“A terrifying paranormal thriller with a romantic streak. Horrific and heart-warming at the same time, Hitchers raises the body-snatching tale to a new level. With intimate attention to his characters’ feelings, McIntosh sets a devastating dilemma with no possibility of a satisfying conclusion, and then—incredibly—delivers one.”

—David Walton, author of Terminal Mind and Quintessence

“In Hitchers, Will McIntosh unleashes a wholly original wave of terror against the backdrop of a surprisingly engaging tangle of personal histories. McIntosh’s prose moves fast and his story snags both the innocent and the odious in its ravenous maw.”

—Sophie Littlefield, author of A Bad Day for Sorry and Aftertime

“This compelling story brings life and death to the surface and challenges you to question your role in it all. Will McIntosh’s Hitchers is an amazing journey that will remain with you long after you’ve put it down.”

—Bambi Harris, author of The Afterlife Series

“McIntosh’s vivid imagery of possession is not only disturbing, but a thrilling ride you won’t want to put down, and won’t forget.”

—Jen Wylie, author of Sweet Light

“What’s really enjoyable about Hitchers is the nice juxtaposition of something so sadly believable—a terrorist attack—and the utterly fantastic—the dead possessing the living. The main characters suffering from their afflictions are also admirable for their logical, almost scientific approach in investigating the parameters of their nightmare, coupled with a lot of eye rolling metaphysics.”

—Jennifer Petkus, author of Good Cop, Dead Cop
