This book was written under difficult circumstances, mostly physical, and could not have been written without the help of many. This includes those who took other loads off my schedule, those who helped with specific tasks I could not complete, those who kept my spirits up when I was struggling. I could not name them all, because some were brief encounters when someone was just more patient with my slowness or clumsiness than I expected. Things are improving.

Special thanks to Ruta and Ferris Duhon for the constant friendship since college days, Ellen and John McLean for just as constant friendship over the last thirty-eight years: old friends help in many ways, including necessary corrections at times. To John Hemry for invaluable help with a scene in the fictional Slotter Key Military Academy. To Karen Shull for reading and commenting on innumerable draft sections and a keen awareness of when a character slipped out of focus. To the entire Thanksgiving Day crowd, who pitched in to help make it great when I was overtired again and then talked books later, and the Usual Suspects among my fans who read the blogs and help me locate details I’ve misplaced. Karen Meschke for encouraging words and good advice. Laura Domitz (who came two days before Thanksgiving to help with prep). Bill Fawcett (always an idea fountain), Jody Lynn Nye, Lee Martindale, many others who were there for me at the 2016 WorldCon and at DragonCon this year. David Stevens, choir director, who told me to take all the time I needed.

Anne Groell, my editor, Joshua Bilmes, my agent, were both invaluable on this one, and copy editor Laura Jorstad was a hero: to be blunt, saved the book. Likewise, Senior Production Editor Nancy Delia, who has done great work on not just this but all my books here. And finally, the ultimate helper: Richard, love of my life, who talked me down from the ceiling repeatedly, brought food, insisted on my getting prescribed rest, and could always get me laughing when things were grimmest.
