Chapter Four

The sound of a loud howl coming from the front of the house had Daylen rushing to the front door. She’d just finished changing into her pajamas. Knowing she wouldn’t get any sleep until she found out what had made the noise, she yanked open the front door to peer outside.

No sooner had she gotten the door open then a large furry body darted past her and into the house. “What the hell?” Daylen turned around to find what suspiciously looked to be a wolf sitting in the middle of her front entranceway hall staring at her. On closer inspection, she noticed it was a male. Not sure what to do next, she stared back at him.

The wolf soon broke off the staring contest, got up and headed down the hallway that led to her bedroom.

“Oh, no you don’t,” she called as she followed him after she shut the front door in case there were more strays out there.

This was one headache she didn’t need. All she wanted to do was get a few hours of sleep. Since she didn’t have to work for the next couple of days, Daylen usually shifted back to sleeping at night instead of all day, which required her to only nap for a few hours before she got up again. That being the case, she didn’t want to waste what little time she had chasing after what she thought was a wolf to get it out of her house.

Sure enough, the wolf had made a beeline straight to her bedroom. When she entered the room, he opened his mouth in a way that almost made it look as if he were smiling at her. Almost as if he knew exactly what room this was.

Trying not to make any sudden movements, Daylen edged nearer. “All right, you, it’s time for you to leave.” While she spoke, the wolf cocked his head to the side and wagged his tail. At least he didn’t seem to be vicious. Actually, Daylen was starting to get the feeling he was used to being around humans. It made her wonder if he was someone’s pet and had somehow gotten loose. It would explain why he had been so quick to run into the house after she’d opened the front door.

As she edged nearer, the wolf remained where he was, still watching her every move.

Just before she reached him, he closed the distance between them. He gently took her wrist in his mouth and pulled her toward the king-sized bed. Daylen knew better than to try and yank her arm free. She could feel the sharp points of the wolf’s teeth against her skin, but he wasn’t biting down hard enough to break it. If she tried to free herself, there was a good chance those teeth could do some damage.

Once he had her at the end of the bed with her back toward it, the wolf released her.

Daylen straightened to her full height and looked down at him. “And what exactly do you think you’re doing? I’m not a new toy to play with, you know. You obviously have to belong to someone. You’re pretty tame. I really should call animal control right now, but I have no idea how long it will take for them to get here, and I really do need to sleep.”

As if he had understood what she’d said, the wolf jumped up and put his paws on her chest. Not expecting it, Daylen lost her balance and fell back on the bed. The wolf jumped up onto the mattress beside her and lay down next to her with his head on her upper chest.

Daylen tried to push him off, but that only caused him to put a paw on her stomach to keep her in place. She lifted her head off the mattress to look at him. “Look, buddy, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind when I said I needed to sleep.” A pink tongue came out and licked her chin. Daylen chuckled. “Kisses aren’t going to butter me up either. But since you seem friendly, I’m going to lock you in the bathroom, and once I wake up, I’ll call for animal control to come and get you. Maybe they’ll be able to find out who owns you.”

Grabbing the wolf by the scruff of his neck, Daylen lifted him off her. She kept her hold on him as she sat up and then urged him to jump down. The wolf didn’t try to resist when she pushed him inside the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Reassured that he wouldn’t be able to get out, Daylen locked the front door and headed back to her bedroom. Being locked in the bathroom for a few hours shouldn’t bother the wolf too much. At least he would be safer there than wandering loose outside.

Covering a yawn with her hand, Daylen crawled into bed. She’d sleep, then she would take care of her new furry friend.

* * *

Jager waited a half hour before he shifted back to his human form, willing his clothes back on at the same time. He then let himself out of the bathroom. That had gone better than he’d expected.

Silently, he made his way back to Daylen’s bedroom. He stood in the open doorway and gazed over at her sleeping form beneath the covers. Her long reddish-brown hair spread over her pillow. When she had changed out of her uniform, Daylen had also taken her hair out of the bun she’d worn. It hung just past her shoulders and had a slight curl to it.

Tiptoeing closer to the bed, Jager looked down at his sleeping mate. The urge to touch her, to feel her under him became a living, breathing thing inside him. Just being around her made him so hard he ached. All he wanted to do was join her on the bed and sink his cock deep inside her body. He took a deep breath and drew her scent inside his lungs. It was a heady mix of woman and Daylen’s own scent. Forever etched in his brain, Jager would have no trouble picking her scent out in a crowd.

He stiffened when Daylen shifted in her sleep and then opened her eyes. As she opened her mouth, Jager jumped on top of her, pinning her beneath him, and put his hand over her mouth. Her brown eyes glared up at him. He needed to keep her calm. From the number of minivans he’d seen parked in the driveways around her house, Jager knew this had to be a neighborhood with a lot of young kids around. Which meant Daylen’s neighbors probably looked out for one another. That being the case, if Daylen kicked up enough fuss to be heard outside, one of those said neighbors would undoubtedly come running.

He locked gazes with her. “I’m not here to hurt you.” From the expression in her eyes, Jager knew she didn’t believe him. “I just want to talk. I’m going to take my hand off your mouth, please don’t scream. And, if I’d wanted to hurt you, I would have done it before you awakened.” When she just continued to glare at him, Jager slowly moved his hand off her mouth.

“You have some balls breaking into my house. I may be off duty, but I can still arrest you.”

He grinned. “When you talk to me all cop-like, it turns me on.” He shifted so the hard length of his cock pressed against her thigh.

Daylen stiffened. “So you aren’t going to hurt me, but you’re going to rape me instead?”

Jager scowled. “No. I don’t need to force my attentions on a woman. When we make love, you’ll come to me willingly. I can’t help the way my body responds to being near you.”

“I don’t think that will be happening any time soon,” she said as she started to struggle beneath him to get free.

He let more of his weight rest on top of her to keep her in place. “Stop squirming.”

The more she moved the more turned on he became. With his duster open and only a thin sheet separating them, her breasts under the large t-shirt she wore were flattened against his chest. He wanted to reach between them and mold them in his hands, to pluck at her taut nipples he felt pressed against him.

At her sharp intake of breath, and by the way Daylen’s gaze had become riveted to his eyes, Jager realized they must have started glowing. He closed them for a few seconds while he got himself back under control. Whenever he became aroused, or angry, his eyes would start to glow mutedly.

He opened his eyes and said, “I think it would be better if we continued this conversation without you under me. It’s playing havoc with my self-control.”

“Look, whatever your name is—”

“Jager.” When Daylen gave him a questioning look, he said, “My name is Jager.”

“Well, Jager, you can’t really expect me to calmly lie here and have a conversation with you. You’re a criminal who has broken into my house.”

“I’m not a criminal.”

“Yeah, right,” she scoffed. “In my books, resisting arrest, and now being here, would make you a criminal.”

Jager sighed, starting to feel a bit exasperated. “Can you give the cop thing a rest?

I’m trying to do this right. As for the sword fight in the alley, it’s no concern of yours.”

She shifted beneath him, which had Jager biting back a growl of need that threatened to push past his lips. “I hate to tell you, but it is my concern. You broke the law.”

“Stop thinking like a cop.” He was getting nowhere with Daylen.

“It’s kind of hard when that’s what I am.”

Feeling as if he’d run up against a brick wall, Jager did what he’d been dying to do since he’d walked into her house in wolf form. He bent his head and took her lips in a heated kiss. At first, Daylen resisted him, but after he swept his tongue along the seam of her mouth and nibbled at her lips, they softened beneath his and she started to kiss him back.

Encouraged by her response, Jager kissed her deeper. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth and stroked it against hers. The taste of her filling his mouth made him groan.

This was what he craved—holding Daylen in his arms with her scent surrounding him and the taste of her on his tongue.

As he sucked her tongue into his mouth, Jager shifted and put a leg between hers and pushed up so it connected with her pussy. Daylen sighed softly as she rubbed herself against his thigh. Jager knew he should stop this. It would only make the mating urge ride him even harder, but he wanted this too much.

When Daylen tried to pull her arms free where he’d trapped them at her sides, he freed her. She then yanked the hair elastic out of his hair and tossed it aside. His long hair spilled forward, forming a curtain around their heads. Jager moaned against Daylen’s mouth at the feel of her hands tunneling through his hair, holding him in place as she angled her lips across his.

His cock throbbed in time with his racing heart. God, he wanted her, wanted to strip their clothes off and take her until neither one of them could move. But he couldn’t. He had to wait. If he were to make love to her now, their souls would join, which would complete their mating. Once that happened, there would be no going back. He wanted Daylen to know exactly what she would be getting herself into before he made her his.

No longer able to stand the sheet that was between them, Jager lifted himself from Daylen only far enough to grab it and yank it aside. He then settled back down with his hips between her legs. His fully erect cock came up against her pajama-covered pussy.

He growled softly as Daylen rubbed herself against it.

Cupping her breast through her t-shirt, he brushed her taut nipple with the pad of his thumb. Daylen moaned in the back of her throat and pushed herself closer. Jager closed his eyes to hide them from her, knowing they had to be glowing again.

Moving from her mouth, Jager licked and sucked a path down the side of her neck.

“I have to touch you,” he said against her skin.

He bunched the bottom of her shirt in his fingers before he shoved his hand under it.

He molded his hand to her bare breast before he plucked at her nipple with his fingers.

Daylen’s fingers tightened in his hair as she pushed his head lower. Knowing exactly what she wanted, Jager lifted her shirt to her chin and bent his head to her breast. He laved the tight peak with the flat of his tongue and then sucked it inside his mouth.

Daylen’s hips bucked beneath him as she let out a breathy moan.

The smell of her arousal, and the sounds she made, were pushing at the limits of his control, but Jager continued to suck at her breast. “I need to see how wet you are,” he said once he released her nipple. “You smell so damn good. I bet you’ll taste just as good, but that would be too risky.” He trailed his hand down her side to the top of her pajama bottoms. Licking the underside of her breast, he asked, “Do you want me to touch you, Daylen?” Jager chanced a look at her and found she had her eyes closed. The sight of her face flushed with desire made his cock jerk in his jeans.

“God, yes,” Daylen panted.

Jager moved off Daylen so he lay beside her on his side. Resting his weight on a bent arm, he watched her face as he shoved his hand down the front of her pajamas. She spread her legs wider when he dragged a finger along the seam of her pussy. He bit back a growl of need. Daylen was more than wet for him.

Using a finger to spread her folds, Jager circled her clit with the tip of his finger before he pushed it inside her core. The feel of her warm wetness closing around his finger caused his cock to strain against the zipper of his jeans. He was so hard he was surprised he hadn’t burst it.

When Daylen’s inner muscles gripped his finger while he slid it in and out of her pussy, he pushed another inside her. She moaned and lifted her hips, matching his strokes. Jager thrust his fingers faster and used the heel of his palm to rub her clit. Her wetness flowed around his fingers, making him wish it was his cock moving deep inside her.

Daylen moaned. “Ahhh…I’m going to…”

Jager continued to push her closer to climax. “Come for me, Daylen. Let me watch you fly.”

Her breaths came in pants. She clutched at the sheet beneath her as the first flutter of her orgasm caused her inner muscles to grip his fingers. When she fell over the edge, Daylen let out a loud, long moan. Her pussy clenched around his fingers.

Aching to claim her, fighting to maintain his control, Jager pulled his fingers out of Daylen and dropped his head to her chest. Once he was sure his eyes were no longer glowing, he lifted his head. Daylen was still breathing heavily with her eyes closed. She opened them after he brushed a gentle kiss across her lips.

“I’ll be back this evening,” he said as he got off the bed and stood. “If I stay here any longer, I’m going to do something I know you’re not ready for.”

Jager then walked out of the bedroom. He unlocked the front door and stepped outside. With the scent of Daylen’s arousal on his skin, and the image of how she looked when she’d come, leaving her was the last thing Jager wanted to do. Gritting his teeth against the unfulfilled desire that made his cock throb painfully, he took off at a run down the street. At least he now knew where Daylen lived, and that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
