ring2Ice login:

"How do you know it's saying that?"

" 'Cause that's what I programmed it to say. It's total bullshit." He smiled at her.

"Cool." She smiled back, but was beginning to get lost. She had a 180 IQ, but didn't have enough ground-level information to understand all of this. She made a mental note to pick up some more books on computer hacking in the U. S. Customs crime lab and speed-read them as soon as she got back to Washington.

On the screen, The Rat logged in again with his username and password:

rat Mut118oR

"We got it. Write this down," Malavida said as Karen grabbed a pen. "We're really in," she said.

"Now all we have to do is follow The Rat to his chat room. That part is a snap. Then we'll just make ourselves look like him and slip in behind."

Out in the backyard, Lockwood and Heather were talking quietly. She was telling him about her riding lessons.

"Daddy, you wouldn't believe how big he is. And I'm taking lessons twice a week. He's so beautiful. He's a Morgan gelding, but my teacher says he's sixteen hands tall. That's as big as an Arabian."

"That's great, honey. I'd love to come see when you have a dressage program."

"I'll call and tell you. This time, I promise… I'll give you plenty of warning." The remark stung him slightly.

Karen stuck her head out the back door. "John, you'd better get in here. You aren't going to believe this… "
