Chapter Seventeen

YOU sure about this?” Brad studied Jordan, and the square-cut ruby ring in his hand. “Yeah. I think. Shed like this better than the traditional diamond.”

“I dont mean the ring. I mean what youre buying the ring for.”

“Im sure. A little queasy, but sure.”

“Im not going to take offense,” Flynn decided. “I could take offense that asking my sister to marry you makes you queasy, but I wont.”

Jordan smiled a little as he turned the ring under the light. Hed wanted them both with him when he took this step. A kind of circle, he supposed, just as the ring was a circle. He couldnt say either of them had been thrilled to be hauled off to Pittsburgh and into a jewelry stone, but theyd come through.

They always did.

“I think this is the one. I know she is.” He offered the ring to Brad. “You know more about this stuff than either of us. Give me an opinion of the rock.”

Behind the counter, the jeweler began to make noises.

“Yeah, yeah.” Jordan waved him off. “I know the spiel. Id rather hear what my pal here has to say.”

“I can assure you that stone is an excellent quality. Burmese ruby at three carats, set in eighteenkarat gold. The craftsmanship of the—”

“Why dont you get me a loupe?” Brad suggested pleasantly. “The guys buying an engagement ring. Its a moment.”

He might not have been happy, but the potential sale had him producing a jewelers loupe and offering it to Brad.

Playing it out, Brad hemmed, hawed, andhmmmed before setting both the ring and the loupe on the black velvet pad. “Youre buying yourself a hell of a rock,” he said. “It hits the three Cs— color, cut, clarity, and at three substantial carats, rounds it out nicely. Shell love it.”

“Yeah, thats what I thought. Wrap it up,” he told the jeweler.

“We should go get a beer now, right?” Flynn glanced warily at the other rings in the glass case. “And Jordan should buy, in a symbolic gesture of… oh, hell with all that. I just want a beer.” “All in good time, my pretty.” Jordan pulled out his wallet, dug out his credit card. “Weve got another stop to make on the way back.”

THE way he looked at it, he was going to make a clean sweep. A kind of romantic hat trick. He got the girl, hed bought the ring. Now, he thought as they pulled through the gates of Warriors Peak, he was going to see if he could finesse the house.

“This is wild,” Flynn said from the backseat where Moe snored beside him, exhausted by the thrill of the car trip. “I think Im in some sort of shock.”

“Pretty wild,” Jordan agreed. “But the fact is, I always wanted this place. Even when I was a kid.”

“Okay, before you go in there and make some sort of insane offer, lets just take one more pass through the routine.” Brad shifted. “Let me point out, once again, that this place is enormous.”

“I like big.”

“Its isolated.”

“I like isolated.”

“You havent asked Dana if she wants to live up here.”

“I dont have to. I know how shell feel about it.”

“Its like talking to a brick,” Brad muttered. “Okay, if youre set on going through with this, at least take the Im-a-big-sucker-with-a-lot-of-money sign off your ass.”

“Theyre gods, son.” Jordan parked, pushed open the door. “I dont think a poker face is going to make much difference.”

“I dont know why you think theyll consider selling the place to you,” Brad continued. “They only bought it a couple of months ago. Gods or not, there are the small matters of equity, taxes, capital gains.”

“Listen to the suit.” Flynn grinned as Moe leaped over him and out of the car.

“Shut up. Youre in shock, remember? Takes a good thirty minutes to get down to the Valley from here,” Brad continued.

“The way you drive, it does,” Jordan muttered under his breath.

“I heard that. Thirty minutes,” Brad repeated, “for a mature adult who has respect for the speed limit. And thats in good weather. Fine for you, you can stay home and write in your underwear. Danas going to be running a business in town, six days a week.”

“Six?” Jordan turned from studying the house. “How do you know theyre planning on being open six days?”

“I got that fromZoe in between her sniping at me. The point is, shes going to have to travel down there most every day. And in the winter—”

“Ill buy her a four-wheel, a goddamnHumvee . Stop fretting, Mary.”

“Just for that, I hope—if theyre in the market for a buyer—they hose you.”

Rowena opened the door and was already laughing as she bent down to greet Moe. “Welcome! How lovely. Three handsome men and a handsome dog.”

“You call that dog handsome,” Jordan commented. “It must be love.”

“And so it is.” She straightened, smiled brilliantly as she looked into Jordans eyes. “So it is. Come in.”

Moe didnt need a second invitation. He raced by her, skidded on the tiles, bumped into the archway on his turn into the parlor. When they caught up with him, he was curled into a chair, his chin resting on its velvet arm, his tail thumping.

“Hey! Off the furniture, you ingrate.”

Even as Flynn moved over to haul him downmoe's big brown eyes shifted to Rowena. His tail thumped harder.

“No, please. Hes perfectly welcome to sit there. After all.” She hurried over to intervene. “After all, hes a guest.”

“Hes an operator.”

“Yes.” She stroked one of his floppy ears. “And he… whats the phrase? He has my number. No harm. Now what can I offer you? Coffee, tea?” The corner of her lips twitched as she looked at Flynn. “Perhaps a cold beer.”

“Did you read my mind or do I just look like a guy who wants a beer right now?”

“Perhaps a bit of both. Please, follow Moes lead, and sit. Be comfortable. Ill just be a moment.”

“IsPitte available?” Jordan asked.

“Certainly. Ill ask him to join us.” Brad waited until shed left the room, then turned to Jordan. “Okay, I cant stand it. Dont just blurt out how you want this house and always have, or somethinglamebrained like that.”

“Do I look like I just fell out of the nest?”

“Ever bought a house before?”

“No, but—”

“I have. Youre a successful author with a string of bestsellers. They know youve got money. Add some sparkly childhood dream to that and youre just asking to get taken.” Jordan took a seat. “You know, Im beginning to see why you irritateZoe .”

Brad looked down his nose. “I dont irritate her, I make her nervous. The irritation is merely a side effect of the nerves.”

“Yeah, Im starting to get it, too,” Flynn put in, and flopped down in his chair, much like his dog. He perked up as Rowena came back, carrying a tray.

“Hey, let me give you a hand with that.” Flynn pushed to his feet, took the tray that held five pilsners of beer.

“Thank you. Please, help yourselves.Pitte will be right along.” She sat on the sofa, curled up her legs, and sent Flynn a silky smile when he offered her one of the glasses. “Its an important day.”

He felt his stomach clutch when she looked at him. “Yeah. I guess it is.”

“Youre allowed to feel a bit off-center. Its human. Ah, heresPitte .”

“Good afternoon. Rowena tells me weve things to talk about.” He sat on the sofa beside her, reached for a beer. “Youre well?”

“Seem to be,” Jordan answered. “Maybe I should start with whats happened.”

He told them first of Kanes taking Dana back into their past.

“Its interesting.”Pitte studied his beer, considered. “More straightforward than one expects from him.”

“A method that matches his quarry,” Rowena said.

“Clever of him. He doesnt attempt to trick or deceive her. Rather he tells her precisely what hes doing, allows her to see, and still experience. Yes, it was a very good strategy.”

“It might have worked. Nearly did. I dont think wed be where we are, at least not now, if Malory hadnt given us both a push.”

“The six of you are part of one whole. Vital and individual,” Rowena added, “but stronger yet for your connection. How did you resolve this thing with Dana?”

“Do I have to tell you? I can just about see the little red hearts circling over my head myself.”

“Id still like to hear what you say, and how you say it.” As he complied, she nodded, slid her hand intoPittes . “Its difficult,” she said, “to know what to let go of, what to hold. Im happy for you both, that you held each other.”

“So am I, for purely personal reasons. But it plays into the rest, doesnt it?” Jordan watched her face, wished he could read it. “Its part of the quest.”

“In a tapestry, every thread matters. The length, the texture, the hue. He wished to separate you;youdidnt allow it. The thread between you is long, and rich, and strong.”

“Why is it so important that he separate us?”

“Youre more together than you are apart. You know that.”

“Its not only that.” He leaned forward. “Help me help her.”

“You have. You will. I believe that.”

“Shes nearly out of time.”

“Youve come farther than you think, so be careful. Hell do whatever he can to break that thread.”

Jordan sat back. “He wont break it; Theres another reason Im here. Im starting to wonder if its not part of the tapestry as well. I want to buy this house.”

Brad made a strangled sound in his throat that hadPitte shooting him a dryly amused glance. “Would you care for some water?”

“No. No.” With a sigh, Brad drank more beer. “No.”

“The big businessman over there figures I should tap-dance around, and well play lets negotiate for an hour or two. I dont see the point. I dont know what your plans are for the place once this is all done, but if youre willing to sell, Im ready to buy.”

Why doesnt he just give them a blank check? Brad thought to himself. Access to his brokerage account, the deed to his condo in New York?

“Your business-minded friend has some excellent points.” Sending Brad a nod of acknowledgment,Pitte swirled his beer. “Ive developed a number of business interests over time. I enjoy…” He gave Rowena a questioning glance. “Wheeling and dealing.”

“Yes. Its an entertaining hobby. This property, beyond suiting our needs during this period, is quite desirable. A house of this size and material, with its history and its location—which includes twenty-five point three acres, both cleared and wooded, a six-car garage, an indoor swimming pool, with steam room and…”

“Whirlpool tub,” Rowena supplied on a bubble of laughter. “We quite enjoy the whirlpool tub.”

“Yes.” He lifted her hand, nipped her knuckles. “As well as a number of other details and amenities—”

“Please.” Unable to hold back, Brad lifted a hand. “This place is an enormous white elephant. Amenities and history are one thing, but its twenty miles away from the Valley—”

“Eighteen point six,”Pitte corrected blandly.

“On a narrow road that twists straight up the mountain,” Brad continued. “Its bound to cost a fortune to heat and cool. You put it on the market tomorrow, youd be lucky to get a serious offer within the next decade.”

Pittestretched out his legs, crossed his ankles. It occurred to Jordan that this was the most relaxed hed seenPitte in the weeks of their acquaintance.

“I would enjoy doing business with you,” he told Brad. “Perhaps, at some point, there will be an opportunity. I believe it would be very stimulating.”

“Right now youre doing business with me” Jordan reminded him, .

“Yes, thats true.”Pittes gaze shifted to Jordan.

“I have a question first.” Rowena pattedPittes arm to hold him off, then looked at Jordan. “Why do you want this house?”

“Ive always wanted it.”

Brad rolled his eyes toward heaven. “Have pity on him.”

“The question is why.”

“It… spoke to me. I dont mean that literally.”

“No.” Rowena nodded. “I understand you. Go on.” “When I was a kid, I would look up here and Id think: Thats my house. Its just waiting for me to grow up. I remember telling my mother that I was going to buy it for her one day, and shed be able to stand up here, on the top of the world.”

He shrugged. “When I was older, I would drive up here sometimes, look at the place and tell myself that one day Id drive through the gates and walk right in the front door. Its beautiful, and its strong, and it may be all the way up here, but its part of what makes the Valley what it is. I couldnt give it to my mother. I want to give it to Dana. I want to build a life with her here, raise children with her here. I want to be able to look down at the Valley and know were all a part of something solid and real and important.”

“You can have the house.”

The gleam inPittes eyes winked out. “Rowena!”

“For its appraised value,” she continued, wagging a finger at her lover. “And not a penny more.”

“You wound me, aghra ”

“You wont charge him for the legal business of it, the settlement, the transfer, whatever it is. You will pay the fees and the… what are they called?” she asked Brad.

“Points.” He had to swallow a laugh. “I think you mean points.”

“Yes, all of that sort of business.” She thought for a moment. “I think thats everything.”

Pittehissed out a breath. “Women are a trial to a man. Why dont I just wrap bows around the place and gift it to him?”

“Because he wouldnt accept.” She leaned over to kissPittes cheek while he scowled. “Its always been his,” she said. “You know that as well as I.”

“Be that as it may.” He drummed his fingers on his knee. “You and I,” he said to Jordan, “will work out the details of the thing without the female buzzing about.”

“At your convenience.”

“Shake hands on it,Pitte .” Rowena gave him a nudge. “Shake hands on the terms just set.”

“Bloody hell.” He shoved himself to his feet, held out a hand. “Might as well do it, then, or shell nag me hairless.”

Jordan claspedPittes hand, felt a quick jolt. It might have been power, he mused, or simple frustration. It was hard to tell when you were closing a deal with a god. “Thank you.”

“So you should thank me. Your friend over there will know I could turn considerably more than the appraised value in this current market.”

“That handshake binding?” Brad wondered.

“It is.”

“Without a full inspection of the property, Id say youd have gotten ten percent over appraisal. Minimum.”

“More like fifteen.” Though hed been carefully silent during the transaction, Flynn spoke up now. “When you publish the local paper, you know these things. Theres a hotelier whos tried to buy it up, turn it into a resort. He got close a couple of times,” Flynn continued conversationally. “But something always screwed the deal. Bad luck for him.”

Rowena met his quiet look, and smiled. “Indeed. Would you care to go through some of the house now, Jordan?”

Before he could open his mouth, Flynn tapped his watch. “Were running a little short on time.”

“Ah, well. Soon, then.” She took Jordans hand as well, squeezed it once. “You must see more of it, and the views, of course, from the terraces and balcony and parapet.”

“Ill look forward to it. Ill bring Dana and well…”

He trailed off, staring at her, the way she stood. Slim and quiet and somehow apart from the rest of them.

And he saw the woman standing on the parapet under a gleaming moon with her dark cloak billowing in the wind.

“It was you. All those years ago, I saw you.”

“I saw you.” She touched a hand, very gently, to his cheek. “A young, handsome boy, so troubled, so full of thoughts. I wondered when youd remember me.”

“Why did I see you? Why didnt they?”

“They didnt need to.”

HE wasnt sure what it all meant, and Rowena had left him wondering. What he needed, Jordan decided, as he let himself into Danas apartment, was a little time to get his thoughts into some sort of order.

Maybe he should write them down, as he had with the sequence of events. He would sit down at Danas computer and just let it flow.

But when he walked into the bedroom, he heard the shower running. He hadnt noticed her car parked out front, which meant, he concluded, that his mind was somewhere else. He poked into the bathroom to let her know he was there.

Her scream could have shattered brick when he tugged back the shower curtain.

With one hand over her heart, the other shoving at her dripping hair, she gasped for air. “Why dont you just make that squeaky violin music and finish the job?”

“Hey, its not like Im wearing a dress and carrying a knife. I just wanted to tell you I was here, so I wouldnt scare you when you came out.”

“Yeah, better to scare me when Im wet and naked and helpless.”

He pursed his lips. Shed always looked good wet and naked. “Helpless?”

“Okay, maybe not helpless.” She reached out, grabbed a fistful of his shirt. “Get in here, big guy.”

“Tempting, very tempting, but I need to talk to you about some stuff, and we need to get to Flynns.”

“Talk later, hot, steamy sex now.”

“Its really hard to argue with that.” He toed off his shoes.

She waited until he stepped in behind her, then handed him the soap and an over-the shoulder invitation. “Wash my back?”

“I can start there.”

“Mmrn. Im going to get all… slippery and… slick and… Thats not my back.”

He slid his soapy hands over her butt. “Its behind you, so it counts.” Bending his head, he skimmed his teeth over her shoulder. “Youve got the most incredible body. Have I mentioned that before?”

“Maybe once or twice, but I dont mind redundancy under certain circumstances.” She dipped her head back as his hands sleeked up her torso, slithered over her breasts. “Such as that.”

“Then Ill risk repeating myself.” He turned her around. “I love you.” He laid his lips on hers. “Im so in love with you.”

With a sound of pleasure and joy, she hooked her arms around his neck, poured herself into him.

Water sluiced over them, and the steam billowed up.Resh slid over flesh, and soapy hands glided to tease and arouse. Lips rubbed and nibbled, then began to hunger.

Her heart was so full she wondered it didnt burst like light and rock the room. “Its different.” She kissed his mouth, his throat, his mouth. “Its different now, knowing you love me.” She fisted her hands in his hair to draw him back an inch. “Its different now, when I can tell you I love you.”

“Then its always going to be different, because Im never going to stop.”

Their mouths met again.

It was different. Every touch, every taste, every need was gilded with a sense of belonging. Water showered over them as he anchored her, as he slipped inside her. The beauty of it brought her a thousand sweet aches.

Hers now, he was hers now. And she was his.

She held tight, and matched him beat for beat.

Emotions swamped him, sensations; drowned him, and all he could see was her. The dark eyes, the sleek hair, the strong mouth, and water streaming down her face like tears. She held him, body and heart. And, he realized, she always had.

He felt her tremble, heard her breath shudder and catch, then her eyes went beautiful and opaque as she came.

As she tightened around him, he pressed his mouth to hers again, and gave himself to her.

After, a long time after, they simply stood holding each other.

“This is good, Jordan. This is really good.”


“Even though the waters getting cold. I feel all lazy and sleepy. I wish we could slide into bed instead of getting dressed and going over to Flynns.”

“If youre too tired to go—”

“Thats not it. I just want to lie around in bed with you.”

He drew her back. “I cant argue with that either.

“But were going to get dressed and go over to Flynns because lying around in bed would be wrong.” She kissed him lightly. “Jesus, the water is getting cold.”

He reached behind her and switched it off. “We can go over, then leave early and come back and lie around in bed.”

“Good plan.” She stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel. “So, whats this mysterious mission you went on today?” She wrapped her hair in the towel, grabbed a second one.

He held out a hand, thinking it was for him, but she started drying her legs with it. He shook his head, got yet another towel for himself.

“Well talk about it later.”

“Whats wrong with now?”

“Because were in the bathroom, naked. Its just not the right place for it.”

“Thats silly. Weve had naked conversations before. In fact, weve had some very interesting naked conversations. Where did you go, and why did you need Brad and Flynn along? Because I know they went with you. I have ways of getting that sort of information.”

She grabbed a bottle of body cream and poured some into her hand.

“Ill tell you later. Youll appreciate the fact that we get into this in a more appropriate setting.”

“See, now youre making me crazy.” She slathered on cream. “Which forces me to grill you. You were gone for hours. Where did you go? What did you do?”

“We went to atitty bar and drank cheap booze while women with fascinating man-made breasts slid around on long, shiny poles.”

“You think thatll irritate me and Ill leave you alone, but youre wrong.” She took the towel off her head and finger-combed her hair. “Personally, I dont have a problem with guys going to strip clubs and making jackasses of themselves. So you might as well tell me the truth.”

“Fine. Here and now, then.” He picked up his pants, dug the jewelers box out of the pocket. He held it out to her, flipped up the lid with his thumb.

“Oh, my Jesus Christ,” she said and sat down heavily on the lid of the toilet.

“Yeah, thats romance. You like it or what?”

She had to swallow. “Depends.”

“On what?” He scowled, turned the box around to study the ring. It looked great, he decided, but there was never any certainty with women. “I figured youd like this better than the standard diamond. But if youd rather go that route, I can exchange it.”

She shivered, but she didnt feel cold. Not in the least. “Then that would be an engagement ring youve got there.”

“What the hell do you think it is? Would you stand up? This is just a little too bizarre.”

“Sorry.” She got to her feet. “I wasnt sure what it meant.”

“It means marry me, Dana.” He had to push his dripping hair back. “It means I love you, and I want to spend my life with you. I want to make children with you, and grow old with you.”

Shed thought her heart was full, but it hadnt been. There was still room, so much room for him. “Oh, well, that clears things up nicely. Its a beautiful ring. Its the most beautiful ring Ive ever seen. You were only wrong about one thing.”

“Whats that?”

“I dont mind the time and place, Jordan.” She looked up at him now with a brilliant smile. “I dont mind it at all. In fact, if you would put that on my finger, Id like it to be the only thing Im wearing for the next few minutes.” Holding out her hand, she took one quick, catchy breath. “Id really love to wear that ring. Id love to marry you, and all the rest of it, too.”

He took it out, set the box aside, then lifted her left hand. “This is one more beginning for us.”

“Im looking forward to the rest of them.”

He slipped the ring on her finger. There was a little buzz of heat, then a lovely spread of warmth where the gold circled her finger. “Its beautiful. It even fits.”

“Yeah? None of us knew your ring size, so thats a bonus.” He turned her hand, watched the stone sparkle. “It looks good on you.”

She rose to her toes, took his mouth with hers. “Youre so full of surprises.”

“Youve got that right. I might as well tell you the next one. I bought—or Im buying— Warriors Peak.”

She blinked twice, very slowly. “Sorry. I thought you said you were buying the Peak.”

“Thats right. I want us to live there. I want us to make a family there.”

“You…” Though her knees wobbled, she didnt give in and sit down again. “Youre not going back to New York?”

“Of course Im not going back to New York.” Bafflement moved over his face. “How the hell am I supposed to be married to you and live in New York while you run a business in the Valley? Dana.”

“I thought… Its where you live.”

He cupped her chin, unsure if he was impatient or amused. “You think Id ask you to move to New York, throw away your store before it even gets started? I was never planning to go back there to live anyway, but if I had been, this wouldve changed it.”

“You werent going back?”

“No. There was a time when I had to leave. This was the time when I had to come back. I need to be here. I need to be with you.”

“I wouldve gone with, you,” she managed. “I want points for that.”

“Were not going anywhere. If the Peak doesnt suit you, well—”

“Youre just trying to get points back.” Overcome, she laughed and threw her arms around him. “You know it suits me. God, this is fantastic. Its amazing. But please tell me thats the last surprise. My heads going to spin right off my shoulders.“

“Thats pretty much it for now.”

“Lets get dressed, get over to Flynns.” She pressed her hands palm to palm and stared at her ring. “I cant wait to tell everyone.”

“Flynn and Bradakeady know.”

“Men.” She flicked them away with a wave as she walked into the bedroom. “They dont know anything. Boy, oh, boy, wait until Malory andZoe get a load of this ring! Ive got to find a really cool outfit to set it off.”

“I like the one youre wearing now.”

She shot a look over her shoulder before she dived into her closet. “See? Men dont know anything.”
