
Despite the image of the solitary author toiling away late at night, I’ve found that writing and publishing a book is really more of a team sport.

I’d like to thank the good folk at Angry Robot for making the process of writing and publishing this second book as easy and fun as possible: Penny Reeve, Nick Tyler, Marc Gascoigne, Gemma Creffield, and my editor Paul Simpson – you have all been amazing and it’s been a real joy working with you. Thanks also to Jan Weßbecher for another kick-ass cover.

Dawn Frederick and everybody at Red Sofa Literary, you have been as wonderful as ever.

My deepest of thanks to all the readers, reviewers, and the fine people at Fantasy Hive, Fantasy Faction, The Fantasy Inn, Reddit r/fantasy, Grimdark Fiction Readers & Writers, Fantasy Focus, Absolute Write, and many others who have all helped to spread the word about The Traitor God and God of Broken Things. Your support has meant a lot!

As always, the science fiction and fantasy author community has been a welcoming place, with people like Anna Stephens, RJ Barker, Edward Cox, Gavin G Smith, Ed McDonald, Sam Hawke, Peter McLean, Dyrk Ashton, Anna Smith Spark, Stephen Aryan, Jen Williams, Cat Hellisen, Ruth Booth, Rob Adams, Neil Williamson and many more making sure I am hard at work. Seriously, no distractions and amusements at all. Nope. None. sidles off

And finally, to Natasha, Misty, Mum & Dad, Billy & Lisa, Paula & Michael, Craig & Mary - thanks for your unwavering belief in me, your support has been invaluable.
