Chapter 17

Josie fought the urge to thump her head against her desk. Now she had to convince three larger-than-life jackasses she needed to go to work. There was suddenly way too much testosterone in her life.

The good news was that since Shane had been freed, he could openly bring her to work. No more hiding. Which was good because she disliked lying to her coworkers. But it was bad, because the man sat sprawled in her guest chair, gray eyes focused solely on her.

“Shane. You need to leave so I can get some work done.” Either that, or toss his sexy ass on the desk and have her way with him. Again.

He steepled his fingers under his chin. “So. You and Mattie had quite the discussion, I take it?”

Heat filled her face. “I had some questions.” She leaned forward, her elbows on the desk. “Are you remembering your life?”

“Yes.” His eyes betrayed nothing. “There are many blanks, but the holes are filling in—though my brothers have some explaining to do.”

The veiled expression was one she knew well. Apparently the real Shane was returning… the one who couldn’t trust her with reality or with the truth. She bit back a hurt sigh. “They haven’t explained everything?”

“Not yet. We’re all scrambling right now, but I plan to pin them down soon.”

She nodded. “Don’t you have a follow-up visit scheduled with the doctors?”

“No.” He stretched his long legs out and crossed them at the ankles. “What did you talk about with Matt?”

“I asked him if you loved me and why you left.” She had no doubt Matt had already given Shane the rundown. She had absolutely no reason to lie.

“I told you I loved you.”

“You told me a lot of things.”

He exhaled, giving a short nod of his head. “That I did.”

“Matt also said you were a bad bet, that all of you were bad bets.” He’d said the statement with sadness and a determined jaw.

“We are.” Shane stretched his hand, curling the fingers over. “But that doesn’t mean you’re not rolling the dice, angel.”

“Excuse me?”

“This time, I’m not letting you go.” His voice remained steady and sure, while his jaw tightened.

Her heart thumped hard against her rib cage. “Why did you leave me, then? Why did you lie about remaining in the marines?”

He sighed. “I’m not sure. But I will find out the truth, I promise.”

Hurt filtered through her skin until her heart ached. “Why couldn’t you trust me? Why couldn’t you just tell me?”

“I do trust you, and I will tell you as soon as the memories come back.” Determination flashed in those dangerous eyes. Rough cedar and male scented the space. He sighed. “You’re about to become pissed off at me, and before you do, I’d like you to understand I do love you. Have since the second you flashed those baby blues at me.”

Oh, this so didn’t sound good. “I already am pissed off at you.” She flipped closed the file she’d been pretending to work on. “What do you have to say?”

He cleared his throat. “I want you to quit your job and move to our, ah, headquarters. Where I can keep you safe.”

“Where is your headquarters?”

“I can’t tell you.”

Disbelief had her catching her breath. “You don’t even trust me enough to explain what’s going on, and you want me to pack up and move with you to someplace you won’t reveal?” Anger battled with a temptation she’d never admit out loud. He wanted her with him. How easy would it be to kick reality out of the way and go? “I want to try and trust you, Shane, I really do.” She gripped a pen so tight her knuckles turned white. “But I don’t know you. You won’t let me.” No way was she giving up this life she’d worked so hard to create the last two years. Not without knowing everything.

“You know what you need to know.” He dropped his elbows to his knees, leaning forward. “You’re everything to me, and I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”

He didn’t understand. “I don’t want safety.”

A puzzled frown settled between his eyes. “Sure you do. A woman like you, you need safety. I can provide that now.” He rubbed his chin. “Or I’ll be able to soon.”

“A woman like me?” Who the hell did he think he married? Sure, she wanted to be safe, but she was no frightened victim.

“Yes. Soft, smart, sexy.” He licked his lips. “Fragile.”

Fragile? Not in this lifetime. Where did this distorted perception of women come from? “What was your mother like, Shane?”

He started. “Ah, I’m pretty sure I didn’t have one.”

“Like you didn’t have brothers? Or you honestly didn’t have one?” He could evade with the best of them. He grimaced. “No. I kind of remember wanting a mother but not getting one.”


“Don’t think so.”

So that much might be true. He was an orphan like her. “You know your brothers. Who would take in four boys?”

Shane shook his head. “That’s a tale I’m not ready to tell today.” He placed both palms on her desk. “I will, I promise. Once you’re somewhere safe and I can remember everything.” He frowned. “Some of my past is still so hazy.”

His memories were returning. When they did, he might leave again. “Do you remember why you left me?” Fire rippled through her blood.

A matching fire flashed through his eyes. “I’m sorry. I know Jory died around that time. Maybe I left because I didn’t want anything to happen to you. Matt said I went undercover to find out what happened to Jory.”

So many questions. “How did Jory die?”

He stretched his neck, exhaling loudly. “We’re still figuring that one out, angel. I went undercover for two years to find out. Unfortunately, the memories of the last two years haven’t come back.”

“Do you think you found out who killed him?”

“I assume so, considering someone’s after me. Someone has learned enough about me to bug your house.” He stood and leaned closer, his palms still on the desk. “Matt and I are meeting later to go over the files and try to make sense of the whole situation. Apparently I went so deep I couldn’t make contact, and he doesn’t know much more than I do.” Shane leaned even closer. “But obviously they discovered you, so keeping away is no longer necessary. You’re in danger from whoever is hunting me, and I have a feeling they’d use you to get to me in a heartbeat. I’ll do what’s necessary to keep you safe.”

What about her heart? He wouldn’t keep that safe. He towered over her. Even with the desk between them, he exuded deadly promise. She shivered. “I refuse to make a decision concerning the rest of my life without all the facts.” She was a CPA for goodness’ sake. What else could he expect?

“I understand, and I will tell you everything.” He straightened, sliding his hands into the pockets of well-worn jeans. “However, you’ll get to safety first. Like it or not.”

Fury set up a ringing in her skull. “You try to take me again, and I will press charges for kidnapping.” She jumped to her feet, slapping her hands on her desk and leaning toward him. “I wonder how well you can bother me from a jail cell.”

His upper lip quirked. “You are so cute when you’re threatening me.”

The anger zipped through her until she feared her head would explode. “Don’t you dare get condescending with me. I took one jerk to the ground with a well-aimed kick yesterday, I have no problem doing it again.”

Both eyebrows angled up. “Were you in danger? Who exactly did you need to kick?” Tension tore through the air.

She cleared her throat, ignoring the ripple of unease filtering through her skin. No way should she back down. Detective Malloy had already taken Shane away when she knocked Tom’s balls to the roof of his mouth. “I’m not prepared to discuss that with you.” See how he liked not having the proper clearance for the truth.

He lowered his chin, his eyelids at half-mast. “You want to play games with me, angel?”

Talk about intimidating. She straightened her posture. “Bring it on, Major.”

“Not wise, little one.” The smile revealed both a dimple and odd light in his eyes. “I know rules for games you’ve never heard of. I promise.”

A delicious shiver ran up her back. Only pride kept her in place. “Do you? Interesting.” Something had happened in the two years they’d been separated. Or while his memory had fled. Shane was different. He was finally revealing parts of himself. She’d wanted so badly to know him. All of him. “Where in the world did you learn such games?”

“Oh, baby,” he breathed out. “Some of the thoughts scattering through my head would scare you spitless.” He shook his head, regret twisting his lips. “You don’t want to challenge me, Josie. You won’t win.”

Wouldn’t she? The temptation to see where he’d go flirted with her. The sense of danger softened her sex. “What thoughts scatter through your head?”

“No.” He moistened his lips, and she fought a groan. Then he flipped open his phone, reading the screen. “We’ll finish this discussion later, sweetheart.”

Why did that sound like a threat? “Think so?”

His phone snapped shut, his gaze pinning hers. “I guarantee it.” Two strides had him at the door, where he halted as he ran into Vicki. The woman stared up at him, her red-painted mouth open. Shane stepped back.

Josie fought a snort. “Shane, this is my assistant, Vicki.”

Vicki stuck out her hand, her eyelashes fluttering rapidly. “You must be the husband.”

“Yes.” Shane briefly shook hands, sidling around Vicki toward the door, giving the woman a wide berth. Once safely out of reach, he faced Josie over Vicki’s head. “Stay in your building until I get back. I’ll give you the rest of the week to wrap things up here. Then we leave.” He strode away before she could answer.

Josie dropped back into her chair. Her hands trembled. What that man did to her.

Vicki fanned her well-endowed chest. “That man is seriously hot.”

Josie snorted. “That’s an understatement.” She pushed back from the desk. “What’s going on?”

“Tom Marsh called.” Shelia rolled her eyes. “I don’t blame you for ignoring him with the sexy-as-sin husband back in the picture.”

“Thanks, Vicki.” Josie bit her lip. “I’ll take care of Tom.”

Vicki nodded and headed back down the hall, smacking her gum on the way.

Josie straightened the papers on her desk, guilt swirling in her abdomen. Tom was a good friend and had been since she arrived in town. While he was wrong to turn Shane in, he did it to protect her. To help her.

She glanced at her watch. Maybe she’d run down to the cafeteria on the first floor and grab cappuccinos for them both as a sort of apology. Escaping her office, even for just a coffee, was so appealing. She’d stay in the building so Shane wouldn’t be upset, but she needed some caffeine, as well as a chance to make things right with Tom.

She stretched her calves on the way to the elevator. It’d been way too long since she’d gone for a jog. Something she and Shane had done together during their brief marriage. She’d loved running with him.

Her punch card took care of the coffee on the first floor, and she took another elevator up. Would Tom be angry? She had really clocked him.

Tom’s floor consisted of several smaller businesses, all sharing space. The tray balanced easily in her hands as she smiled at the receptionist the floor shared. The young brunette said something into a phone and looked up with a smile. “Tom said to go on back.”

Well, at least he’d see her. Josie nodded, walking down the minimally decorated hallway, past closed doorways, to Tom’s small office. She entered without knocking. “I brought you coffee.” Careful movements and she placed one cup in front of Tom, taking the other for herself as well as a seat.

Tom sat behind his scarred desk, flannel sleeves rolled to showcase muscular forearms. Building plans perched against a far wall, and a set of ancient tools decorated the side wall. “Is this an apology?” His brown hair was mussed, as if he’d been running his hands through it. An array of papers spread across his desk, all bidding contracts.

Josie fought a blush, concentrating on her friend and not the spectacular view of the mountains outside the small window. “Yes. I’m sorry I kneed you. Though you were wrong to turn Shane in to the police.”

A smile played on Tom’s lips. “Even so, you didn’t need to turn me into a eunuch.”

She cleared her throat. “Ah, well, are you all right?” She so didn’t want to have a discussion about his balls. Not that he wasn’t hot, because good-looking was an understatement. But her heart lay elsewhere.

“I’m fine. It was a good move—one I hope my sisters know to use if anybody ever threatens them.” He took a drink of the coffee. His throat moved when he swallowed, a masculine movement in a fit man.

Relief filled her. She didn’t have many friends and certainly hadn’t wanted to lose him. “I’m sorry. I really am.”

Tom placed his cup on the desk. “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

“No.” She took another sip. “I’ll figure out my path. I will.” Wouldn’t she?

He shook his head. “I hope so.” He sat back and she was struck again by the perfect evenness of his features. Straight nose, high cheekbones, full lips.

“You’re a good-looking man, Tom.”

He rolled his deep brown eyes. “Thanks.” A line of numbers scrolling across his screen caught his attention. He turned back to her. “Any news on who trashed your offices?”


“That’s so weird.” The screen caught his eye again before he focused back on her. “They had to be looking for something. What do you think they wanted?”

“No clue. Possibly financial information on random big clients. Who knows.” The numbers flashed yellow. “What’s keeping your attention?”

Tom shrugged. “The county is granting bids on three projects, and all the subcontracting awards are going through.”

“I hope you get a couple.” The man had a job to do, and she was distracting him, so she stood. “Anyway, thanks for being so understanding about the entire situation. I appreciate your friendship.”

He leaned back, dark eyes appraising and making him look older. “I want more.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. So she cleared her throat. “I know—”

“No, I don’t think you do.” The numbers flashed by on the screen, but this time Tom ignored them. “I’m not going to let you ruin your life.”

She stepped back. “I, uh, I’m not ruining my life.”

“No. You’re not.” Determination lifted his jaw.

Irritation swirled through her. Enough with overbearing men. “I haven’t promised you anything.”

“Haven’t you?” He tilted his head to the side. “That’s debatable. Regardless, I will figure out what’s going on with your soon-to-be ex-husband. He’s not the only one with contacts in the police department.”

That couldn’t be good. Shane needed to keep a low profile, as did his brothers. “I’d appreciate it if you let me handle it.”

Tom turned back to the screen. “Thanks for the coffee.”

As dismissals went, it was a good one. Turning on her heel, she headed directly to the elevator. How could Tom think she’d promised him anything? Guilt had her flushing. She had discussed the divorce with him.

Her mind swirled as she stepped into the crowded elevator. Great. It would take forever to get back to her floor, and she had work to do. After several slow stops, most people had disembarked. She eyed her watch. Only she and one person remained, and he’d get off first.

The door opened on the ninth floor. A broad hand between her shoulder blades shoved her out of the elevator. “Hey,” she protested, flipping around.

The man crowded her away from the lift. The doors slid shut.


Josie turned around. The entire ninth floor of the high-rise building was being renovated for a legal firm to take over at the end of the year. In fact, Tom had bid on the job. Sawdust littered the floor, while tools remained scattered about.

She pivoted and took a step back, her gaze flashing to the man who’d shoved her. Just under six feet, broad across the shoulders, he had a nose that sported several old breaks. “Um…”

“Mrs. Dean, I suggest you cooperate with me.” Raspy and tough, his voice promised pain.

Panic heated the air in her lungs. The guy knew her name. Memories of Shane teaching her self-defense moves ran through her brain in rapid succession. She’d go for the balls again. “What do you want?”

The man’s gaze slid down to her toes and back up.

Fear caught in her throat.

He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. “Unfortunately, not what you think. This time, anyway.” His hand snaked out and manacled around her arm before he dragged her toward a room partially framed in. “Please have a seat.” While the words remained polite, the shove he gave her onto the folding chair held barely controlled violence.

She hit the metal hard, struggling to stay in place. “Wha-what do you want?” She straightened her pin-striped skirt over her knees, searching for a plan.

He crouched in front of her, hands going to her knees. “Here’s the deal, blue eyes. We’re going to wait here until closing time, and then go up and grab a few of your firm’s files.”

Awareness filtered through the buzzing of fear in her brain. “You ransacked my office.”

He tightened his hold on her knees. “Wasn’t me. My boss ransacked the entire floor looking for the files he needed.”

She yanked her legs to the side, dislodging his beefy hands and trying to focus past the fear. “What files did he need?”

The guy’s grin revealed a large gap between his front teeth. “Oh, we’ll find them when we go up later, don’t you worry.”

“I don’t understand. What’s going on?” Would Shane be looking for her yet? Though why would he check on the empty ninth floor?

The man stood, reaching for a power saw. “If I were you, I wouldn’t ask too many questions, Ms. Dean. People with too many answers end up dead.”

A death threat. Silence echoed around the floor. It wasn’t quitting time, so either the guy had enough power to send the construction crew home for the day, or he knew their schedule. Was it her files or Daniel’s they wanted? Though, once the guy got the files, would he kill her? Maybe she could keep him talking. “Tell me what files, and maybe I can give you the information now.”

“No.” He slapped the blade against his palm, licking his lips as his gaze wandered over her legs. “Though you can call me George.”

The guy was probably a killer. Her heart beat hard enough to bruise her ribs. Could she get the saw from him? If the tool was plugged in, she could inflict some serious damage. Did she stand a chance? “Is that your name?”

“Sure.” He twisted his wrist to glance at a battered sports watch. “We have about two hours to spend together.” He smiled again. “Then we’ll get my files, and you can go on your merry way.”

He had to be lying. If that was his real name, he had no intention of letting her go. She forced her foster home smile to her face, her breath heating. “Sounds good to me. Is your boss a client of mine?”

He shrugged. “I don’t think so.”

If she could keep him talking, maybe she could distract him somehow. Was Dan’s habit of keeping all his files on a flash drive with him the problem here? “Is he client of Daniel Mission’s?”

“No. He just wants your records—nobody else’s. So shut up and wait the time out.”

The boss wanted her files—not Daniel’s. Probably the files she’d taken home that night. Four accounts, four clients. Had Billy been involved in something illegal? If so, what? “Why take the laptops?”

“We pawned them in the next state. After wiping them down.”

Relief echoed in the back of her mind. Behind the terror. Growing up in foster care, she was always on the outside, and rarely trusted. Now, she knew secrets, and she was actually trusted. That mattered. Her clients’ sensitive information was safe, and she could be pleased.

“After we made copies of everything, of course.” George snorted. “My boss has a buddy who can figure out that kind of stuff. Maybe we’ll make some extra money on the side.” One bushy black eyebrow wriggled. “I don’t suppose you teach people how to hide stuff from the IRS?”

“No. I teach them how to take legal deductions so they don’t end up in jail.” She lifted her chin. “You been to jail, George?”

Creases cut deep alongside his mouth as he frowned. “I served a dime.” He leaned toward her, the smell of old tacos wafting from him. “I’ll kill before I go back, Ms. Dean. You might want to remember that fact.”

Her knees wobbled. “Apparently you haven’t let go of your life of crime.”

He wrinkled his mouth, biting his lip. “True. Sometimes you get into a life, and there’s no getting free. You are who you are.” He gestured with the saw as he spoke.

Killing was a philosophy to the guy. Panic heated her lungs—she had to get out of there before he killed her. Large bolt cutters perched on a sawhorse to her left. A power drill lay on the floor ahead of her. George held the saw. She toed off her three-inch heels as he admired the power saw in his hands. Was he imagining using the jagged blade on her? She shivered. Her thigh muscles bunched as she calculated the best way to take him down. Nothing seemed good.

But it was now or never. Steeling her spine, she tried to focus her energy. Then she leapt forward and grabbed the bolt cutters, swinging toward George.

He jumped back, out of the way.

The metal weighed heavily in her hands. The end of the tool thunked against the floor as gravity took over. She panted out a breath.

George shook his head. “Now I have to teach you a lesson. I really didn’t want to have to hurt you.” His smile hinted he was lying. “Put down the cutters, Mrs. Dean.”

“Not a chance, asshole.” Panic hazed her vision. The man was going to kill her. Her mind spun, and she eyed the elevator.

“Okay.” He jumped toward her, saw in hand.

She yelped and swung again with the heavy tool, missing once again. But as George took another running step, his feet tangled in the power saw’s cord. He went down. The floor rumbled in protest.

Crying out, Josie swung the cutters at his head.


Blood arced across the rough floor.

“Bitch.” Blood poured down his temple. He yanked the cutters out of her hand, throwing them across the floor. “I’m going to kill you.” He reached down to untangle his legs.

Run. Josie dodged to the side and ran.

Oh God.
