Chapter 6

Kareena awoke to a dark room. She’d fallen asleep, which wasn’t surprising considering how long Miles and she’d had sex. He’d just about worn her out. He had eventually lost his erection, as he’d said he would, but that had taken another four orgasms. And he’d made her climax every time he had one. She’d never thought she was capable of coming that many times during one bout of lovemaking. Miles had shown her she could.

After a quick look to see Miles was still sleeping, Kareena slipped out of bed and blindly felt around the floor for something to wear. She ended up picking up Mile’s T-

shirt and pulled it on. The bottom of it hit her around mid-thigh, and the sleeves reached her elbows.

She tiptoed out of the room and headed for the kitchen. After all that exercise in bed, she was hungry again. She figured Miles would be as well. There was no point wasting the snack food she’d prepared earlier. It was around midnight, but Kareena didn’t care.

She turned on the oven to preheat then went to the fridge and took out the baking sheet she’d assembled nachos on earlier that day. It wouldn’t take very long to melt the shredded cheese on the chips. Her stomach growled at the thought of how good they would taste. She’d loaded them up with cheese, jalapeño peppers, chopped tomato, and black olives. Then there was sour cream and salsa to dip them in.

The oven beeped to let her know it was finished preheating. Kareena opened the door and bent to put the nachos inside. A hand ran up the outside of her bare leg as a male pelvis snuggled against her bottom.

“Got hungry?” Miles asked.

She closed the oven door and turned to face him. He looked sexy as hell wearing only his jeans with the button undone. She gazed at him, wishing she could burrow under his skin so she could get even closer to him. Since they’d made love—in so many positions she didn’t think there were any left to try—her feelings for Miles had become even stronger. The scary thing about it was what she felt was along the lines of love. It was too soon for that though. And she wasn’t the type of woman who instantly fell in love with the guy she happened to have sex with. But something had passed between Miles and her just before they’d both come the first time he’d been inside her. She had no idea what it was, but it felt as if she were more connected to him than she’d been before.

If that made any sense.

Kareena put her arms around Miles’s waist. “Yes, I’m hungry. I think I burned a ton of calories in bed with you. I need to refuel. I’m making nachos. You want a beer?”

“I could go for nachos. And I’d love that beer. I worked up quite an appetite.”

She let him go then went to the fridge for the beers. She handed one to Miles. He twisted off the cap before he removed hers. Kareena had to admit the cold beer was good going down.

A quick look in the oven showed the food was just about ready. “Another minute and these should be done.” She went about putting the salsa and sour cream into small bowls.

“Once we’re eating,” Miles said as he watched her, “I want to ask you something.”

“Okay. Here take these and put them on the coffee table in the living room,” she said as she handed Miles the bowls once he put his beer on the counter. “I’ll bring in the nachos.”

He took them and walked out of the kitchen. Kareena got out a wire rack and put the nachos on it once she took them out of the oven. She then carried the rack and all into the living room where Miles waited for her on the couch. She made one more trip back to the kitchen to get their beers.

She settled on the couch beside Miles. “So what did you want to ask me?”

Miles turned to face her. “Do you think you can get a couple of days off work?”

“Probably. Human resources has been bugging me to use up some of my vacation time. Why?”

“I have a cottage that borders the Point Reyes National Seashore land. I want to take you there tomorrow for a few days with another couple I know. I really want you to meet them, and I thought you might enjoy the change in scenery.”

Actually, the thought of going away with Miles, even if it wasn’t that far away, was something Kareena was all for. And the chance of meeting some of his friends meant he must have some strong feelings for her as well.

“I was supposed to work Monday, but I can call the head nurse tomorrow and talk to her. She can handle contacting human resources about me having a few days off. I’m sure it won’t be a problem. I’ve covered some shifts for a couple of coworkers recently, so they won’t mind doing the same for me.”

“Great. We’ll leave right after lunch. That should give you enough time to arrange time off.” Miles leaned back and took his cell phone out of the front pocket of his jeans.

“I’ll text Jaden and Leif now so they know when we want to go. They already said they’d come when I spoke to them about it earlier.”

“So you had this all planned before you asked me.”

Miles sent his text then placed his phone on the coffee table. He smiled. “Of course. I had a feeling you’d say yes. Just so you know, I plan to stay the night here with you.

Tomorrow, after you’ve made your phone call and you’re packed, we’ll go to my place so I can throw some things into a bag. I’ll suggest to Jaden and Leif that I drive so we don’t have to take two cars.”

“You really do have this all planned out.”

“This should be fun. I have a feeling you and Jaden will hit it off. She’s also pregnant with her first child.”

“I can’t wait to meet her and Leif.” Kareena leaned in and gave Miles a kiss. “Now let’s eat before the nachos get cold.”

They dug into their food. Kareena turned on the TV to watch while they ate. She didn’t think this night could get any better. She sat next to a man who she was falling for in nothing but his T-shirt. It felt comfortable and right. She could see them doing this very thing on a regular basis for years, just enjoying each other’s company. She already felt closer to Miles than she ever had with her ex, and she’d been with him for eight years. She and Miles being together was meant to be.

* * *

The next morning Miles called Jaden while Kareena was on the phone to the hospital. Even though Leif had texted him back the night before to say Jaden and he were fine with the plans, Miles wanted to make sure everything was still a go. Jaden reassured him she hadn’t gone into labor unexpectedly. She also told him she and Leif would be ready when Miles and Kareena came to pick them up.

He’d just disconnected the call when Kareena came into the living room. She’d gone into the kitchen to make her call. “Well?” he asked.

“I have the time off. Actually, I have the whole week off. The head nurse said she didn’t want to hear any arguments about it since I haven’t used up any of my vacation time. So I took the week.”

“That’s great. I just finished talking to Jaden. She and Leif are all ready to go. You need to go pack a bag.”

“I’m on it.”

Miles followed Kareena into the bedroom and sat on the bed to watch her pack what she wanted to take with her to the cottage. He was pleased she had a week off rather than only a couple of days. He planned to tell her about what he was later today. And after he explained what it meant to be his mate, he’d have to tell her that her days as an ER nurse were over. Neither one of them would be able to handle the separation anxiety now that the mating bond was in place, and there was no way he could hang out in the ER department every time Kareena had a shift. It would get a little noticeable after a while.

He hoped like hell Kareena would be able to accept his being a werewolf. Miles thought maybe his mate would have an easier time of accepting it all with Jaden there when he told her. Kareena finished packing, and they headed down to the visitor parking.

A stop off at his penthouse for Miles to change clothes and pack what he needed didn’t take very long. Then they were back on the road to Marin County.

Arriving at the Protectors’ mansion, Kareena said, “Your friends have a nice place.

It’s huge.”

“Jaden and Leif aren’t the only ones who live here. They have what they call their

‘extended family’ living with them as well. There are seven couples, including Jaden and Leif.”

“Wow. Are you friends with the others as well?”

“Yes, and I have family here too. My sister lives here with her husband.”

“I guess I’ll get to meet her before we leave.”

Miles parked as close to the front door as he could get so Jaden wouldn’t have to walk too far. He looked out the window and smiled. “That’s a given since Saskia is standing by the door waiting for us.”

Kareena looked in the direction he’d indicated. “She’s beautiful. And there’s no mistaking you as siblings. You’re both very similar in looks, right down to the same hair color.”

“Saskia is four years older than me.”

“You’d never know it. You both look to be around the same age.”

“That’s a family thing. We tend to age better than others.” Most mortals would be shocked to know Saskia was over a thousand years old and that Miles had just about reached that milestone as well.

Miles and Kareena got out of the car and went to meet Saskia. His sister gave Kareena a big smile as they approached. “It’s nice to meet you, Kareena,” Saskia said.

“Miles came by yesterday and told us all about you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too. I was telling Miles you have a beautiful home.”

“Thanks. Come on in. Jaden and Leif are inside, waiting.” Saskia looked at Miles. “I think inviting them to go away was a great idea. Jaden really needed this, especially with the baby coming soon.”

“When is she due?” Kareena asked.

“In a week.”

“Good thing we won’t be too far away if she should go into early labor.”

Miles put his arm around Kareena’s shoulders. “We also have our very own ER nurse if that should happen.”

“And it’s a good thing I started working in labor and delivery before I switched to the ER.”

“Then Jaden should be in good hands,” Saskia said before she opened the front door and stepped inside.

Kareena and Miles followed her. Miles noticed the suitcase near the entrance, obviously the one his daughter and her mate planned to take away. Only Leif was in the living room.

“Where’s Jaden?” Miles asked.

“Using the bathroom,” Leif said with a chuckle. “What else is new? And since you haven’t introduced me, I’m Leif,” he said as he smiled at Kareena.

“Kareena,” Kareena said in return.

“Sorry,” Jaden said when she came into the room. “I feel as if I spend half the day in the bathroom. Hi, Kareena. I’m Jaden.”

Kareena introduced herself before Miles had a chance to. Seeing his daughter and mate together, he had high hopes they’d become close. He also wondered how Kareena would take the news when she learned she was going to be a step grandmother.

Miles suggested they get on the road. Leif stood to go get the suitcase to take outside while Miles said his good-byes to Saskia. Once Jaden and Leif’s suitcase was in the trunk and they were all in the car, Miles pulled out of the drive.

During the trip, Jaden and Kareena kept up a steady flow of conversation, bringing Leif and Miles into it from time to time. And before Miles knew it, they were at the cottage he’d decided to buy with the thought of having a place for his grandchild to come and explore. It was secluded enough that going wolf and having mortals see wasn’t a problem.

They piled out of the car, and Miles opened the door for Jaden and Kareena to go inside while he and Leif retrieved the luggage from the trunk. Miles took his and Kareena’s bags up to the master bedroom and told Leif he could pick whichever guestroom he wanted to use. Even though Miles hadn’t yet spent much time at the cottage, he paid to have someone come in and clean once a week. Plus, the last time he’d come here he’d brought some nonperishable food and meat that he’d put in the freezer.

That done, both Leif and Miles returned to the main floor and to their mates. The two women sat on the couch with bottles of water in their hands.

“We raided the fridge for something to drink. I hope you don’t mind,” Jaden said.

Miles nodded. “That’s fine. You can help yourself to anything you want. I haven’t stocked up much so we’ll have to take a run to the local grocery store tomorrow.”

Jaden pushed to her feet. “Well, I want to go for a walk along the shore since your cottage backs on to Tomales Bay. Come with me, Leif.”

As his daughter and her mate walked out the back sliding door, Miles knew Jaden had given him some time alone with Kareena. Right now would have been a perfect opportunity to tell Kareena what he was, but he wasn’t ready to do that yet. And he wasn’t at all sure he wanted to do it without at least Jaden being there as well. Plus, they’d only just arrived. There was no point in spoiling what they had now.

Kareena closed the distance between them and took Miles’s hand. “A walk sounds like a great idea. We’ll go the opposite way they did.” She went on tiptoe and kissed him.

“They do say the sea air is supposed to give you an appetite.” She winked.

Miles knew exactly what kind of appetite she referred to. He guided her outside, thankful he had a small reprieve before he tested the waters of how strongly Kareena felt for him.
