
Curriculum Vitae

First Name, Surname


Telephone Number


Sex (male/ female)


Date and place of birth

Marital status


(year-year) University, Faculty, degree, city, country

(year-year) Internal Audit, provider, city, country

Professional Experience

(year-year) Your position, names of firms, description of products

or services, city, country, your tasks

(period in months or years) Industrial Placements: names of firms, description of products or services, city, country, your tasks

Graduation project on adaptation of technological processes in food packaging industry to current EU legislation (period, company, country)

Additional work experience (holiday work, weekend work, part-time jobs etc.)

Publications Your name (year), Title of the article, QM Journal, Issue

Languages English (advanced), French (intermediate), Russian (native)

Other skills Computer Languages & Programmes

Hobbies & Interests Organized sports, membership of clubs & societies (+committee membership), own interests and activities

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