1 0 H U N T E R – K I L L E R G R O U P

' Nine days to go'

MKG spoke our thoughts as he and I sat in Peace's cabin, waiting for him to return from his lonely vigil on the bridge. He had been away for nearly an hour. Adele had left us to go to the radio-room where, apparently, she was on the best of terms with Williams the operator. I felt weary, frustrated; every drop of emotion had drained out of me. The strain of the past hours was plain in MKG'S face. We were caught in a trap-and we knew it.

The prospect of my being launched only nine days from now is dim,' MKG went on.

Adele opened the door. She did not seem to share our depression. She was almost gay. Her first glance was for me; she overheard MKG'S remark.

Here itr the islands we say-' the Creole spun softly off her tongue= God will plant new coconuts after the cyclone.' mkg's warm smile for her chased away his abstraction. I'll have no second chance with Little Bear,' he said. Now that the secret is about to come out from Tyler, and Devastation is trapped, it looks as if Little Bear is finished, washed up. Imagine the hoop-dee-dah there'll be!'

Adele said, Tyler hasn't started transmitting yet.' You seem to have become Williams's No. 1,' I commented.

She smiled.



Celtic temperament. No hard feelings about my hammering him on the head. I'll want that Navy code-book for Willowtrack's messages.'

Better decode anything in here,' replied MKG. Williams can take 'em down and you can do the rest here.' He indicated the desk. All the crew knows we have the Vice-President on board,' she said.

How do they feel about it?' MKG asked..

Williams says they're all on their toes to get you safely away.'

His eyes clouded. Then they also know about Little


No, certainly not,' she replied. They know you're trying to escape from Tyler-a lot of speculation in addition, but no facts. They're on your side-bit of a lark, says Williams, if Devastation can wipe Willowtrack's eye.'

There's very little prospect of that now,' MKG rejoined. 125 p

Peace came in, light shining on the spray on his shoulders and hair.

' Has Tyler sent anything yet?' he asked Adele.

No,' she replied. I've been with Williams. When he's not admiring my radio skill, he's muttering affectionate nothings in Welsh.'

I thought from the look on Peace's face that he was about to say something about discipline aboard his ship, but instead he shrugged and laughed shortly. We owe our getaway to you in the first place-help yourself to the radioroom.'

She nodded at the Navy code-book on the desk.). MKG thinks I'd better decode in here-okay?'

Yes, fine.'

She glanced at her watch. ' The DNI'S reply should be here within an hour.'

Peace looked uneasy, but MKG said, Until I hear from the President that things are fine at home, I can't move.'

And if you get the say-so from him, then you're still prepared to go ahead?' Peace insisted. Sure,' replied MKG. 'But I think the question is only academic at this moment. Commander, you're cornholed here and you know it. You can't get out and you can't get in _ farther.'

Peace shook the spray off like a dog. But I can get acrossl'


Peace went on quickly, speaking first to Adele. My plans need your help with the islanders. You'll be the kingpin, too, on the radio to keep track of what Tyler is up to. We'll take a portable-there's a powerful all-wave they use in the mess-'

Take?' echoed MKG. ' Take where?'

`This Seahorse Sound of ours is only about seven miles across the reef from Raphael, which has the only permanent population among all the St Brandon islands-'

You can't take a submarine through the worst coral reef in the world,' I objected.

Who said I intended to?' he replied. We'll use one of the sub's rubber dinghies. We four will make our way to Raphael in one. John and I have negotiated this reef before in a pirogue when we scouted the place on our way from

Mauritius to the Seychelles. It can be done. It's mighty tricky, though.'

' You deserve to luck out, Commander,' said MKG slowly.

' At Raphael we can pick up a boat, a cutter, a pirogue anything that will sail,' Peace went on rapidly. Trevor-Davis and Mac in Bellatrix won't be more than a hundred miles tc the north. We know their exact course. Interception is a cinch.'

Bellatrix!' murmured MKG. I'd forgotten about Bellat rix!'

I can't understand Tyler's silence,' I said.

I can,' replied Peace. First, he didn't have time during our breakaway and second he's too wise-' he glanced sideways at MKG to send a signal during a hunt. Now I'll bet he's blowing a gasket, thinking, what the hell! You're assuming that he knows Devastation is inside the reef. How does he? The chart simply shows a barrier-no Seahorse Sound. He's thinking and re-thinking, that's what he's doing. And above all, there's the brutal fact he's lost the Vice-President who I was entrusted to his care. He didn't hear any breaking-up noises over his instruments, as he would have done had we struck the reef. He can't locate us by radar or sonar since Devastation became almost joined to a chunk of coral about the size of the White House itself. I've cancelled all our own radio, radar and sonar transmissions. Tyler's not going to make a first-class ass of himself by signalling before he is sure of something. Into the bargain, the weather's building up. Maybe tomorrow-or the next day-he'll take the risk of trying to probe into Seahorse Sound in Willowtrack. By that time the birds-' he gestured to the four of us-' will have flown.'

' What is Tyler's reaction going to be when he finds

Devastation and discovers that she is indeed a British sub and not one belonging to some hostile power?'

Tyler's got the bit right between his teeth,' replied MKG. He's a tough hombre, that guy, and a nit-picking point like whether or not the sub is British won't stop him until he's got me safely in his hands again. But you've forgotten a big factor, Commander.

What is that?'

Your Exec, Bob Peters. Your crew. Adele tells me that already every mother's son of them is gossiping about having the Vice-President on board.'

I'll order Peters to stay put here in Seahorse Sound,' said Peace. Let Willowtrack waste time trying to find her while we make a high-tailing start.'

It's not good enough,' MKG objected. You're throwing the entire responsibility on to Peters.'

Tell him the whole truth,' I suggested. ' He's one hundred per cent sound, is Bob Peters. Then he'll know how to handle the situation when Tyler locates Devastation.'

The truth-yes,' Peace replied slowly. But truth without times, schedules, the position of the launching-site, or anything about Semittante's course.'

Peace picked up an intercom and asked Peters to join us.

He glanced curiously round the group on arrival. Without preliminary, Peace said, Bob, you must be wondering what in hell is going on?'

Peters grinned, looking at MKG. They've started a book on you at the acey-deucey table, sir. I've taken a bet myself. All I know-officially, that is-is that there is to be a secret test-fire of a new weapon'

How many believe that?' asked MKG.

They wouldn't be betting unless there were doubt-a lot of doubt-about it,' replied Peters evenly.

Bob,' said Peace incisively, the Vice-President here is not-never was-supervising such a test fire. He was to test it out himself-by taking a space-ride to the Santa Fe station.'

Not even the boys with the bets thought of that one,'

Peters said.

You know Devastation is in a trap here,' went on Peace. T o m o r r o w I ' m t a k i n g o n e o f t h e s u b ' s d i n g h i e s a n d t h e four of us are cutting through the reef to Raphael.'

Why?' asked Peters, still staggered by what he had just heard.

MKG explained the situation and the reasons for Tyler's pursuit. When he had finished, Peters said, Tyler's got my sympathy. Think of his agony of mind-whether to signal that his own Vice-President intends to fly into space and h o l d h i m s e l f u p t o r i d i c u l e i n f r o n t o f t h e N a v y a n d t o p b r a s s, o r w h e t h e r t o k e e p h i s m o u t h s h u t i n t h e h o p e o f locating the kidnappers before more harm is done. I wouldn't have signalled either. It's a decision I wouldn't like to have thrust upon me.'

Peace went on, Bob, you are to stay here with Devastation. Just keep quiet, no transmissions of any kind. String Tyler along for a couple of days in order to give us a start.'

S t a y, s i r? ' P e t e r s l o o k e d d i s a p p o i n t e d. H e t u r n e d t o MKG. We'd all like to help you, sir..

Into orbit?' supplied MKG. "Fraid not, Bob.'

' After Tyler has located me, I could double back and pick you up at sea,' suggested Peters eagerly. We could arrange a rendezvous west of St Brandon. I could get you to the launch point in Devastation..

No, Bob,' said Peace. I don't want to bring the whole United States Seventh Fleet on to your neck. No, we've got a plan.'

Peters looked appealingly again at MKG, but Peace remained adamant. I'll want one of the rubber dinghies ready by morning, complete with food, water, charts, compass, navigational instruments.'

Peters turned to go, then he stopped and said to MKG, ' Good luck, sir.' For a moment his habitual command reserve faltered. I and a lot of other people-your own people

– will want you to make it, sir.'

He saluted formally and went.

MKG stared after him. I wonder.

Peace shook his head. ' No. A nuclear sub is a big craft.

It'll be difficult to hunt the small ship we'll have and it won't be in a pocket-handkerchief inlet but in an ocean one thousand miles one way and six hundred the other. See if I can't hide a ship in that.'

Bellatrix is small and fast,' admitted MKG. I• wasn't talking of Bellatrix,' replied Peace. ' I mean Semittante! I'll intercept Bellatrix and then I shall go after Semittante in her. I intend to cut her out. I want Little Bear. Even if I have to shoot the whole crew-' he inclined his head towards the Remington-' I mean to have Little


' Cut her out!' MKG echoed.

I• t'll be easy-we've help aboard in the shape of Dr Boz

Blair and the team who are assisting at the launch.'

I wonder what they'll think when we swing alongside flying the Jolly Roger!' I exclaimed.

Peace did not respond. ' Listen,' he said sharply. ' After

Tyler has located Devastation-and find her he will-don't you think his first objective will be the one thing that matters since he hasn't got the person of MKG? Semittante-and Little Bear. Peters will play dumb, and he may find himself being court-martialled for his part in all this, don't forget. When Tyler therefore can't extract anything from Peters, he'll go right after Semittante!

' We have only nine days,' MKG reflected. 'How long will all this take, Commander?'

A day, maybe two, to reach Bellatrix, depending on what sort of boat we raise at Raphael. I'll steal one if necessary,' he went on roughly. Give me the same time again to find

Semittante. That should be easy enough. We know her course and-' his eyes warmed and he spoke to Adele-` this H.K. man John is a magician when it comes to navigation. Another couple of days after that to Love-Apple Crossing.'

That should leave us four-five days once we're there,' considered MKG.

I don't like schedules,' replied Peace. ' There are too many imponderables when you're dealing with the sea.'

The launch deadline is immovable,' began MKG, when there was a rap at the door. It was Williams, the radio operator. He held out some signals.

Code, sir, all three of 'em. One of 'em's ours, and they could be important, that's why I brought them myself. Can't make out the other two. But-' his dark eyes were on Adele

– ` maybe the lady can.'

Peace broke the formality. 'I'm damn' sure she can, liams. This is Willowtrack, then?'

Williams relaxed. It's that Yankee sub, true enough, sir. Close-loud and clear. The other's from our people in the Seychelles.'

Want any feminine assistance, Williams?' Peace asked, grinning.

Argh, man,' he replied. And here's Ted Williams thinking he's the finest operator in the Royal Navy and there comes a slip of a girl-any time you can spare her, sir, she's welcome. Now I'll be getting back and watching that Yankee bastard-begging your pardon, Mister Vice-President.'

He grinned and went.

Adele glanced at the three signals. The one from the

Seychelles is very short. Shall I do it first?'

Aye,' said Peace. MKG was very still. Adele sat down at

Peace's desk and worked on the letter groupings.

' It's one word only,' she said, handing it to Peace. '


Ah,' exclaimed MKG, and the tension seemed to ebb out of him. Fine, fine!'

Peace raised his eyebrows.

That's the President's code word that everything is okay,' he said expansively. Lincoln means the mission is off, I must return at once.'

Why Lincoln?' I asked.

He smiled. I suppose I shouldn't be letting you into this secret code, but the President and I thought that by using the names of former Presidents, it would be very nearly unbreakable. Washington set everything to rights in the States, so the situation's fine. Lincoln was assassinated-things are bad. Simple as that.'

Peace had a curious look on his face.! Washington Lincoln: that all?'

That's all,' replied MKG. No in-betweens. Either the Little Bear mission is on, or it's off. I rely solely on the President's reading of the signs at home. What he says, goes.'

Peace said nothing but turned to Adele. ' I want to know what Willowtrack is saying.

Adele took the u.s. Navy code and worked on the groups of complicated letters. It took her much longer than the DNI's return call to the Vice-President. There was no sound in the tiny cabin except the creak of the casing against the coral.

Then Adele read out:

Willowtrack x op-immed x Chief of Naval Operations x inform White House x Marvin K. Green kidnapped from aboard USN Willowtrack x taken abroad submarine stated to be British Devastation x shadowed Devastation to posi- tion Long. 16° 30' S., Lat. 59° 42' E., in St Brandon group x lost contact with Devastation same position approx 1640 GMT x Devastation's last heading 220 degrees, taking her directly on to St Brandon outer barrier reef x heavy surf x no break-up noises x no further radar or sonar contact x am lying in above position surfaced x heavy broken water and reefs x will recommence visual search daylight x'

No break-up noises, no contacts!' exclaimed Peace jubilantly.

Tyler's starting his search at daylight,' mkG pointed out.

Visual search means nothing under the blanket of spray,'

Peace said. We can be clear away at first light.'

Adele straightened up at the desk. Here's the other signal. It's also from Willowtrack:

' Request immediate air-sea search for French freighter Semittante, position not known x she carries American classified test missile Little Bear x'

Adele pointed to the superscription to the signal-Com


Limuria Command!' exclaimed Peace. Tyler's called in the Seventh Fleet. I knew he'd go after Semittante?' MKG said anxiously, He's asking to vector the whole

Seventh Fleet to search for us.'

No,' replied Peace, who seemed eager to placate mkG.

You're reading the two signals together, but in fact they're in watertight compartments. The Seventh Fleet wouldn't have access to his secret signal to the Chief of Naval Operations, would it?'

No,' conceded MKG reluctantly, I suppose not.'

Tyler hasn't said a word about you to ComSubInd,' Peace went on quickly. He's merely asked for assistance in trying to locate a ship carrying a classified missile.'

He asks the Chief of Naval Operations to inform the White House,' MKG said sombrely. Frankly, I don't like it, Commander, I don't like it at all.'

But,' Peace argued, you've already informed the President that everything is in order, and you've got his okay back again. He'll naturally discount the Tyler story in the light of your prior message.'

We waited as MKG remained silent, thoughtful. At last he said, ' I suppose I can be grateful that Tyler hasn't put it on the air that I'm going for a space-ride. If ever that got out-' He shrugged. The papers certainly wouldn't put that story on the back burner!'

These messages are all top-secret and only for the persons they are directed to,' Peace went on persuasively. Their contents are not likely to become public property.'

I hope to God not,' replied MKG. The space-ride story, out of its true context, especially since the project has been officially axed, could do me irretrievable harm politically.'

He smiled grimly. There are a lot of people who would like to make capital out of it against me back home.'

Not only back home,' I added. What about the Kremlin?'Peace was anxious to guide the conversation away from this channel.

This is all speculation about things which are not likely to come to pass,' he said. Look at the facts: you've reassured the President only a couple of hours ago, MKG. He can read the times on Tyler's signal and make the correct conclusion, that you're safe aboard Devastation and all is well. The kidnapping he will discount in advance, therefore. Tyler's acting unilaterally, without knowing what lies behind the whole Little Bear saga. The President will call off the dogs and silence Tyler. It is our duty to the mission to go ahead.' MKG looked keenly at Peace. ' You're pretty set on n it, aren't you, Commander?'

`Yes,' replied Peace, I am. We can still carry it through in secrecy if we follow my plan and escape through the reef.'

MKG seemed to hesitate between Peace's reassurances and his own inward doubts. He said, Commander, is it not possible for me to signal the White House via the DNI again 132

And give our position away after all we've been through to dodge Willowtrack?'

MKG looked thoughtful. I'm not happy about it, Commander, but I see your point. Will you give me a categorical assurance that, whatever the circumstances, you will signal the White House as soon as we intercept Bellatrix?' I saw the relief flood into Peace's face. Yes. But by that time, in any event, I think all this-' he waved the signals' will have been called off and we'll be on our way unhampered to Love-Apple Crossing.'

Maybe Tyler is taking a lot upon himself without explaining much,' MKG said. ' We're on the inside, which makes it easy to understand'

I wonder what Admiral Thornton's reaction will be when he receives a message like that out of the blue?' I said. He doesn't even know that Willowtrack is in waters under his command.'

Peace seemed unwilling, now that he had gained his point, to go on discussing it. ' I'll check over the dinghy myself for our trip in the morning. I'll put in life-jackets, too.'

I felt weary after the long strain of the chase and the mounting tension which the signals brought with them. I said to Peace, Mind if I go up on to the bridge for a breather?'

1 looked over at Adele, who smiled.

Peace was abstracted. ' Don't go up on to the flying bridge or move around topsides. I don't want Willowtrack's radar picking up a moving object to make her suspicious. Take oilskins. The bridge shield isn't enough to keep off the spray.'

Adele and I made our way through the silent Control Centre. It had the air of a stage after the players have gone. The watch was on duty, but there was nothing of the previous bustle. I undogged the hatch and we stepped out into another world, the world of St Brandon, the world of the two of us. The spray was salt on her lips as I kissed her. It looped high into the air above our heads-like standing under a shower. The tall black sail projected through the hole it had made in the coral, but the hull itself was out of sight. Landwards-or rather, towards the west where the coral thickened into innumerable swashways in the reef-I could see the glint of breaking seas sparkling against coral in the starlight. Through the gauzy curtain seawards I spotted Orion's Belt. The wind blew hard into the inlet from the north-east – the direction of the entrance-but inside it was strangely calm. Seahorse Sound seemed to have the spurious reality of a film set-water cascading, spray blowing, yet there was no bite to it.

Adele swept back the yellow oilskin hood. The spray turned to stars in her hair. She drew in a deep breath. St Brandon-oh, the smell of it! I smell the Grands Carreaux!

You can't imagine what it is like on a London winter's night to yearn for this island-smell..

I kissed her again. Let's come back when this is all over.'

She drew back only far enough for me to see her eyes, sea-bright. We can't, you know-St Brandon is a man's world. The jouissance stipulates, no women. They're hellcats, trouble-makers-'

I kissed her silent, but she drew away and was grave. This-this thing of MKG's-it seems to be unleashing forces that he, or we, never dreamed of. It makes me frightened?

He's in advance of his tithes,' I replied, pushing back her hair. It's not only the justification of a weapon which this mission stands for, it's the, justification of everything he himself stands for, the age of science. There is no one else in the world in the same position as he is. Top scientist, top leader, top nation.'

I see it, yet I fear,' she said. The Seventh Fleet, the most powerful naval task force on the high seas, and it's coming against four people in a rubber dinghy-' Suddenly she shrank back under the perspex spray-shield. She pointed landwards: 'A light! Someone is coming!'

I raised my head cautiously above the streaming shield. A vast arc of heaven met a vast arc of sea somewhere over Africa. I could distinguish a yellow star or two-nothing else.

Her voice was low, imperative. White-it's a white light!

In the direction of the main reef-there!'

Then it's not Willowtrack.'

Who else but Willowtrack knows we're here?' She gripped my arm so hard that I winced. A pinpoint of white light rose and dunked itself.

A boat!' I exclaimed. Heavens, how it slews!'

She watched for a moment. There! Again! He's coming through the reef proper!'

I picked up the intercom and pressed the energizing button. Control-BridgeGarland here. I want Commander Peace.'

Bridge-Control,' replied an unfamiliar voice. Hold it.'

There was a pause and then Peace's voice came through, sharp. John, what are you playing at? Do you wart Willow- track-?'

There's a light-a boat, I think-coming towards us.'

There was an electric silence.

I'll be right up.'

I heard the quick clump of his boots inside the sail as he raced up the steel ladder. In a moment, he and MKG were beside us.

Where away?'

North-west,' I replied. A shade north.'

We peered into the blackness. There was nothing but the steady drumming of the sea and a speckle of spray.

There!' exclaimed Adele. Peace was at her side, following her pointing finger. The light zig-zagged, shone, disappeared, shone again and stood out steadily.

He's at the nose of the seahorse!' said Peace. Where it faces deepest into the reef. See-he's steady-he's out of the millrace of the reef.'

I'm trying to jell my ideas on this,' MKO said slowly. `

S u r e l y i t c a n ' t b e T y l e r; h e w o u l d n ' t s h o w a l i g h t! ' `He' s coming this way!' Adele said.

Peace snapped, Get me the Remington, John!'

I dived below and decided that rather than take a naked weapon through the Control Centre, I would carry it in its case. I hurried through. all eyes upon me. Peace flipped open the top of the box. He slid back the Remington's bolt. It didn't have a deep clunk like a rifle but a light click-like a terrier's bark alongside a bloodhound's. Peace loaded. The light was coming closer.

Quiet!' Peace ordered.

The light, startlingly bright by contrast with the general wateriness, drifted slowly towards the dark shape of the submarine merged against the coral. There was a sudden crack. P e a c e c r o u c h e d f o r w a r d w i t h t h e g u n. A d e l e p u t o u t h e r h a n d t o h i m. I t ' s t h e f l a p o f a s a i l, ' s h e w h i s p e r e d. S h e looked hard into the night and murmured something in the soft Creole to herself. She turned, and her eyes were alight. It's a St Brandon man. Look, that's a cutter's sails-you can tell old Andre's style of sailmaking anywhere-that odd snip in the luff..

Andre!' exclaimed Peace. ' By God, John, MKG, this is our big break! Andre!'

Andre was the fisherman who brought us through the reef when we charted it,' I explained to MKG.

Quiet!' warned Peace. 'He's coming on'

`He still doesn't see us!' exclaimed Adele.

Peace reminded her that we were part of the coral. There was another slap of the sail and we saw the boat's stern under 135 the white light. It was the same sort of contrivance fishermen use throughout the Mediterranean-bright acetylene, mounted aft, to attract the fish. The cutter drifted closer, unaware of Devastation. Andre slipped a pair of oars into the rowlocks. Across the water, half-obliterated by the noise of wind and spray, came the sound of singing.

Adele's eyes were as bright as the acetylene. ' It's a sort of song-prayer-he sings to the devil-fish of the inlet to leave him in peace, because he's only catching small fish, fish too small for the devil-fish to enjoy.' She cocked an ear. It's snappers and varra-varra and rouget he's after tonight? Andre unshipped his oars and started to cast his net.

Hail him, Adele!' said Peace.

Adele cupped her hands and called in Creole. The old man faced away from us. His back jerked at her words and he swung round, his squat, powerful frame silhouetted against the white light. He called to us in reply.

Adele gave a ripple of laughter.

What does he say?' I demanded.

' He says good-evening, nixie, I know I am a wicked old man, but it is dominoes and not women which are my downfall. He thinks I am a sea-spirit-dominoes are the great gambling game at Raphael.' Adele was like a girl. She called again, bubbling with laughter.

He says, nixie, you see I am an old man-I cannot make love to you like the young ones at St Brandon. Let me go. Besides, as you know, the jouissance forbids women at St Brandon, and a man gets out of practice. Let me go back to Raphael and to-morrow night I will bring you a young man.'

He doesn't sound scared,' observed MKG.

' Oh, no, he isn't,' Adele replied. They believe in nixies and devil-fish at St Brandon. It's a question of talking smart so that the nixie will let him go. He'll never come near Seahorse Sound again, though.'

Andre peered, trying to locate Adele's voice.

Peace called. Andre! Andre! You old sonofabitch 1'

In slow motion the old man sank down on the thwart, his hands clasped as if in prayer. Adele shouted something, but his reply was half-lost.

' He says shame on you, nixie, for changing yourself into my man of the sea who was my friend and a very brave man. I know now that I am dead, for he and I and the other were the only men ever to come into Seahorse Sound.'

Andre. It's me-John Garland.'

The bowed head did not rise. Adele called again and again. At length he rose. She translated.

H e k n o w s h e is d e a d, ' s h e s m i l e d. ' H e h a s h e a r d t h e voices of the two men he guided to Seahorse Sound.'

M K G b r o k e i n, A n d r e y o u s a y, k n o w s a l l t h e p a s s a g e s through the reef-we won't need the sub's dinghy now.'

Peace banged his fist excitedly on the bridge shield. This is our moment! We go-now-just as we are-with Andre. The gear in the sub's dinghy can be shifted into Andre's boat. Don't forget the transistor radio and the Navy code.'

MKG and I stumbled down the steep ladder into the sub's interior. It was a moment's work to explain the situation to Peters. The dinghy's gear-sextant, charts, compass, oilskins, f o o d, w a t e r – h a d b e e n n e a t l y l a i d o u t i n t h e m e s s. T w o ratings helped us carry it to the bridge. As we went up, we felt the thump of Andres boat alongside. Peters dismissed the two helpers from the bridge. Andre stood in his boat gazing in wonderment at the black sail rising out of the coral. Toss a line,' ordered Peace. Here, Andre.'

Like a man in a dream, but not lacking in seamanship, Andre spun a rope and cast it high. Peace knotted it securely to the base of the radar antenna and swung a leg over.

She's all yours, Bob,' he told Peters.

Peters gripped him firmly by the hand. ' Are you sure I -? W i s h i t w a s m e, s i r. '

Peace said quietly, ' I'm afraid for you it's a case of they also serve, Bob. Hang on as long as you can to give us the best chance. John, help Adele.'

Help!' She smiled. I've climbed ropes since I was five.'

MKG gave a brief glance round the minute bridge-a strange look of farewell.

Good luck, sir,' said Peters. His hand went instinctively t o h i s f o r e h e a d t o s a l u t e, b u t h e d r e w i t b a c k w h e n h e realized he stood capless in the blowing spray.

MKG simply leaned out and touched him on the shoulder. I think Peters would have gone to the ends of the earth for h i m, t h e n. M K G w e n t d o w n h a n d – o v e r – h a n d i n t o A n d r e ' s boat. I dropped down next to the old fisherman and Peace. Tears streamed unashamedly down the old man's face and he hugged us.

Adele translated, 'He says he does not know what strange ghost of a ship it is which stands part of the coral-he has n e v e r s e e n o n e l i k e i t b e f o r e. Y e t h e i s g l a d f o r t o h o w many is it given to meet a nixie and live?'

Peace clapped him on the shoulder. Ask, will he take us to Raphael-tonight?'

Adele translated. Not to Raphael-he is willing only to take you near Raphael.

Peace hardened. What's all this about?'

The gay, rippling note was back in Adele's voice. If he returns to Raphael by morning and says, I have a nixie and men who appeared out of the high spray as if from nowhere aboard my boat, the other fishermen will say, there is a new wreck on the reef and Andre has found her. For look, he is drunk with' bacca stronger than the red wine of Mauritius. It is-is- 'she laughed= he calls it, the wine that looks like stirred-up sand in a coral pass and is as dangerous-whisky!

No! From Poulailler to Puits-a Eau the fishermen will watch him and follow. His life will not be worth living. They will find Seahorse Sound. He will then lose his " pension " of fish which is unknown to anyone else. No, he will not take you to Raphael.

I saw the stern clamp of Peace's jaw and I said quickly, Will he take us beyond Raphael?'

Andre made an expressive gesture which embraced the w h o l e a r c o f t h e s e a. A n y w h e r e – b u t n o t R a p h a e l. ' I glanced at Peace and he nodded. Bellatrix!

Say, our yacht-the one he admired so-is at sea maybe a hundred miles north of Raphael. That is where we wish to go.'

Andre in reply snatched up a bright red fish from the bottomboards-one of the veielles which haunt the sheltered lagoons and coral overhangs-and snapped it with a curious deft movement across his knee, handing one half to Peace and retaining the other.

It's a deal,' translated Adele.

Andre shoved the hardy little cutter clear. She was about

25 feet long with a broad beam and flared bow-the sort of boat which claims kinship with the New Bedford whalers, the longboats of Tristan and the flatbooms of the Skeleton Coast. All are built to ride and fight wicked seas. She was half-decked, with a peculiar lateen sail-heritage of some dead-and-gone dhow plying from Zanzibar to Calicut and blown far off course to Limuria. The first chop of the short s e a s h i t u s a s A n d r e h o i s t e d i t. I m a d e f o r t h e t i l l e r, b u t MKG said, This isn't going to be such a cinch-I know boats.'

We headed for the reef.

A n d r e g e s t u r e d t o P e a c e a n d m e t o c o n n t h e b o a t. T h e driving spray seemed thicker. The stern light was out and I c o u l d n o t s e e a h a n d b r e a d t h a h e a d, b u t A n d r e t a c k e d t o windward, turning now and again with a peculiar gesture of his left hand-his thumb like the tiller-head and the palm and fingers the tiller itself-to guide MKG. The Vice-Presi138 dent sat bareheaded, eyes screwed up in that peculiar mannerism of his. Andre let the sail go with a clatter. He gestured-hard sport. The cutter swung wildly on a stern roller for a moment before MKG caught her. Andre whipped up the sail again and the boat rushed into white water. The stern corkscrewed violently, the tiller kicking loose momentarily from MKG's hands until he snatched at it again. This was the place where the Indian Ocean roiled its guts on the first land for 2,000 miles. The seas boiled, foamed, thundered, caromed, dragged, volted. A mass of coral loomed. I yelled in fear to Andre. He gave her half a reef and we snaked by a plume of foam within a hand's touch. We broke into the main pass in a series of rapid turns, Andre using the sail to keep us ahead of the thrust and rush of the sea. There were kaleidoscopic close-up glimpses of yellow, red, pink and blue coral; barnacle-black rocks and white, savage water.

Time and again Peace and I crashed the heavy wooden oars against the coral to fend us off. Our oilskins were waterlogged. My first guess that we were well inside the barrier was due not to the lessening of the spray but to a peculiar silveriness which came over the boat and reef. We swept, apparently out of control, round a 12-foot-high buttress of yellow coral and for the first time the lash of the spray was out of my face. I turned. The stars were hard, defined, white in the west towards Raphael. The sail was silver-blue. The wild magic of the barrier reef was upon the boat. It deepened the grave abstraction of mKG's eyes; it laid beauty on beauty in Adele's face. It blurred the cruel line of Peace's mouth and overlaid Andre's mahogany with a patina of St Brandon's glory.

Andre dropped the sail. ' Oars!' passed on Adele. There was an engine, Peace had found, in good working order, but there was no petrol.

Peace and I clunked the oars home into home-made rowlocks. After a few dozen strokes we stripped off our oilskins, which began to steam from our sweat. On the horizon behind MKG appeared a long thin line of pearl.

I cried out, it was so exquisite. Adele, crouched on a thwart, looked towards me and said something softly in. Creole.

The spray was gone now and the sea, at our backs, grumbled. On every hand lay wet coral-yellow, red, pink, blue- stretching as far as our limited horizon would allow, and between were sea-threads of aquamarine, turquoise and

blue. To starboard, a dark, ill-defined green mass rose out of the sea-Raphael! We were safe.

MKG stretched himself stiffly. Eight days to go.'

Red-eyed from the spray, Peace spoke to Andre through

Adele. The weather-they say there's a cyclone coming?'

The old fisherman shook his head and pointed at the red coral. Not yet, not yet. When it is near, that turns dull.'

P e a c e u n r o l l e d t h e d a m p c h a r t. H e p o i n t e d t o a s p o t north-north-west of St Brandon. Andre, my yacht is somewhere here… The old man stared in blank incomprehension and rattled off a volley at Adele. He says he doesn't know what you are talking about, or what that thing is.' She indicated the chart.

I found the compass I had brought from the sub-I didn't like the look of the cutter's old compass, any more than MKG did. It hasn't been boxed since Old King Cole ordered the bowl,' he remarked.

Adele leaned over the chart. May I see? The islanders have their own names for places.

Peace pointed. 'Bellatrix will be a hundred miles northnorth-west of Raphael. Adele stared at the map and clapped her hands. There was a rapid-fire of Creole and Andre shrugged and laughed too.

What does he say?'

" Thank you, sweet Jesus, that I am unable to read and write, when all they mean is Purse-Fish Bank."

What is a purse-fish?' asked MKG.

She shot the question at Andre, who grinned and sketched a caricature with his expressive hands-a grotesque thing with mean eyes and a Roman nose and-Andre took in the whole compass of yellow coral-as garish as that.

Tell him to strike south of Raphael to start with,' said Peace. Now we've got a boat, I don't want the islanders to, see us any more than Andre himself wants to be spotted.'

T h e r e e f l o s t i t s v i o l e n c e. W e r o d e e a s i l y t h r o u g h t h e channels, Peace and I in the bows. Our course remained south of Raphael till the white guano fang of Siren Island lifted out of the waves. Then we swung north-north-west to intercept Bellatrix-I had drawn a straight line on the chart showing her course after I had left her to Trevor-Davis's charge. Under the steady bite of the trades on our beam, we snored along while MKG and I shared yachtsmen's appreciation of the cutter's sailing qualities. Despite the balminess of the morning, our enjoyment was

underlaid with unease, Had Tyler broken the news of the space-shot? Was the news of MKG'S disappearance public? M K G f i d d l e d w i t h t h e r a d i o t o g e t a V o i c e o f A m e r i c a newscast, while Peace waited a little impatiently for Adele to see what Tyler and the Seventh Fleet were up to. The newscast blared through. Nothing, beyond day-to-day events. M K G b r e a t h e d a s i g h o f r e l i e f. B u t h i s a n x i e t y w a s n o t allayed, for when Adele switched to the Navy wavelength and the quick groupings started to come in, he muttered, Now for the kicker.'

It wasn't long in coming. Peace read out the decoded signal Adele passed to him.

Willowtrack to Command intelligence Center, carrier Rio Grande x top secret x op-immed x repeat my request immediate assistance search Vice-President x' Admiral Thornton's reply was terse:

CIC to Willowtrack repeat to Chief Naval Operations x top secret x op-immed x entire Seventh Fleet on its way x deployed under my personal command as hunter-killer group x proceeding all speed St Brandon area x

Willowtrack to CIC x last contact with Vice-President aboard British submarine Devastation x no further con- tacts x

CIC to Willowtrack x Keep station x

'Hunter-killer group!' exclaimed Peace.

MKG was withdrawn, thoughtful. I can't make it out,' he said at length. The President had my signal last night. Why has he allowed this operation to be mounted?'

Because, I told myself secretly, he believes Tyler; he is under the impression that MKG has been kidnapped. Tyler's dramatic news came after MKG's signal, and the President himself had given the okay before learning it.

B u t P e a c e p o i n t e d t o t h e s u p e r s c r i p t i o n t o t h e s i g n a l. '

These are inter-Navy signals and I expect, from my knowledge of official channels, that the White House hadn't had time to step in before Thornton acted on his own initiative, in the light of the seriousness of Willowtrack's appeal. After all, it is less than twelve hours since you let the President know you were safe.'

Auto didn't seem convinced. I, too, wondered whether 141

Peace wasn't trying over-hard to rationalize every adverse fact in order to keep the mission going. Perhaps MKG felt so also, because he gave Peace a long, appraising look before he said, There would be a red-hot line from Naval Operations to the White House on news like this. The operation could have been called off within an hour. This is top priority, by any standards.'

There was a long silence, broken only by the crunch of the seas under the cutter's planks.

Then MKG said, You're sure the President got my signal via the DNI, Commander?'

Peace met his gaze squarely. I give you my word of honour. Until you yourself revealed what Washington meant in your secret code, none of us had the slightest idea. It could have been the recall, for all we knew.'

Yes,' admitted the Vice-President, that is correct. But you can't have the whole of the Seventh Fleet racing out of base on an unexplained mission and expecting no one to ask why. And once they ask why, the story of the kidnapping and the space-shot must come out.'

Peace broke in, as if to steer his thought away from these graver implications, There was no mention of the spaceshot. No mention of Semittante: Tyler is not going to put that on the air before he's seen Thornton personally,' replied MKG. It's too big, coming hard on the heels of his other news.' There was another pause, broken only by a sputter of static from the radio. Commander,' said MKG, your heart is in this mission and so is mine, or else I wouldn't be sitting in an open boat in the middle of the ocean. But the mere fact of the Seventh Fleet being brought into this may be enough for me to decide that the time has come to call off Little Bear. The decision was to rest at all times with the President and myself. This whole thing may well be construed as endangering my office and my responsibility to the Presidency. I cannot decide this alone. I must signal the President for full assurance. I must have his approval.'

Peace motioned towards the radio set. We haven't a transmitter, only that.'

MKG nodded. I want your word that as soon as we pick up Bellatrix, you will send a signal.'

Peace's jaw tightened. And give our position away again?'

You may choose your own time,' said MKG, but it must be soon after we reach Bellatrix.'

And meanwhile?'

The Vice-President gave a wry smile. I'll be a very interested spectator of the Commander dodging a hunterkiller force in a small boat-if he can.' He glanced into the lightening sky as the cutter hurried through the long seas. Tyler has sure goosed them into action and this-his eyes were sombre now-' has become an aseptic area as far as the United States Navy is concerned.'

His reserve brought a restrained air to breakfast. Andre fried some fish on a paraffin stove under the forward decking. He also produced a gunny-sack of salted sea-birds-he gave them a Creole name, but Adele told us they were glossy ibis. Adele herself sat with a headphone over one ear, listening in case either Thornton or Tyler should break silence. We munched the salted ibis and drank hot, steaming coffee.

Peace threw the dregs of his cup overside. I must know what the hunter-killer force is up to.

Not a chirp,' replied Adele.

What will they throw at us?' I asked.

' The standard! MK force in the u.s. Navy consists of carriers, destroyers and a couple of nuclear subs,' explained MKG, as if glad to talk. The carriers operate dunking helos and search aircraft. Blimps, too-but in this sort of weather they're not a proposition. Subs are really best for tracking subs, but only in co-operation with cowboys and helos.'

Adele looked up from her radio dials. It's like the soundtrack of a Western!'

MKG laughed for the first time that morning. ' That's what they call them-destroyers are cowboys, subs are goblins, a dunking helo is a helicopter which hovers and lowers a sonar ball into the water.' He stretched himself. With a day and a boat like this, it's a shame that the world's trying to get on my back.' His easy charm relieved the earlier tension and brought almost a holiday excursion air to the boat. – Peace' s thoughts, however, were obviously on the massive build-up over the horizon. They'll use a grid pattern search.'

They must have a datum point for a grid search,' replied MKG.

Seahorse Sound,' I said.

Despite his reservations, I think MKG was infected with the thrill of the chase. Only after the HUK force has located Devastation.

That won't take the Seventh Fleet long.'

Peace said, half to himself, ' Eight days from now-almost to the hour-the Little Bear launch is scheduled.'

MKG touched Peace on the shoulder. I wish this thing hadn't gotten snarled up, Commander. All I need is the President to say it's okay.'


Peace said, I wish the eight days were past.' He glanced a t t h e h o r i z o n, a s i f h e h a l f e x p e c t e d t o s e e h i s v i c t i m: Semittante! I must have Semittante!'

MKG smiled. The Navy has a word for a ship like her, an enemy surface ship-we call it a skunk.'

Our skunk will be in everybody's mind after Tyler's call,'

I said.

Thornton doesn't know her significance in relation to the VicePresident-yet,' replied Peace. Tyler isn't going lo foul his own doorstep by sending off what would appear to be a fantastic message. My bet is that he'll wait to meet Thornton to tell him.'

I rather agree with you, Commander, and that gives me hope still for the mission. Tyler's a regular guy, a tough guy, but he knows the form.' Some of his earlier mood returned.

Guessing's fine, Commander, but wait until the squeal comes in when Thornton and Tyler meet. Tyler won't play this so cosy once he knows Thornton believes him.'

P e a c e g l a n c e d a g a i n a t t h e s k y. N o r w i l l t h e S e v e n t h Fleet.'

A d o l l o p o f s e a m a d e P e a c e g r a b a t a s t a y t o k e e p h i s f e e t. H e n o d d e d o v e r s i d e. B u t w e ' r e g e t t i n g a b i g a l l y – soon.'

' The sea?'

Chagos has issued a gale warning, possible cyclone,' replied Peace. We can find Bellatrix under cover of it without the Seventh Fleet being able to spot us.'

Chagos is eight hundred miles away,' I said.

Peace turned to MKG. John knows the cyclone pattern as w e l l a s I d o. T h i s o n e c o u l d b e p e r f e c t c o v e r f o r u s . Cyclones originate round Chagos and then shoot across the o c e a n i n a s o u t h – w e s t e r l y d i r e c t i o n u n t i l t h e y h i t t h e S t Brandon area. They either blow themselves out there or race for Madagascar and the Mozambique Channel.'

' Assuming, that it does just that,' asked MKG. How long will a cyclone take to reach us?'

Three-four days,' answered Peace. ' I'd say that already the Seventh Fleet Navy aviators are casting anxious glances eastwards.'

The morning remained brilliantly clear, but on the eastern horizon there was a curious opaqueness.

Peace said to Adele, who sat hugging her knees on the thwart next to me. Ask Andre what he thinks of it'

Andre had been fussing with the lateen-like sail. trimming it to the wind, which had now changed its steady thrust to intermittent, heavier gusts.

'He says, the great cyclone of 1947, when St. Brandon was completely submerged, began on a clear day like this.' ` What was the wind-velocity?'

Adele smiled. ` He wouldn't know what you meant, put like that.' She spoke rapidly, circumlocuting. ` The radio station on Agalega reported one-twenty knots.

MKG gave a low whistle.

Andre went on, indicating MKG, He says it is better to be out in a small boat like this in a cyclone than a big ship,' translated Adele. ` The waves can break a long ship's back, but this one-never.'

Andre took the radio and Adele said, Andre says there are radio warning stations on St Brandon and Agalega. Agalega is operated by Chepe, who is a master shipbuilder and a sailor. He uses his brains to see whether there is really a cyclone coming. He does not merely pass on what some some-' she paused= sonofabitch in Chagos thinks.'

The old fisherman shook the radio. Chepe! Chepe!'

Adele's eyes were on mine. He's calling Chepe. He thinks because Chepe can hear Chagos, there is no reason why he cannot hear Andre, who is much closer anyway.'

The old man fiddled angrily with the dials, but with Adele's help we were rewarded by a singsong voice. Andre pointed in triumph and grinned. Chepe'

Adele was puzzled. ' Even I do not know what Chepe is saying: he repeats, the frigate birds are coming in from LoveApple Crossing and the Agalega lagoon is full of noddies.'

Andre looked grave. Adele spoke for him. ' Big cyclone. Chepe is telling the fishermen in the sort of terms they understand.'

A stylized voice came through after a flood of Creole. It was still Chepe, but he was repeating by rota. AgalegaAgalega met. calling. General gale warning from the northeast. Chagos met. station reports Force Five wind and sea building up.' There was another volley of Creole. Andre shook his head at the eastern horizon.

Adele translated. This morning I saw a giant ray a mile south of Taillevent Head.' Andre pursed his mouth. It is bad very bad. A ray going south-west from Taillevent means he is running from the coming cyclone.'

' This could wreck the launch schedule, apart from any other considerations,' said MKG.

' No,' replied Peace. A cyclone generally lasts no. more than four-five days. We still have eight. Thornton's men will never find us in a full-scale blow.'

M K G s m i l e d w r y l y. I g r a n t i t ' s g o o d c o v e r, b u t w h a t about the rest-open sea, tiny boat?'

I'll pick up Bellatrix either tonight or tomorrow before the full force of it hits us,' asserted Peace. And once I have Bellatrix, Semittante is ours.'

In short, you choose a cyclone rather than the Seventh F l e e t? ' T h e r e w a s a n u n d e r t o n e o f a d m i r a t i o n i n MK G ' S


Any day,' replied Peace. The sea is on my side.' It always has been,' I added.

He looked at me for a long moment. Yes-but, like now,

I am never sure.'

Adele said, Before we find Semittante, won't the Seventh Fleet fliers come looking for this cutter?'

So what?' asked Peace. Spread over the Sea of Limuria are hundreds of island cutters, pirogues and fishing craft. Even if a Navy plane comes-you can't distinguish us from the others.'

Y e s, y o u c a n, ' r e p l i e d A d e l e. ' I n t h i s, I l o o k l i k e n o other Limuria woman. I… I…' She smiled delightedly a n d s p o k e t o A n d r e w h o, w o n d e r i n g l y, h a n d e d o v e r h i s knife. Adele seized the material of her pants and hacked round the leg, reducing them to shorts.

And fishermen wear hats.' She spoke again to Andre, who pointed to the forward decking. Adele came back with four enormous latanier-leaf hats, which she crammed down amid laughter on our heads.

No fisherman wears a jersey like yours,' she told Peace. I t m u s t c o m e o f f. Y o u r s t o o, J o h n. A n d – ' s h e w e n t o n shyly= yours also, Mister Vice-President.'

MKG,' he corrected. My by-line on this edition is MKG.'

When we had pulled off our sweaters and concealed our faces under the ragged-edged hats, Andre grinned. Chepe would laugh at this,' Adele translated. He is my cousin and a man to laugh. Maybe you will drive the cyclone away, looking like that.'

MKG checked his watch and asked Adele to switch on the radio. Limuria is nine hours ahead of Washington. Although s t a t i c m a s k e d t h e V o i c e o f A m e r i c a a n d o t h e r A m e r i c a n stations, there was no mention of the Seventh Fleet's mission. Peace impatiently asked Adele to tune it to the Navy waveb a n d. T h e s e a s s e e m e d t o h a v e a s s u m e d a s i n i s t e r g l a z e a n d I d i d n ' t c a r e f o r t h e l o o k o f t h e e a s t e r n h o r i z o n a n y more than Andre did.

Here it came-a pattern of quickfire Morse. Adele jotted down the close letter-groupings and deciphered them with the aid of the Navy code-book.

CIC to Willowtrack x am sending for you for personal report when in range x return with helo to Rio Grande x Willowtrack to CIC x helo pick-up of myself impos sible x weather deteriorating rapidly x

I could visualize the big seas smashing against St Brandon's reef. Here, scores of miles away, apart from their strange s h e e n, t h e y h a d t a k e n o n a l o n g s u r g e. T h e g a y b l u e o f Limuria had turned to grey, presaging trouble.

Thornton's reply showed the sandpaper temperament for which he was famous:

CIC to Willowtrack x stand by x helo will pick you up as ordered x

We drove north.

By afternoon the lateen sail was snugged down to two ' reefs. It was blowing hard from the north-east and the seas had a nasty lop to them. Adele kept radio watch on the Navy wavelength; only once Peace reluctantly agreed to listen to a newscast, but there was nothing.

W i t h t h e l o w e r i n g s e a s c a m e c l o u d f r o m t h e e a s t. W e thankfully pulled on our jerseys. There was little point in camouflaging ourselves as fishermen in the deteriorating visibility. Peace began to grow anxious lest we should miss Bellatrix. The sun was hidden by overcast and, according to my dead reckoning, we were on a collision course with the yacht. It would, however, be possible not to spot her at a couple of miles in the threatening seas.

After hours of silence, a clatter of Morse came through. Adele, sheltering a scrap of paper from the spray, noted down the groups. It was Tyler:

Willowtrack to CIC x helo last on pick-up attempt x rescued survivors x

CIC to Willowtrack x have dispatched second helo x stand by for pick-up 7600 GMT x

Willowtrack to CIC x submit weather conditions impos- sible x

CIC to Willowtrack x repeat stand by helo pick-up 1600 GMT x

I pictured Tyler's predicament in trying to save the second helo from the fate of the first. At four o'clock GMT-eight p.m. by Limuria time- St Brandon's reef would be a wild h e l l o f d a r k w a t e r . I t s h o w e d t h e s i g n i f i c a n c e T h o r n t o n attached to the news of the disappearance of the Vice-President. Tyler's seamanship must have been magnificent to have 147 rescued the first helicopter's crew. MKG'S face was grim.

1 Another two men were risking their lives for him.

The cutter drove on.

Adele took the radio and wrapped herself in an old blanket under the for'ard decking out of the spray. The cutter was making a good nine knots-better than Peace had counted on. Somewhere ahead in the waste of waters was Bellatrix, merged with the grey gloom. Peace took the sail from Andre and sent him into the bows to try and spot the yacht. MKG and I took turns at the tiller, but I decided to join Andre. Water burst along the planking, blinding me. In contrast to the grey east, the horizon in the west was still unnaturally bright.

Then I saw it.

The sea seemed to be fashioned from a solid, not fluid, medium. The wall of it rose up square, about half a mile to windward. Unlike an ordinary wave, its top was not spumewhite and boiling: this was calm, squared-off, confident of its mighty power. Icy fear gripped me, I recognized it, although I had never seen one. I tried to find the three words, but fear strangled my voice.

' Raz de Marees!'

Only Andre, a foot away, heard my terror-deadened cry.

All I knew was that I was pointing frantically at the awesome thing rushing down on the cutter.

' Raz de Marees!' yelled Andre.

Peace turned in disbelief. But MKG saw and the tiller went hard over so that the bow-our only slight chance pointed at the advancing wall of sea. Peace cleated home the sheet and whipped a bight of it round the mast and his chest. I stood staring stupidly at the living grey death bearing down until Andre's hard hand jerked me under the bow decking.

Adele emerged and stared, wide-eyed.

Raz de Marees! I croaked. 'Brace your feet-hang:-on-for God's sake, anything-it's almost here!'

It seemed as if our backs rose vertically. The cutter's bow went up and up. I heard the low moan of the giant wave before I felt the hammer-blow of the water against the hull. If the boat's head fell off now

– ! But MKG had her, holding the tiller amidships with both hands. Up! Up!

She yawed, faltered. MKG's hands worked the rough tiller.

She came back-reluctantly, with awful lethargy. She was making out!

Then Peace shouted, pointing.

Away to port were the lights of a ship.


The DNI had chosen his man well. Trevor-Davis had put on all the yacht's lights, including the masthead ones, before it was fully dark, in anticipation of being intercepted-as Peace had told him-before Bellatrix reached St Brandon. We watched, awestruck. The graceful yacht canted steeply under the huge wave, shuddered, rose, broke free.

Peace lit the cutter's acetylene light and fired a flare. My admiration for the quiet Trevor-Davis increased still more as Bellatrix swung round towards us-alone in the wheelhouse, he was keeping an eagle's-eye watch all round the compass.

Within half an hour we were drinking Glenfiddich in Bellatrix's sycamore-panelled lounge, the cutter towing safely behind the yacht. Mac had come through on Peace's invitat ion and met MKG. He seemed much better pleased to see Peace than the American leader. I was reminded again of his gutter-gang loyalties, his unquestioning devotion to the submarine ace.

Peace took over from the exhausted Trevor-Davis-except for a few cat-naps while steering on the Sperry auto, he had been almost continuously in the wheelhouse, he told us. The only sign of the long shifts on Mac was his moroseness as he downed a half-tumbler of straight Scotch.

Bellatrix drove north into the wild night-for Semittante, for Love-Apple Crossing.
