon on, 196, 297, 298

Bossert on trade with, 339–42

as currency manipulator, 223

cyber wars with, 339–40, 341

economy of, compared to U.S., 298

intellectual property violations, 301 investigation into, 272–73, 336, 337

jobs lost to, 6, 15

McMaster on, 232

North Korea and, 97, 102, 105, 179, 180, 272, 282

presidential election interference and, 65, 69

Syrian air strike and, 151, 153

tariffs and, 135, 159, 174

Tillerson on, 229

U.S., policy leaders’ views on, 196, 297

U.S. in Afghanistan and, 313

WTO disputes with, 276

Christian Broadcasting Network, 328

Christie, Chris, 12, 13, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42

CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

Citizens United, 1

Clapper, James, 27, 29, 62–64, 65, 67–68, 70, 93, 96–97, 147

Clean Power Plan, 192

climate change, Paris Accord on, 189–94

Clinton, Bill, 30, 32–33, 38, 39, 84, 93, 105, 164, 165, 181, 183, 321, 351, 352

Clinton, Hillary

Comey, firing of, 163, 164

on election night, 45–46, 47

email investigations, 163, 172–73, 327, 331, 350

Haitians accusing Clintons of corruption, 321

“Lock Her Up” chant against, 43, 60

Jill McCabe campaign donations attributed by Trump to, 84

North Korea and, 92

in presidential campaign, 9, 10, 13, 15–16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 44, 134

Russian election meddling and, 60, 63, 67, 84, 172–73, 197, 349

on Trump and nuclear threat, 301

Ukraine presidential campaign sabotage in favor of, Russian propaganda about, 230

CNN, 17, 36, 38, 39, 85, 164, 165, 195, 205, 241, 299

Coats, Dan, 110, 180

Cobb, Ty, 171, 325–26, 348, 351, 353, 354

Cohen, Michael, 172, 199

Cohen, William, 181

Cohn, Gary

on Afghanistan’s mineral wealth, 310

bankruptcies of Trump and, 274–75

Charlottesville, response to, 243, 248–51

China’s intellectual property violations and, 272–73

as Democrat, 55–56, 60

disorder and disruption in White House and, 261, 264, 265, 266, 270, 271

on economy, 55–60, 274

foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

jobs offered by Trump to, 58–60

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii, xviii–xix, xx–xxi, 233, 264, 265, 305

on NAFTA, 156, 158, 274

Navarro and, 277–78

NEC director, appointment as, 59–60

Paris Climate Accord and, 191–93

Pence and, 277

resignation of, 337–39

Russian election meddling/collusion/Mueller investigation and, 165, 230

Syrian air strike and, 150

on tariffs, 158, 160, 175, 208–9, 232–33, 266–67, 273–74, 277, 334, 335, 336, 337

on tax reform, 57, 249–50, 251, 267, 289–95

on trade/trade agreements/trade deficit, 135–38, 140, 141, 143, 273–78

Twitter, efforts to control president’s use of, 206

Cohn, Lisa, 60

Colbert, Stephen, 246

Collins, Susan, 206, 295

collusion with Russia. See Mueller investigation; Russia, collusion with

Colombia, Hezbollah in, 109

Comey, James

Hillary Clinton email investigations and, 163, 327, 331, 350

firing of, 162–66, 169, 216

Flynn investigation, Trump urging Comey to drop, 164, 169–70, 173

A Higher Loyalty, 66–67, 68–69, 70

on loyalty pledge, 317

Mueller investigation and, 326, 327, 328, 331, 345, 349, 350

Russia, intelligence report on, 62, 63, 66–67, 68–69, 70–71, 85

Congress. See also specific members of Congress by name

apologies of Graham for Republican majority, 101

Charlottesville, comments on, 239–40

free traders in, 267

Freedom Caucus, 43, 201

Gang of Eight briefings, 29, 62

Graham on state of, 101, 102

House Ethics Committee, 170

immigration, possible deal on, 317–23

immigration and, 186–87

Senate Armed Services Committee, 65, 99, 105, 255

tax reform and, 267, 291–93, 294, 295

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 322–23

Constitution, Article II powers of president in, 326, 328, 350, 356

Conway, Kellyanne, 16–18, 24–25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 46, 54, 65, 236, 237, 261

Cook, Tim, 190

Cooper, Anderson, 39

Corke, Kevin, 243

Corker, Bob, 253

corrupt intent, as focus of Mueller investigation, 346, 350

Costa, Bob, xiii, xxii

Cotton, Tom, 286

Coulter, Ann, 284

Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams (CTPT), 123, 255

CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), 322–23

Crane, Chris, 283

crowdsourcing by Trump, 231

CTPT (Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams), 123, 255

culture wars, 252

currency manipulation, 223

cyber attacks and cyber security, 92, 93, 97–98, 280, 339–40, 341

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), 185–88, 267, 285, 317, 318, 319, 321

Daily Mail (United Kingdom), 145

DCLeaks, 28

debt ceiling, 58, 292

decision memos, xix, 143, 190, 201, 202, 262–63, 266, 287, 336

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 185–88, 267, 285, 317, 318, 319, 321

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ; between North and South Korea), 94

Democratic National Committee (DNC), 28, 30, 327

Democratic National Convention, 24, 74, 301

Democrats. See also individual Democrats by name

donations by Trump to, 5

in Gang of Eight, 29, 62

Graham on bipartisanship, 103

on immigration, 217, 268, 317, 318, 319

Kushner and Ivanka described by Trump as, 144, 190

on Mueller investigation team, 169

tariffs and, 233

tax reform and, 291

Trump’s relationship to, 103

Virginia Democratic Party, 84

Deng, Wendi, 20

“deplorables,” 35, 355

Dereliction of Duty (McMaster), 86, 87, 117

DeStefano, Johnny, 132, 212

Deutsche Bank, records subpoenaed from, 326–27

Devos, Betsy, 123

Dimon, Jamie, 248

Diplomatic Reception Room (White House), 242

diversity lottery, 321

DMZ (Demilitarized Zone; between North and South Korea), 94

DNC (Democratic National Committee), 28, 30, 327

Dobbs, Lou, 284

domestic abuse allegations against Porter, 336

Donaldson, Annie, 198

donations to political parties/candidates by Trump, 5, 6

Donilon, Tom, and Donilon memo, 53

Donnelly, Sally, 195–96, 203

“dotard” remark of Kim Jong Un, 281

Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, 73

Dowd, Carole, 356

Dowd, John, 167–72, 173, 197–98, 199–201, 271, 324–33, 343–57

Dr. Strangelove (film), 301

Dreamers and DACA, 185–88, 267, 285, 317, 318, 319, 321

Duke, David, 246

Dunford, Joseph, 76, 77, 86, 99–100, 124, 132, 203, 222, 280, 302, 305, 306, 307, 308

Durbin, Dick, 185, 187, 188, 286, 318, 319–20

Earned Income Tax Credit, 293

economy. See also jobs; trade/trade deficits/trade agreements

autonomous vehicles, economic impact of, 58

Cohn’s initial meeting with Trump on, 55–60

conservative approach urged by Cohn, 274

financial crisis of 2008 (Great Recession), 137, 293

Graham on Trump’s success with, 316

of Russia, China, and U.S. compared, 298

of South Korea, 305

stock market, 194, 232, 242, 302, 334, 339

tariffs, effect of, 339

tax reform, increased economic growth as means of paying for, 291

U.S. as consumer-driven economy, 339

U.S. as trade-based economy, 56

World Economic Forum, Trump speech at (January 2018), 298–99

Egypt, release of U.S. charity worker imprisoned in, 324

El Salvador, immigrants from, 320

election campaign. See presidential election campaign

election night, 45–47

el-Sisi, Abdel Fattah, 324


Clinton email investigations, 163, 172–73, 327, 331, 350

from DNC server, 28

from Podesta’s personal account, 30, 36

employment. See jobs

England. See United Kingdom

Espy, Mike, 351

Europe/European Union. See also specific countries

Brexit referendum, 78

case for free trade with, 220

Chinese intellectual property violations and, 272

economic growth rate in, 78

Iran, trade with, 221, 223

executive privilege and presidential testimony in Mueller investigation, 351

“Executive Time” for Trump, 266

F-22s, 178

Face the Nation (TV show), 302

Facebook, 33, 39, 190, 206

Facts and Fears (Clapper), 70

Fahrenthold, David, 29

fake news, concept of, 164, 311, 357

family reunification policy (chain immigration), 186–87, 268, 321

FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation

fear, as real power, xiii, 175, 275, 300

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

firing of Comey and, 162

intelligence standards, 63

Kushner financial records sought by, 163

Mueller as director, 168, 170

Russian meddling in election and, 27, 62–71, 83–85, 330

fighting/pushing back, Trump’s belief in, 166, 174, 175, 176

financial crisis of 2008 (Great Recession), 137, 293

Financial Times, 8, 251

Fire and Fury (Wolff), 297

FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), 174

Flake, Jeff, 295

Flynn, Michael

Comey, firing of, 164

Comey on Trump asking him to drop investigation of, 164, 169–70, 173

lies and lying, 82, 198, 330, 345

as national security advisor to presidential campaign, 46

resignation of, 82, 330

Russia, interview with Woodward on, 60–61

Russian election meddling/collusion/Mueller investigation, 80–82, 169, 170, 173, 198, 327–30, 345, 348, 349, 353, 357

treason, denial of, 82

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 174

foreign policy. See also specific countries and issues

lack of organizing principle for, 195–96

Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

personal relationships, Trump’s belief in, 231–32

foreign wars, Trump on, 15, 229–30, 314. See also specific engagements

Fox News, 13, 49, 65, 87–88, 101, 107, 165, 231, 238, 242, 281, 283, 284, 328, 355

Fox News Sunday, 44, 71, 240

Frazier, Kenneth, 247

free trade and free trade agreements. See trade/trade deficits/trade agreements

Freedom Caucus, 43, 201

FSB (Russia), 28, 64

Fuentes, Zach, 285

“full Ginsburg,” 36

Fusion GPS, 327

G20, 179, 207–9

Galleon Group, 355

Gallucci, Robert, 95

Gang of Eight, 29, 62

Gap, 136

Gardner, Cory, 239

Gates, Rick, 348

Gates, Robert, 54

GBU-43/B (Mother of All Bombs or MOAB), 222

Geffen, David, 20

gender reassignment surgery for military personnel, 201–3

General Electric, 248

U.S.S Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), 213

Gergen, David, 164


American relationship with, 96

Deutsche Bank, Mueller investigation subpoenaing records from, 326

G20 summit in, 207

NATO spending, 76

trade deficit with, 275

Ghani, Ashraf, 126, 309

Ginsburg, William H., 36

Giuliani, Rudy, 4, 12, 13, 32, 33, 34, 36–37, 38

globalists and globalism, 51, 134, 143, 192, 220, 254, 278, 334, 335

Gold Star families, 73–75

Goldman Sachs, xvii, 26, 36, 41, 55, 135, 208, 234, 275, 290, 291

golf and golfing, 12, 13, 30, 106, 140, 166, 195, 238, 246, 249, 299, 316, 318, 320–21, 339

Gore, Al, 190

Gorsuch, Neil, 204

Graham, Lindsey

on Afghanistan War, 121–22, 123, 126–28, 259, 316

Biden on, 99

cell phone number given out by Trump, 100, 101

on Charlottesville, 240

on immigration, 185–88, 317–21

on libel laws, 318–19

on North Korea, 99–105, 281–82, 302

on removing U.S. dependents from South Korea, 302

on Sessions, 215

on Syrian air strike, 151–52

Trump calling, without going through Kelly, 286

Trump praised by, 316–17, 318–19

Grassley, Chuck, 295

Gray, C. Boyden, 76, 77, 78

Great Britain. See United Kingdom

Great Recession (financial crisis of 2008), 137, 293

Green Room (White House), 317

Greenspan, Alan, 233

Gridiron Dinner, 175–76

Gulf Cooperation Council, 114

Gulf War, 77, 117

The Guns of August (Tuchman), 280

Haberman, Maggie, 356

Haiti, 320, 321

Haley, Nikki, 179

“hammerheads,” 33

Handelsblatt, 326

Hanoi Hilton, 77

Haqqani Network, in Pakistan, 258

Harvey, Derek, 108–14, 147–48, 151, 154

Harward, Bob, 51–52

Hatch, Orrin, 239, 291, 293, 294

Heller, Dean, 295

Hezbollah, 54, 109–10, 113, 154, 229

Hicks, Hope, 20, 66, 165, 206, 252, 265, 270, 338, 356

“the hidden Trump voter,” 24–25

Hijazi, Aya, 324

Hiroshima, 181

Hitler, 239

Holbrooke, Richard, 127

Holder, Eric, 213

Holt, Lester, 164

Hoover, Herbert, 233

Hoover, J. Edgar, 63, 71

House Ethics Committee, 170

House of Broken Toys

Afghanistan as, 314

Iraqi Operations Group as, 182, 183

Huckabee Sanders, Sarah, 202–3, 241

human trafficking, 104–5

Hussein, Saddam, 65, 181–82, 185

Hwasong-14 (North Korean ICBM), 178

ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles), xviii, 60, 178–80, 230, 279, 302

ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) union, 283

Ignatius, David, 153


Australian refugee agreement, 207

border security, 320, 342

chain immigration (family reunification policy), 186–87, 268, 321

Cohn on U.S. as immigration center, 56

diversity lottery, 321

Dreamers and DACA, 185–88, 267, 285, 317, 318, 319, 321

Graham on, 185–88, 317–21

Mexicans called “rapists” by Trump, 11

Muslim ban, 100

Nielsen on, 284

possible deal on, 317–23

in presidential campaign, 15

“shithole countries” remark, 320–21

strategy on, 217

Trump’s rhyming snake story on, 322–23

wall, 175–76, 186, 284, 285, 317, 322, 323

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) union, 283


of Bill Clinton, 181

Trump and Comey firing, 164–65

Trump and Mueller investigation, 355–56


Afghanistan and, 121, 125, 127

Modi and Trump, 125, 146

Pakistan, as counterweight to, 146

inflation, 57, 58

Instagram, 206

Intel, 247

intellectual property violations by China, 272–73, 336, 337

intelligence community. See also specific agencies

on chemical weapons in Syria, 147

North Korean nuclear proliferation, secretiveness about, 177–81

Russia, first Trump briefing on, 62–71

on Saudis, 111–12

Trump’s war with, 65, 68, 71

Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), xviii, 60, 178–80, 230, 279, 302

The Interview (film), 98

inversion (relocation of corporation’s legal home to low-tax company), 57–58, 289


Bolton on, 87

cyber wars with, 339

European trade with, 221, 223

Harvey and Kushner on, 109, 111, 113, 114

Hezbollah and, 109, 154

Iraq and, 182, 209

Mattis and, 50, 52–54, 83

National Security Strategy and, 298, 300

nuclear deal with, 111, 129–33, 221–23

Syria and, 154

Tillerson on, 229

Trump on state of regime in, 300

U.S. in Afghanistan and, 313

Yemen and, 72

Iran-contra, 165, 352

Iraqi Operations Group (The House of Broken Toys), 182, 183

Iraqi Republican Guard, 117, 181

Iraq/Iraq War

Afghanistan compared, 128

Bolton’s support for Iraq War, 87

under George W. Bush, 314

Dunford, in Iraq War, 100

Gulf War, 77, 117

Harvey as director for Middle East on, 108

Iran and, 182, 209, 298

Mattis and, 50, 51, 54

McMaster and, 117, 314

under Obama, 256

paying for commitments in, 310

Rice on, 185

Saddam Hussein, efforts to remove, 181–83

Tillerson on, 229

Trump’s desire to pull out of, 229

WMD allegations, 64

ISIS, 39, 51, 61, 83, 196, 222, 229, 256

Israel, 51, 109–11, 113, 114, 131, 298

J. P. Morgan/JPMorgan Chase, 136, 248

Jackson, Ronny, 266


American relationship with, 96, 179, 219

case for free trade with, 220

Chinese intellectual property violations and, 272

Hiroshima, 181

North Korean nuclear proliferation and, 92, 93, 179, 224, 302, 306

TPP and, 139

trade with, 179, 220

Jarrett, Valerie, 122

Jefferson, Thomas, 246, 253

Jefferson Memorial, 328

Jeffersonian democracy, 127

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), 138


agricultural products, trade in, 158–61, 220

in automotive industry, 276

China, jobs lost to, 6, 15

employment statistics under Trump, 175

in presidential campaign, 15

service economy versus industrial/manufacturing jobs, 136–38

tariffs affecting, 274, 335

tax reform and, 292, 296

trade agreements affecting, Trump’s views on, 134, 135, 137

Johnson, Jeh, 29, 30

Johnson, Ron, 295

Johnson, Woody, 10

JOLTS (Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey), 138

Jones, Paula, 38, 39

Jones, Seth G., 259

Kahl, Colin, 301

Kaine, Tim, 260

Kasowitz, Marc, 167, 168, 169, 204

Katsas, Greg, 192

Keane, Jack, 49–51

Keating Five ethics investigation, 168

Kellogg, Keith, 77, 88, 126, 255, 257

Kelly, John F.

on Afghanistan, 254, 310, 311

on Charlottesville, 240, 243, 246, 247, 249, 251, 253–54

as chief of staff, 234–36, 311

on Cobb, 326

Chris Crane and, 283

on disorder and disruption of White House staff, 261, 262–64, 265–66, 268, 269

on immigration, 185–86, 285, 319, 323

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, 264, 265, 304, 306

on McMaster versus Tillerson, 303

media and, 285–86, 356

Mueller investigation and, 325, 326, 342, 346, 347

on NAFTA, 156

Navarro and, 277–78

Nielsen suggested as secretary of homeland security by, 284

on North Korea, 281–82

in Oval Office meetings, 265–66

Porter and, 261–63, 268–69

senior staff meetings of, 285–86

short attention span of, 285

tariffs and, 335–36, 337

tax reform and, 292

Tillerson warned about imminent removal by, 323

on transgender troops, 203

Trump, relationship with, 263, 265–67, 268–69, 283–87

Kennedy, Ted, 318

Kenya, Hezbollah in, 109

KEY2ACT, 42–43

Khans (Gold Star parents), 74

Kim Jong Il, 93

Kim Jong Un, 93, 95, 97, 98, 180, 181, 183, 184, 206, 279, 280–81, 282, 300–302

Kislyak, Sergey, 80, 81, 329, 330, 353

Kissinger, Henry, 297

KKK (Ku Klux Klan), 243, 246, 251

Kobach, Kris, 188

Koch brothers, 292

Korean War, 96

KORUS (United States–[South] Korea Free Trade Agreement), Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii–xxii, xxiii, 105–7, 142, 224, 233, 264–65, 300, 304–8

Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 243, 246, 251

Kushner, Jared

Bannon and Priebus, problems with, 144–45, 186, 194–95, 195–96, 237

finances investigated, 163, 194–95

foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

foreign wars, Trump’s desire to pull out of, 229–30

on immigration, 185–88, 217

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, xx

McMaster and, 88, 89, 229–30

Middle East interests of, 109

on NAFTA, 155, 156, 157

on NATO, 78

on Paris Climate Accord, 190

political acumen of, 217–18

in presidential election campaign, 20, 22, 26, 32, 33, 39, 40–41

Priebus resignation and, 236, 237

Russian election interference/collusion/Mueller investigation, 145, 165, 194–95, 197, 215

on Saudi Arabia, 110, 111–14

Sessions attack by Trump as smokescreen for Russian testimony of, 215

Syrian air strike and, 144–45, 150, 154

on trade/trade agreements/trade deficit, 138–39

in transition-period economy meeting, 55, 59

Kuttner, Robert, 259

Lavoy, Peter, 116, 120

leader’s command-and-control targeting, 181–84


Bannon and Kushner, conflict between, 144–45, 190

hacked Democratic Party emails, 28

Podesta emails, 30, 36

in presidential campaign, 14


Beirut, bombing of Marine Barracks in (1983), 52

Hezbollah, 54, 109–10, 113, 154, 229

National Security Strategy and, 298

Tillerson interventions on, 229

Lee, Mike, 294

Lee, Robert E., 238, 246

Lewinsky, Monica, 36, 165, 352

LGBT rights, 201–3

libel laws, 318–19

Libya, 195, 230

lie detectors, 64

lies and lying

Hillary Clinton coming across as lying, 16

Comey accused of, 169, 331

by Flynn, 82, 198, 330, 345

by Gates, 348

Mueller investigation and, 4, 299, 347, 348, 352

in polls, 45

Trump, as liar, 208–9, 235, 320, 338, 353, 357

Trump accusations of, 4, 169, 299, 331

to Woodward, about North Korea, 177–78, 181

Lighthizer, Robert E. (Bob), 142–43, 160, 266, 272, 274, 276

Lincoln, Abraham, 123, 237, 253

Lincoln Bedroom (White House), 328

Lindsey, Lawrence B., 137

lithium, 309

“Little Rocket Man”/“Rocket Man,” 280, 281, 282

“Lock Her Up” chant, 43, 60

Lonesome Dove (novel/miniseries), 325

Lowell, Abbe, 194

loyalty, importance to Trump of, 66, 138–39, 176, 268, 317

Lujan, Fernando, 117–18

Lute, Douglas, 116

“Make America Great Again” slogan, 15, 115

Manafort, Kathleen, 21

Manafort, Paul, 9, 10, 13–14, 16, 20–22, 21–22, 26, 172, 197, 348

Mar-a-Lago, 86, 88, 150, 151, 205, 299

Marine One, 213

Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), 184

Masters Tournament, 339

Mattis, James

on Afghanistan, 50, 51, 123, 124, 125–26, 196, 256, 258, 260, 313

approach to working with Trump, 227–28

on coordination of foreign policy, 195–96

foreign policy, Bannon’s efforts to deal on, 196

foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

on Iran nuclear deal, 130, 132, 133

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, 264, 304, 305–6

as “Mad Dog,” 50, 222

McMaster and, 86, 154, 210, 211

on NATO, 76–79

on North Korea, xxi, xxii, 100, 106, 179, 180, 280, 302

recruitment as secretary of defense, 50–54

on Russian election interference, collusion, and Mueller investigation, 82–83, 325

on Saudi Arabia, 110, 112, 114

Sunday talk shows, refusal to appear on, 133

on tariffs, 160

Tillerson and, 132, 210–11

on trade/trade agreements/trade deficits, 139, 146, 148, 149–50, 153, 154

on transgender troops, 202, 203

on Trump, 83

waiver to become secretary of defense, 139

Yemen, strike on, 72, 74

MBN (Mohammed bin Nayef), 111–12

MBS (Mohammed bin Salman), 111, 112

McAuliffe, Terry, 84

McCabe, Andrew, 63, 83–85

McCabe, Jill, 84

McCain, Cindy, 104–5

McCain, John

on Afghanistan, 260

on Charlottesville, 239

dinner with Trump, 104–5

dislike of Trump, 104

Dowd’s representation of, in Keating Five ethics investigation, 168

Graham and, 99, 100, 104–5

on North Korea, 105

as presidential candidate, 17

Steele dossier and, 63

on Syrian air strike, 153

Trump on Vietnam War experience of, 76–77, 104

Yemen raid criticized by, 76–77

McCain, Admiral John, 77

McConnell, Mitch, 11, 104, 159, 187, 248, 291, 295

McEntee, Johnny, 231

McGahn, Donald, 80, 81, 162–63, 165, 170, 172, 192, 198, 268, 329, 330, 350

McMaster, H. R.

on Afghanistan, 117–21, 122, 123–26, 254, 255–56, 257, 258, 259, 260, 310–11, 314

coordination failures in White House and, 261, 264, 265, 266

Dereliction of Duty, 86, 87, 117

on Iran nuclear deal, 131, 132, 133

Iraq and, 117, 314

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, 264, 265, 303–4, 305, 307

on NAFTA, 156

on North Korea, 91, 101, 102, 103, 106–7, 184–85, 279–80, 282

NSC process and, 228

on Paris Climate Accord, 193

Priebus and, 145–46

recruitment as national security advisor, 86–90

on Saudi Arabia, 110–14

Saudi Arabian money, feud with Tillerson over, 303–4, 307

on Syrian air strike, 145–46, 147, 148–49, 150, 151, 153, 154

Tank meeting at Pentagon not attended by, 219

on tariffs, 266–67

Tillerson and Mattis, difficulties with, 154, 210–12, 228–29, 303–4, 307

Trump, relationship with, 145–46, 230, 270

Trump’s view of foreign wars and, 229–30, 314–15

on Xi Jinping and China, 232

Meadows, Mark, 43–44

media. See also specific outlets

Charlottesville and, 253–54

Cobb interviews in, 325–26

on Comey firing, 164

credentials, Trump’s desire to pull, 356

fake news, concept of, 164, 311, 357

Hicks’s views on, 66

Kelly and, 285–86, 356

McMaster’s appointment as national security advisor and, 86–90

on Mueller investigation, 165, 174, 197–98

oppositional defiance syndrome attributed to, 66

Trump heavily influenced by, 195, 231, 291

Trump’s views on, 14, 86, 195, 356

Mercer, Bob, 10, 13

Mercer, Rebekah, 9–10, 13

Merck, 247

#MeToo, 299–300, 336


case for free trade with, 220

jobs lost to, 134, 135

Mexicans called “rapists” by Trump, 11

NAFTA, 135, 142, 155–58, 160, 233, 264, 274

MI6 (United Kingdom), 63

Middle East. See also specific countries

Harvey as director for, 108–14

Hezbollah in, 54, 109–10, 113, 154, 229

importance of U.S. alliances in, 219

ISIS in, 39, 51, 61, 83, 196, 222, 229, 256

Mattis and, 50, 83, 219

National Security Strategy on, 297–98, 316

Trump briefings, 110

U.S. payment for defense of, Trump on, 305


arms deals, 220

Charlottesville, comments on, 246

SEALs, 51, 72–75, 243

Syria, Saudi Arabia funding operations in, 303, 307

transgender troops in, 201–3

Trump’s ability to relate to families of, 73–75

Miller, Jason, 20

Miller, Stephen, 126, 133, 140, 187, 213–14, 217, 234, 235, 260, 268, 278, 320, 321

Milley, Mark, 89, 246

mineral wealth of Afghanistan, 125, 309–11

Mnuchin, Steve

on Charlottesville, 243, 250

economy, meeting on, 55–57, 59

foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

on NAFTA, 156

on North Korea, 180

in presidential campaign, 26, 41–42

on tax reform, 267, 290, 291, 292, 294

on trade/trade agreements/trade deficit, 55–57, 59, 140, 143

MOAB (Mother of All Bombs; GBU-43/B), 222

Modi, Nahendra, 125, 146

Mohammed bin Nayef (MBN), 111–12

Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), 111, 112

Moon Jae-in, 304

MOP (Massive Ordnance Penetrator), 184

Morell, Mike, 28–29

Morning Joe (TV show), 153, 205

moron, Tillerson describing Trump as, 225, 227, 228

Mossad, 110

Mother of All Bombs (MOAB; GBU-43/B), 222

Mozambique, Hezbollah in, 109

MSNBC, 165, 195, 205, 241

Mueller, Robert (Bob)

appointment of Mueller as special counsel, 165, 168

conflict of interest raised by Trump, 166

Dowd and, 170–72, 325

Dowd’s negotiations with, 324–33, 343–56

as FBI director, 168, 170

Mattis and, 325

silence of, 171, 349

Mueller investigation

anger and agitation of Trump regarding, 165–66, 168–69, 173–74, 268–69, 270–71, 331–32

appointment of Mueller as special counsel, 165, 168

Article II powers of president and, 326, 328, 350, 356

authority of, 169, 171

collusion (See Russia, collusion with)

Comey and, 326, 327, 328, 331

conclusion of, 325

corrupt intent as focus of, 346, 350

Deutsche Bank, records subpoenaed from, 326–27

documentation submitted to, 171–73, 198–99

Dowd's recommendation that Trump not testify, 332–33, 351–56

Dowd's resignation and, 356–57

Dowd's strategies for dealing with, 324–33, 343–56

executive privilege and, 351

Flynn and, 169, 170, 173, 198, 327–30

grand jury subpoena of president threatened, 343–45, 348

hindering ability to act as president, Trump's complaints about, 324–25

on Kushner finances, 194

legal representation of Trump in, 167–73

lies and lying, 4, 299, 347, 348, 352, 357

obstruction of justice, 169, 173, 345, 350, 357

perjury traps set by, 348, 350, 357

presidential campaign, alleged meetings with Russians during, 172–73, 197–98

presidential testimony sought by, questions submitted for, 327–33, 343–51

recusal of Sessions, 168, 176, 213, 216

Sessions and, 327

specific matters being investigated, 172–73

Trump and Dowd practicing testimony before, 327–33, 345–46

Trump finances, investigation of, 199–201

Muir, David, 33, 34

Mulvaney, Mick, 290, 292

Murdoch, Rupert, 20

Murkowski, Lisa, 206

Muslim ban, 100

MV-22 Osprey, loss of, 73

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 135, 142, 155–58, 160, 233, 264, 274

National Economic Council (NEC), 59–60, 112, 141, 143, 189, 278

National Guard troops, as border security, 342

National ICE Council, 283

national security, steel and aluminum imports as threat to, 160, 337

National Security Agency (NSA), 27, 70, 180

National Security Council (NSC)

Afghanistan War, meetings and strategizing on, 117–21, 124–26, 254

foreign policy presentations, lack of organizing principle for, 195–96

Iran nuclear deal and, 130

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, 265, 305–8

Middle East, Harvey as director for, 108–14

nuclear North Korea, McMaster on Trump and, 280

process for, 228–29, 310

Russian meddling in election and, 28

Syria, chemical attack in, 149–50

Tillerson accused by McMaster of failing to consult with, 211

Trump insulting McMaster in front of, 307

National Security Strategy, 297

National Trade Council, 134, 140

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 76–79, 124, 132, 305, 307, 310

Navarro, Peter, 134–35, 140–41, 142–43, 155, 156, 157, 265, 266, 274, 275, 277–78, 334, 335, 336–37

Nazis and neo-Nazis, 238, 239, 240, 243, 246, 250, 251

NBC, 2, 29–30, 32, 38, 164

NEC (National Economic Council), 59–60, 112, 141, 143, 189, 278

Neller, Robert B., 246

neo-Nazis, 238, 239, 240, 243, 246, 250, 251

Netanyahu, Benjamin, 110

The New Republic, 25

New York Daily News, 20

New York Times

on Afghanistan, 254

on agricultural trade with China, 159

on Comey firing, 164

on Dowd resignation, 356

on immigration, 318

interviews with Trump, 65, 280

on Mueller investigation, 172, 197, 198

on Porter domestic abuse allegations, 336

on presidential campaign, 8–9, 10, 11, 14, 24

on Russian contacts with Trump associates, 83–85, 145

on Russian election interference, 65

Sessions attacked by Trump in, 213

on tax reform, 287

Trump’s views on, 14

on Ukrainian funds paid to Manafort, 21–22

World Economic Forum, on Trump speech at (January 2018), 298–99

New York Times v. Sullivan, 318–19

Nicholson, John, 221–22, 311–12, 313

Nielsen, Kirstjen, 284

9/11 terrorist attacks, 51, 52, 108, 116, 119, 121–22, 127, 128, 177, 254–56, 314

Nixon, Richard, 13, 164, 166, 173, 216, 352, 360

Nobel Prize, 95, 233

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 135, 142, 155–58, 160, 233, 264, 274

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 76–79, 124, 132, 305, 307, 310

North Carolina, presidential election campaign in, 43, 45

North Korea, nuclear proliferation in

assassination/replacement of Kim Jong Un, proposals regarding, 181–84, 282

backchannel diplomacy between U.S. and North Korea, 95–97

Bannon on, 259

Bolton on regime change in North Korea, 87

cyber attacks and, 92, 93, 97–98, 280

Graham on, 99–105, 281–82, 302

KORUS and, xvii–xxii, xxiii, 105–7, 142, 264, 304–8

McCain on, 99–105

missile delivery capabilities, CIA conclusions on, 308

Obama administration concerns about, 91–98, 103, 105, 177, 301

PIE (Peninsula Intelligence Estimate), 183

planning contingent U.S. responses to, 181–85

preemptive military strike, study of effectiveness of, 92–93, 94–95

pressure campaign and deterrence/containment strategies, 279–80

“Rocket Man”/”Little Rocket Man” comments, 280, 281, 282

secretiveness of intelligence community about, 177–81

testing, 178–81

Tillerson on, 179, 180, 229, 282

Trump threatening regime over, 282–83

Trump’s public statements about, 95, 280–81, 282–83, 300–302

Trump’s U.N. General Assembly address (September 2017), 280–81

U.N. Security Council sanctions, 232

U.S., North Korean view of, 96

U.S. citizens imprisoned in North Korea, 96

U.S. travel restrictions and, 180

NSA (National Security Agency), 27, 70, 180

NSC. See National Security Council

nuclear weapons. See also North Korea, nuclear proliferation in

Air Force research and design tests, 308

Hiroshima, 181

Iran, nuclear deal with, 111, 129–33

Iraq, WMD allegations against, 64

nuclear button, Trump’s Tweet about, 300–301

Obama’s fears about, 308

in Pakistan, 94

promise to modernize U.S. capabilities, 65

Russia and, 60–61, 132

Obama, Barack

Afghanistan War under, 116, 117–18, 120, 122, 127, 128, 222, 255, 260, 316

Brennan and, 183

Charlottesville and, 239, 243

Hillary Clinton and, 45–46

on election night, 45–46

Graham on mess left by, 316

immigration under, 185, 207, 318

Iran nuclear deal and, 129, 131

Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech (2009), 95

North Korea and, 91–98, 103, 105, 177, 301

nuclear weapon fears of, 308

Paris Climate Accord and, 189

presidential election campaign and, 2, 23, 27–28, 44

Russian campaign meddling/collusion and, 60, 61, 62, 64, 68, 80, 81, 83, 330

Syria and, 146, 147, 149, 152, 153

tax reform and, 293

trade/trade deficit/trade agreements and, 139

transgender troops and, 201

in transition period, 49, 53, 54, 60, 61, 62, 64, 68

wiretapping Trump Tower, accusations of, 103–4

Yemen operation considered by, 72

Obama, Michelle, 64, 68

Obamacare, 101, 206, 234

obstruction of justice, 169, 173, 345, 350, 357

Old Naval Observatory, 82–83

Olympics (Winter, 2018), South Korea, 308

100th day in office, 155

O’Neill, Rob, 243

Operation Desert Storm, 117

OPLAN 5015, 184

OPLAN 5027, 183

oppositional defiance syndrome, 66

Osama bin Laden, 108, 116

Oval Office meetings

on Afghanistan’s mineral wealth, 310

Bossert on trade with China, 339

Cohn disquiet over Charlottesville, 249

Cohn resignation, 338

with Chris Crane, 283

disorder and disruption in, 263–64

on firing of Comey, 162

with Graham, 101

on immigration, 320

on Iran nuclear deal, 131

Kelly in, 265–66, 283, 284

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii, xx, xxi, 105

on Libya, 230

on NAFTA, 155–58

on North Korea, xvii, xx

on Paris Climate Accord, 191, 193

PDB briefs, 27, 110, 300

privacy in, 265–66

with Sessions, 216

on Syria, between Bannon and Trump, 149

on tariffs, 160, 334

on tax reform, 290

Tillerson belittling Stephen Miller in, 133

Owens, Bill, 73–74

Owens, Carryn, 74–75

Owens, William “Ryan,” 73, 74, 75


Afghanistan War and, 116, 118, 119, 123–27, 312–13, 314

Haqqani Network in, 258

India as counterweight to, 146

nuclear weapons, 94

Trump on, 300

Panetta, Leon, 53

Papadopoulos, George, 348

Paris Climate Accord, 189–94

pass-throughs, 292, 295

PDB (President’s Daily Brief), 27, 110, 300

Pence, Mike

Access Hollywood tape and, 31, 33

on Afghanistan, 122, 123–24

on Charlottesville, 240, 250, 251, 253–54

Flynn lying to, 82, 329

job numbers and, 175

on NAFTA, 155, 156

in presidential campaign, 31, 33, 44

Russian campaign interference/collusion/Mueller investigation, 81

Saudi Arabia and, 114

on tariffs, 277

on tax reform, 295

Peninsula Intelligence Estimate (PIE), 183


on Afghanistan, 117, 119, 257, 312, 313

foreign policy, Bannon’s efforts to coordinate, 196

foreign policy, lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

on North Korea, 94, 106, 177–78, 183–84, 280, 302

permanent government institutions, power of, 162

on Russian nuclear capabilities, 60

Saudis and, 113

on Syria, 146, 149, 154

the Tank/Gold Room, 218, 219, 227

transgender troops, 201–3

Perdue, Sonny, 157, 158

perjury traps, in Mueller investigation, 348, 350, 357

Perry, Rick, 112

Petraeus, David, 87

PIE (Peninsula Intelligence Estimate), 183

Podesta, John, 30, 36

political correctness, 242

Politico, 253

polls, in presidential campaign

KEY2ACT meeting, straw poll at, 42–43

Trump’s standing in, 17, 22, 42–43, 45

views on state of country in, 15

polygraphs, 64

Pompeo, Mike, 110, 123, 132, 179, 180, 254, 255, 257–58, 323

populism and populist movement, 2, 4, 5, 13, 25, 237, 298

Porter, Rob

Afghanistan and, 314, 315

on Charlottesville, 240–44, 247, 252

on coordination failure in White House, 261–63, 265, 266, 271

foreign wars strategy and, 229–30

hiring of, 138–39

Kelly and, 261–63, 268–69, 284, 285, 286–87

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, xix–xxii, 233, 264, 265

McMaster and, 210, 211, 229, 230

on NAFTA, 155–58

on Navarro, 277, 278

North Korea and, 300

on Paris Climate Accord, 190–91, 193

presidential schedule and, 230–31

resignation after domestic abuse allegations, 336

on “Rocket Man” comment, 281

Russian election interference/collusion/Mueller investigation and, 165, 166, 174, 268–69, 270, 271

on Sessions recusal, 176, 216

on tariffs, 159, 160–61, 175, 206, 266–67, 273, 334–36

Tillerson and, 211, 212

on trade/trade agreements/trade deficit, 140, 141–42, 143, 276

Trump’s relationship with, 138–39, 204–5, 271

Porter, Roger, 138

U.S.S Porter, 150

Portman, Rob, 293

Powell, Dina, 150, 210

presidential election campaign. See also polls, in presidential campaign; Russian election interference

acceptance of Republican nomination, 8

Access Hollywood tape, 29–37, 39, 43

Bannon takeover of, 8–16, 19–24

Conway as campaign manager, 16–18, 24–25

debate preparation, 13

debate strategy, 26

debates, 35, 37, 38–40, 41

election night, 45–47

final ten days, 43–45

financing of, 40–42

headquarters of, 19–20

“the hidden Trump voter,” 24–25

Kushner’s role in, 40

meeting between Manafort and Bannon, 20–22

preliminary inquiries about (2010), 1–7

public track record of Trump and, 2–5

rallies during, 9, 11, 17, 31, 33, 35, 43, 45, 100, 213

speech announcing candidacy (2015), 11

strategy for, 25–26, 43–45

Presidential Records Act, 262

President’s Daily Brief (PDB), 27, 110, 300

press. See media

Priebus, Reince

on Afghanistan, 120, 126

Bannon and, 48, 144, 145, 236–37

as chief of staff, 48, 144, 211

on disorder and disruption in White House, 261

firing of Comey and, 162, 163–64, 165

foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

on Iran nuclear deal, 129–30, 131, 132–33

Kushner and Ivanka Trump, problems with, 144–45, 186, 189–90, 194–95, 217–18, 237

on Mattis, 227–28

McMaster and, 145–46

on NATO, 76, 77, 78

on North Korea, 100, 101, 102–3, 186

on Paris Climate Accord, 189–90, 192

in presidential election campaign, 10–12, 22–23, 25, 31–33, 36, 46

resignation of, 234–37

on Russian election interference, collusion, and Mueller investigation, 80–82, 83–85, 198, 329, 330, 352

on Saudi Arabia, 114

Scaramucci on, 234

Sessions, Trump attack on, 213–14, 216

on Syrian air strike, 144–46, 150

Tillerson and, 211–12, 227–28, 287–88

on trade/trade agreements/trade deficit, 138, 141–42, 143

on transgender troops, 201–2

in transition period, 55, 60, 68

Trump’s opinion of, 204–5

Trump’s relationship with, 235–36, 287–88

Twitter, efforts to control Trump’s use of, 204–6

on White House staff, 236–37

Prince, Erik, 122

Pruitt, Scott, 190–91, 192

pushing back/fighting, Trump’s belief in, 166, 174, 175, 176

Putin, Vladimir, 29, 47, 54, 60–61, 67, 77, 81, 147, 174, 325, 330

al Qaeda, 51, 72–75, 108, 112, 116, 256, 257

Qatar, 114, 210

Quarles, James “Jim,” 171, 199–200, 325, 327, 330, 333, 343, 347, 349

racial divide, Trump presidency viewed as rekindling, 252, 253. See also Charlottesville

Raddatz, Martha, 40, 342

Rajaratnam, Raj, 355


at Charlottesville, 240, 245 (See also Charlottesville)

in presidential election campaign, 9, 11, 17, 31, 33, 35, 43, 45, 100, 213

during Trump presidency, 134, 271, 355

Trump’s fondness for, 271

White House operations compared to, 231

RAND Corporation, 201

rare earth, 309

Reagan, Ronald, 181, 243, 267, 291, 352

Red Room (White House residence), 76

Renaissance Technologies, 10

Republican National Committee (RNC), 9, 10–11, 23–25, 31, 46–47, 218

Republican National Convention, 60

Republicans. See also individual Republicans by name

Bannon on, 298

on Charlottesville, 239, 248, 253

in Gang of Eight, 29, 62

Graham on bipartisanship, 103

Graham on state of Congressional majority, 101

immigration and, 267

momentum in 2010, 1

New York Times Republican sources on Trump, 8–9

presidential primaries, how to win, 2–6

Priebus and, 234

Sessions defended by, 215–16

tariffs and, 233

tax reform and, 267, 287, 290, 291, 292, 294

on Trump Tweets, 206

Trump winning presidential nomination for, 8, 9, 17

Trump’s relationship to, 17, 22, 24, 25, 26, 33, 41, 103, 298

residences, presidential

Camp David, 146, 254

Mar-a-Lago, 86, 88, 150, 151, 205, 299

White House, 20, 31, 76, 148, 195, 201, 230, 242, 243, 266, 272, 328, 345

Resolute Desk, Oval Office, xvii, xviii, 101, 160, 165, 208, 262, 338

Reuters, 95, 106, 325

Ri Chun-hee, 91–92

Ri Su-yong, 301

Rice, Condoleezza (Condi), 31, 185

Rice, Susan, 122

Richardson, John, 246

RNC (Republican National Committee), 9, 10–11, 23–25, 31, 46–47, 218

“Rocket Man”/“Little Rocket Man,” 280, 281, 282


Roe v. Wade, 25

Rogers, Mike, 62, 180

Romney, Mitt, 17, 42, 239–40, 293

Roosevelt Room meetings, 124, 142, 156, 285

Rose, Pete, 168

Rose Garden (White House), 194

Rosenstein, Rod, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 174, 215, 349, 350

Ross, Wilbur, 140, 141, 143, 155–57, 159–61, 233, 265, 266, 274, 310–11, 334, 336–37

U.S.S. Ross, 150

Rubin, Robert, 59

Rubio, Marco, 17, 239, 294


cyber wars with, 339

economy of, compared to U.S. and China, 298

Flynn interview with Woodward on, 60–61

FSB, 28, 64

Iran and, 132

North Korean nuclear proliferation and, 179, 180

nuclear weapons and, 60–61, 132

prostitutes/”golden showers” accusation, 64–65, 68–71

Syria and, 28, 147, 149, 150–51, 153, 154

Trump’s first briefing on, 62–71

Ukrainian Trump campaign sabotage, propaganda about, 230

U.S. in Afghanistan and, 313

on war in Baltics, 132

Russia, collusion with. See also Mueller investigation

Dowd on lack of evidence for, 344–45, 357

as “fake news,” 164

FBI investigation of, 63

FBI refusal to deny Times story about, 83–85

Flynn’s denial of, 82

initial intelligence report not suggesting, 67

presidential campaign, meetings with Russians during, 197–98, 345, 349

specific instances suggesting, 172–73

Russian election interference. See also Mueller investigation

Access Hollywood tape eclipsing, 30

Clinton emails, 63, 67, 172–73

Congress briefed about, 29

first public release of information about, 28–29

Flynn’s discussion of sanctions for, with Russian ambassador, 80–82

initial evidence of, 27–29

intelligence report on, 62–71

Putin’s passive response to sanctions for, 81–82

sanctions imposed by Obama for, 80, 81, 83, 330

Trump addressing missing Clinton emails and, 172–73

Trump’s view of, 65, 174, 330

as “witch hunt,” 65, 174, 330

Ryan, Paul, 31, 44, 130, 159, 239, 248, 286, 291, 292, 294, 356

Salman (Saudi king), 114

Sanders, Sarah Huckabee, 202–3, 241

SAP (Special Access Programs), xviii, 83, 92, 180, 224, 305, 306

sarin gas attack in Syria, air strike in retaliation for (April 2017), 146–54

Sater, Felix, 199

Saturday Night Massacre (1973), 216

Saudi Arabia, 110–14, 183, 196, 298, 303, 307

Scaramucci, Anthony, 233–34

Scarborough, Joe, 153, 205

Scavino, Dan, 206, 234, 235

Schmidt, Michael, 164

Schumer, Chuck, 286, 318

SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility), 83, 150, 207, 261

Scott, Tim, 293

SEALs, 51, 72–75, 243

Secret Service, 35–36, 175

Sekulow, Jay, 328, 333, 343, 345–46, 349, 351, 354

Senate Armed Services Committee, 65, 99, 105, 255

Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), 83, 150, 207, 261

service economy versus industrial/manufacturing jobs, 136–38

Sessions, Jeff

on Afghanistan, 120, 126, 255, 257

Bannon on, 299

on immigration, 188, 267

in presidential campaign, 46

recusal of, 168, 176, 213, 216

resignation called for, 213–16

Russian election interference/collusion/Mueller investigation, 164, 166, 168, 174, 327, 347, 349

Trump’s attacks on, 174, 176, 213–16, 299, 347

sexual scandals

Access Hollywood tape, 29–37, 39, 43

of Clintons, 36, 38–39, 165, 352

Russian prostitutes/“golden showers” accusation, 64–65, 68–71

#TimesUp and #MeToo movements, Bannon on Trump as perfect foil for, 299–300

Trump on handling, 175

Shelton, Kathy, 38, 39

“shithole countries” remark, 320–21

Singapore, 220

el-Sisi, Abdel Fattah, 324

Situation Room meetings, 81, 83, 124, 158, 179, 182, 191, 227, 305, 311

60 Minutes (TV show), 32, 311

Slaughter, Anne-Marie, 153

Sony Pictures Entertainment, North Korean cyber attack on, 97–98

South Africa, Hezbollah in, 109

South Korea. See also North Korea, nuclear proliferation in

Afghanistan compared, 313

case for free trade with, 220

economy of, 305

importance of U.S. alliance with, 219, 305–8

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii–xxii, xxiii, 105–7, 142, 224, 233, 264–65, 300, 304–8

THAAD missile defense system in, xxi–xxii, 106, 224, 285, 304

troops in, Trump’s desire to pull out, 230

U.S. dependents, consideration of withdrawing, 178, 302–3

U.S. troops in, Trump’s desire to withdraw, xvii–xviii, 224, 230, 263, 264, 285, 305

Winter Olympics (2018), 308

South Lawn (White House), 323

soybeans, 158, 341

Special Access Programs (SAP), xviii, 83, 92, 180, 224, 305, 306

Spicer, Sean, 133, 191

Starbucks, 136

steel tariffs, 135, 142, 160–61, 233, 266–67, 273–74, 277, 335, 336–37

Steele, Christopher, and Steele dossier, 63–64, 327

Sterling, VA, Trump National Golf Club, 166

Stiglitz, Joseph, 233

stock market, 194, 232, 242, 302, 334, 339

Stone, Roger, 172

Strategic & Policy Forum, 247–48

strength/weakness, Trump’s concern about, xxii, 12, 34, 37, 66, 149, 152, 169, 175, 176, 214, 223, 242, 244, 247, 268, 281

Strike Option Five, 53

Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles, 60

Surabian, Andy, 19–20

Sweeney, Kevin, 196


air strike in retaliation for sarin gas attack (April 2017), 146–54

brutality of Assad regime in, 131

Hezbollah in, 109

ISIS in, 51

jihadists migrating to Afghanistan from, 312

Russia and, 28, 147, 149, 150–51, 153, 154

Saudi Arabia funding operations in, 303, 307

Tillerson on, 229

Trump’s desire to pull out of, 229, 298

Taiwan, 305

Taliban, 116, 118–19, 121–23, 125–27, 255, 258, 260, 311–13

Tank meeting on foreign policy (Pentagon), 218–26

Tapper, Jake, 36

tariffs, 135, 142, 158–61, 174, 175, 207–9, 232–33, 266–67, 273–74, 277, 334–37, 339–42

tax on American consumers, tariffs as, 334

Tax Policy Center, 295

tax reform, 289–95

Bannon on, 298

Cohn on, 57, 249–50, 251, 267, 289–95

Congress and, 267, 291–93, 294, 295

corporate tax rate, 57, 289–90, 294, 295, 298

increased economic growth as means of paying for, 291

individual personal income tax rates, 290–91, 295, 296

inversion, problem of, 57–58, 289

job creation and wage growth, 292, 296

middle-income families, relief for, 292, 295

names for bill, 294

pass-throughs, 292, 295

percentage of Americans not paying tax, 293–94

planning for, 291–93

in presidential campaign, 18

Priebus consulted by Trump on, 287

simplification of code, 292

tax credits and, 293–94

tax returns, Trump’s refusal to release, 356

Tea Party movement, 1, 2, 4, 5, 43

TEAK, 303

television watching, obsessive, of Trump, 158, 165, 195, 231, 270, 299, 339

Tenet, George, 64, 182, 183

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system in South Korea, xxi–xxii, 106, 224, 285, 304

This Week (TV show), 340

threat to national security, steel and aluminum imports as, 160, 337

301 investigation into Chinese intellectual property violations, 272–73, 336, 337

3M, 248

Thune, John, 293, 295

Tiberius Gracchus, Trump compared to, 25

Tillerson, Rex

on Afghanistan, 125, 260

decision memos, on not being consulted about, 287

on disorder in White House, 211–12

foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

on Iran nuclear deal, 129–33

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, 264, 305, 307

Mattis and, 132, 210–11

McMaster and, 154, 210–12, 228–29, 303–4

moron, describing Trump as, 225, 227, 228

on North Korea, 179, 180, 229, 282

NSC process and, 228–29

on Paris Climate Accord, 192

Priebus and, 211–12, 227–28, 287–88

recruitment as secretary of state, 54

removal as secretary of state, 323

resignation considered by, 227

on Saudi Arabia, 110, 112, 114, 303–4, 307

state department personnel disputes, 132–33

on Syrian air strike, 150, 154

Trump, relationship with, 227–28, 287–88, 323

Time magazine, 26

Time-Phased Force Deployment (TIPFID), 184

#TimesUp, 299–300

TIPFID (Time-Phased Force Deployment), 184

Tomahawk missiles, 148, 150, 151, 152, 178

Toomey, Pat, 293

TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), withdrawal from, 139–40, 157

Trade Act of 1974, 272

trade/trade deficits/trade agreements

agricultural products, 158–61, 220, 341

antibiotics produced by China, 275

arms deals, 220

Bossert on trade with China, 339–42

coordination problems, 140–43

economy and trade deficit, relationship between, 137, 159, 275

foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

free trade, Trump’s dislike of, 134, 218, 220

imports posing threat to national security, 160–61

intellectual property violations by China, 272–73, 336, 337

job losses and, 134, 135, 137

KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii–xxii, xxiii, 105–7, 142, 224, 233, 264–65, 300, 304–8

NAFTA, 135, 142, 155–58, 160, 233, 264, 274

service versus industrial/manufacturing economy, 136–38

tariffs, 135, 142, 158–61, 174, 175, 207–9, 232–33, 266–67, 273–74, 277, 334–37, 339–42

TPP, withdrawal from, 139–40, 157

“Trade is Bad” note, 208

U.S. as trade-based economy, 56

White House staff and Trump’s views on, 134–43

WTO, 264, 276

transgender persons in the military, 201–3

transition period, 47–71

Priebus and election night, 47

resistance of Trump to planning/financing for, 42

Russia, Trump’s first briefing on, 62–71

White House staffing during, 47–54, 58–60, 66

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), withdrawal from, 139–40, 157


Flynn’s denial of, 82

Trump accusing Cohn of, 249

Trump, Barron, 175, 299, 328

Trump, Donald. See also presidential election campaign; transition period; Twitter, Trump’s use of; specific issues, e.g. North Korea, nuclear proliferation in

abortion, views on, 3, 6

anger issues of, 253

apologies, difficulties with making, 34, 242, 244, 249

as “baby,” 14

bankruptcies of, 274–75

Bannon, breakdown in relationship with, 190, 297–301

called “dotard” by Kim Jong Un, 281

as change agent, 15, 297

crowdsourcing by, 231

diet of, 14

on election night, 45–47

erratic nature of, 226, 232, 252

“Executive Time” for, 266

failure to listen to advisers, 232

on fear, as real power, xiii, 175, 275, 300

fighting/pushing back, belief in, 12, 166, 174, 175, 243–44

finances, Mueller investigation of, 199–201

Graham, relationship with, 99–105

grievance, sense of, 299

impeachment discussed, 164–65, 355–56

impulsivity of, xix–xx, 89, 100, 231, 282

on lawyers, 268, 271, 354

leveraging abilities of, 288

as liar, 208–9, 235, 320, 338, 353, 357

loneliness of, 169

loyalty, importance of, 66, 138–39, 176, 268, 317

Mattis on, 83

media, influence of, 195, 231, 291

media, views on, 14, 86, 195, 356

military families and, 73–75

“moving in both directions” comment, 280

100th day in office, 155

permanent governmental institutions, understanding of power of, 162

persona of, 3, 25

personal appearance of, 66–67

presidency, definition of job of, xxii

rallies, fondness for, 271

refusals to pay, 16, 275

“Rocket Man”/”Little Rocket Man” comments, 280, 281, 282

signing, fondness for, 263

staff, relationship with, 235–36

staff chaos and churn, enjoyment of, 287

stress experienced by, 266

tax returns, refusal to release, 356

television watching, obsessive, 158, 165, 195, 231, 270, 299, 339

as throwback to 1950s America, 136, 299

U.N. General Assembly address (September 2017), 280–81

voting record of, 3–4

weakness/strength, concern about, xxii, 12, 34, 37, 66, 149, 152, 169, 175, 176, 214, 223, 242, 244, 247, 268, 281

World Economic Forum, speech at (January 2018), 298–99

Trump, Donald, Jr. (Don), 32, 35, 197, 198, 345, 349

Trump, Ivanka

Bannon and Priebus, problems with, 144–45, 189–90, 237

Charlottesville and, 245, 249

Comey, firing of, 163

on FBI seeking Kushner’s financial records, 163

as “first daughter,” 145

foreign wars, Trump’s desire to pull out of, 229–30

on immigration, 186, 187, 188

marriage to Jared Kushner, xx

on Paris Climate Accord, 189–90

in presidential campaign, 20, 32

Priebus resignation and, 236, 237

Syrian air strike and, 148

tax reform and, 292, 294

Yemen, death of Ryan Owens in, 73, 74

Trump, Melania, 32, 34, 69, 174–75, 195, 299, 318

Trump International Golf Club, West Palm Beach, 316

Trump National Golf Clubs

Bedminster, 12, 51, 229, 238, 240, 248, 261

Sterling, VA, 166

Trump Organization

business credit score of, 58

Goldman Sachs not doing business with, 275

tax reform, effects of, 295

Trump Tower, 2, 12, 19, 20, 31, 35, 42, 46, 49, 55, 66, 67, 103, 136, 197, 199, 245–47, 345, 349

Trump voters. See also rallies

farmers and agricultural producers as, 220

“the hidden Trump voter,” 24–25

Tuchman, Barbara, The Guns of August, 280

Turnbull, Malcolm, 207–9

Twitter, Trump’s use of

on Afghanistan, 115–16

centrality to Trump presidency, 206–7

on CEOs resigning from American Manufacturing Council and Strategy & Policy Forum over Trump’s Charlottesville comments, 247–48

Charlottesville, Pence retweeting Trump remarks on, 253–54

on Hillary Clinton missing emails, 173

doubling of number of characters in a single Tweet, 207

Graham on, 103–4

Manafort influenced by, 20–21

on Jill McCabe campaign donations, 84

on Morning Joe hosts, 205, 206

on North Korea, 300–302

during presidential campaign, 20, 39

on Priebus’s resignation and replacement by Kelly, 234–35

on Putin, 82

on Russia dossier with prostitute allegations, 71

on Russian election interference, 65, 330

Sessions attacked, 214, 215

staff efforts to control, 195, 205–7

Tillerson, removal of, 323

on transgender troops, 202

Tyson, Laura, 233


Manafort, funds paid to, 21–22

Trump campaign sabotage, Russian propaganda about, 230

Under Armour, 247

United Auto Workers, 335

United Kingdom

Bannon on Kushner leak to Daily Mail, 145

Brexit referendum, 78

libel laws in, 318–19

MI6, 63

United Nations General Assembly, Trump addressing (September 2017), 280–81

United Nations Security Council, 179–80, 232, 272

United States–[South] Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS), Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii–xxii, xxiii, 105–7, 142, 224, 233, 264–65, 300, 304–8

U.S.S Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), 213

U.S.S Porter, 150

U.S.S Ross, 150

Venezuela, Hezbollah in, 109

Veterans Administration reform plan, 18

The Victory Sessions (radio show), 2

Vietnam War, 76–77, 93, 96, 117

Virginia Democratic Party, 84

voting record of Trump, 3–4

Wall Street Journal, 43, 122, 214, 339, 361

Wallace, Chris, 44–45, 107

Walsh, Katie, 22–23, 25

Washington, George, 246, 253

Washington Memorial, 328

Washington Post

on Access Hollywood tape, 29–30

on Afghanistan, 254

on Cohn resignation, 339

on Dowd resignation, 356

on Flynn/Russian ambassador discussions, 80–81

on immigration, 318

on Kushner finances, 194

on Mueller investigation, 172, 198

on nuclear weapons, 301

on Porter domestic abuse allegations, 336

Watergate, 165, 171, 173, 215, 352, 360

weakness/strength, Trump’s concern about, xxii, 12, 34, 37, 66, 149, 152, 169, 175, 176, 214, 223, 242, 244, 247, 268, 281

West Palm Beach, Trump International Golf Club at, 316

Westerhout, Madeleine, 157, 218, 265–66, 286

White House

Blue Room, 104

Cabinet Room, 251, 317, 337

Diplomatic Reception Room, 242

Green Room, 317

Lincoln Bedroom, 328

Red Room (White House residence), 76

residence, presidential, 20, 31, 76, 148, 195, 201, 230, 242, 243, 266, 272, 328, 345

Rose Garden, 194

South Lawn, 323

White House staff

concerns about Trump’s erratic nature, 226, 232, 252

disorder and disruption among, 144, 190, 210–12, 231, 235, 236–37, 261–66, 268–69, 270–71, 287

Kelly’s senior staff meetings, 285–86

management of Trump by, xvii–xxii, 140–42, 158, 191, 195, 233, 264, 265, 268–69, 270–71

national security advisor, replacement of Flynn as, 86–90

Porter’s appointment as staff secretary, 138–39

relationship of Trump with, 235–36

on trade/trade deficits/trade agreements, 134–43

transition period, staffing in, 47–54, 58–60, 66

white supremacist march in Charlottesville, VA, 238–44

Whitewater, 352

WikiLeaks, 28, 30, 36

Willey, Kathleen, 38

Winter Olympics (2018), South Korea, 308


Mueller investigation, Trump’s concern about, 174

Obama accused of wiretapping Trump Tower, 103–4

“witch hunt,” Russian election interference reports/investigation referred to as, 65, 174, 330

Wolff, Michael, 297

Woodward, Bob, xxii, 42–43, 44–45, 60–61, 69, 70, 71, 92, 177–78, 308

World Economic Forum, Trump speech at (January 2018), 298–99

World Trade Organization (WTO), 264, 276

World War I, 280

WTO (World Trade Organization), 264, 276

Xi Jinping, 47, 151, 232, 340, 341, 342

Yates, Sally, 80, 329, 345


Hezbollah in, 109

SEAL Team Six operation against al Qaeda collaborator in, 72–75, 76

Young, Don, 170

Zinni, Anthony, 82

Zuckerberg, Mark, 190
