'Andy, when was the last time you took a holiday?'

He looked at her, his elbow on the high round table which circled one of the pillars in the Standing Order bar. 'I seem to remember,' he replied, 'that you and I were in Spain this summer, at your Dad's place. I seem to remember that you and I were all over each other then.'

'And I'm sure we will be again, next year,' said Alex. 'But you're dodging the question. You know bloody well what I mean. When was the last time you took a few days to yourself, to play golf, or to go wind-surfing. That spare room of yours is full of sports gear, gathering dust, and here you are, looking unfit, dog-tired, and if I may say so, just a wee bit podgy.'

He smiled at her, sourly. 'Gee thanks. Go on, give us a quick chorus of "You fat bastard, you fat bastard, you ate all the pies!" so the whole pub knows I've put on a couple of pounds. For your information, girlie, I've started working out again in the Fettes weights room, and I'm back playing squash with your father twice a week, now that the Chief's back in semi-harness.'

'Good, but none of that gets you out of the office. What are you doing to relax and to help you get away from the stress? That's what I'm asking.'

He shrugged. 'This for a start. Having a relaxing stress-free pint with my fiancee, going for a tandoori afterwards and hoping that she'll come back to my place for B and B, or who knows, maybe even invite me to hers.'

'You can forget the latter,' she said quickly; too quickly, she feared for just a moment. 'I'm not having Gina ogling you over the cornflakes. When I get my own place — and I looked at a really nice wee flat this lunchtime, down in Leith — it'll be different. As for the other possibility, if we can keep up our recent run of not falling out across the dinner table, you might just be on.

'Now, back to the point. When are you going to take some time off work?'

He capitulated. 'As soon as this summit conference thing is over, and once we get a result on a major investigation that Brian and Clan are working on, I promise you I will book a holiday. Some January sunshine, in the Canaries, or Florida maybe… for two, though.'

She shook her head. 'Sorry, we've got a major proof scheduled for January. Anyway, I'm taking some time before then; next week in fact.'

'You're what? You never said.'

'Well I'm saying now. I'm going to Marbella on Saturday, with Gina. I'm not sure how hot it'll be, but we'll get some sun.'

'I see.' The two words seem hang in the air.

'Just as well you do,' said Alex firmly, batting them away. 'Then you won't go moody on me. Listen, I want to marry you, Andy. But as I've tried to explain, I've got to get a life first, or it could be a disaster.

Once we are married, I won't be able to bugger off with a pal for some fun — nor will I want to — so if I choose to now, don't give me a hard time about it. Instead of that, go ahead and book your January holiday.'

'Maybe I'll just do that.' he murmured, taking a mouthful of draught Beck's. 'For two,' he added, into the glass, out of earshot.

'Good. Now let's talk about our respective working days, like we used to. What's with this conference?'

He looked around the busy bar. 'Sorry, love,' he said. 'I can't discuss that here.'

'What about your big investigation then?'

'That neither. That sort of chat was all right at home, when we were living together, but I can't talk to you about operational secrets in some damn pub. Your dad would tell you that. Look, you're the one who wanted change, girl; this has to be part of it.'

'Fair enough,' she said. 'Let's just go and eat then.'

'Nah,' he murmured wearily, finishing his beer and stepping off the high stool. 'You just go and catch your plane. It's no use, Alex, I can't share you… not even with you.'
