Author's Note

I wanted the representation of all things tattoo-related to be as accurate and respectful as possible, so every tattoo reference in this book was handed to my tattoo artist, Paul Roe, to examine. Along the way, I've learned a great deal about the history of the art, the assembly of the machines, and minutia ranging from the metals one could use (what with faeries being sensitive to steel/iron) to why tattoo artists position the canvas in various ways. If there are errors, I hope you'll forgive me. If there aren't, the credit goes to Paul.

Leslie's tattoo is at the center of Ink Exchange. I knew that early on; I just didn't know exactly what the tattoo looked like. It needed to be a representation of Irial's nature, and while I had the words that made Iri come to life for me, I didn't have a visual that captured his essence. The universe gives us what we need, though; I believe that. What I needed was Paul's art and wisdom. To say that he was essential to the creation of this novel would be an understatement.

As with the tattoos I wear on my skin, I gave Paul my words; he answered with his images. The final result was the art that's hung in my direct line of sight for the past year. Thanks to Paul, Irial's eyes look back at me every day while I work.

It's an amazing thing when two people's muses can dance together.

— June 2007
