Daphne awakened to Bryce Abbott Flek pouring lukewarm beer down her face. It spilled down her chest and into her blouse, and she pushed him away as she came to. The first thing she did was look down at her foot because it felt different. He had removed her boot and sock and used the bootlaces to tie two cotton ends of the Tampax she carried as plugs on the entrance and exit wounds. One of the shoelaces was tied tightly around her left ankle, reducing blood flow. It hurt, but surprisingly held short of screaming pain.

"Key to the cuffs," he said, sipping from the beer he'd just used to shower her awake.

"Zippered pocket of my purse." He went after them. "How long was I out?"

"Five minutes. Maybe less."

It had felt like hours to her. But she doubted she had hours now, and that thought electrified her. If Flek had his way, this was meant to be the last night of her life, she realized. She would bleed out if she didn't receive medical attention. Regrets and fear piled up inside her, and she struggled to be rid of them. Eventually, they won out. She said, "What you wouldn't let me tell you—we only want you as a witness. We have nothing but circumstantial evidence against you. But there was an assault that we don't think you're good for, and we wanted you in to clear that up."

"Sure you did," he said. "Here's how it's going to be." He glanced outside nervously. The sidewalks were empty due to the hour and the rain. "I'm going to take those off," he said, meaning the cuffs, "and help you over to the pay phone. And we're going to call your friend and you're going to say hello. And if anyone sees us, you're going to hold onto me tight like you've been loving me a hundred years. And if you don't, the next shot goes through the other foot, and then up the legs, and so on. Clear?"

"I got it."

"Fast and easy," he said. Then he added, "You got any change in here?" and dug deeper into her purse.
