Chapter Two Friendship Forest

Dazzling golden light surrounded the girls, and their skin tingled all over. “We’re getting smaller!” said Jess.

When the light faded, the girls were in a sun-dappled forest clearing, surrounded by tall trees. Bright flowers nodded in the breeze, their scents filling the air. They gasped with delight as they saw, once more, the little cottages that edged Toadstool Glade.

“Welcome back,” said a soft voice. Lily and Jess turned to see Goldie smiling at them. She was standing upright now, and a glittery scarf was looped around her neck. Because the girls had shrunk slightly, their friend was almost as tall as their shoulders.

“Goldie!” cried Lily, hugging her.

“It’s even more magical than I remember,” said Jess. “Look, Lily! There’s the Toadstool Café!” She pointed to a little red-painted wooden building with white spots on its roof. It belonged to the Longwhiskers—a family of rabbits the girls had met when they first came to the forest.

The café door opened and a tiny rabbit came running out, her white tail bobbing behind her. “Hello, Lily, hello, Jess!” Lucy Longwhiskers hugged their ankles. “It’s so nice to see you again.”

“Hello, Lucy,” Lily said, kneeling to stroke the little bunny. “You’ve got flour on your ears!”

Lucy giggled and shook her ears so the flour came off in a cloud. “I’m helping my mom and dad make seed cakes,” she explained. “We’ve got lots more baking to do. See you soon!” With an excited squeak, she hurried back indoors.

All sorts of animals were scurrying through Toadstool Glade, calling hello to the girls as they passed by. A mole waddled along with a basket of berries over one paw, and a young hedgehog was pushing a little wheelbarrow filled with pine nuts, walnuts, and sweet chestnuts.

“It’s Harry Prickleback,” Jess remembered. “Hi, Harry!”

He waved a paw at them.

“Goldie,” Lily asked, “why did you bring us here? Is Grizelda back?”

The cat shook her golden head. “Not yet, I’m happy to say!” She smiled. “I’ve brought you here because there’s a fair in Sunshine Meadow today. I thought you might like to come.”

The girls looked at each other excitedly. “We’d love to!” Lily said.

“So that’s why everyone looks so busy,” exclaimed Jess. “They’re getting ready for the fair!”

Harry was pushing his wheelbarrow back across the clearing. It was now filled with so many nuts that he couldn’t see over the top, and his steering was off. As the girls and Goldie dodged out of Harry’s way, Jess’s little sketchbook fell from the pocket of her shorts.

She bent to pick it up, but a tiny golden-brown mouse got there first.

“I’ll get it!” the mouse squeaked.

Lily held her breath as the mouse struggled to lift the sketchbook. She’s so small, I could hold her with just one hand, she thought to herself.

“I’m doing it! I’m doing it!” panted the mouse. She managed to lift the book by one corner, and Jess reached down to take it. The girls kneeled beside her.

“Thank you,” Jess said. “What’s your name?”

“Molly,” said the mouse, sitting on a tuft of moss to get her breath back. “Molly Twinkletail.”

“That’s a pretty name,” said Lily. “You’re very kind.”

“I love helping people,” Molly said. “I’ve got a mommy and daddy and nine big brothers and sisters, and I help them all!” She twitched her whiskers. “I’m too little to help at our stall at the fair, though, so I’m helping anyone else I can. Are you hungry?” She opened her little bag and showed them what was inside. “Hazelnut chips,” she said. “Try some.”

Molly tipped the chips into Lily and Jess’s outstretched hands. They were each the size of a grain of rice.

“Yum!” the girls said together, nibbling the chips.

“Have some more,” offered Molly.

“But you won’t have enough left for yourself,” said Goldie.

“Don’t worry,” said Molly. “I’ll go home and fill my bag again. All this helping is making me hungry!”

She ran to a nearby tree, scampering up the stairs carved into the trunk and onto a branch where a pretty little cottage stood. A delicious aroma wafted from its open windows.

“Will you wait and take me to Sunshine Meadow with you?” Molly called down.

“Of course,” said Goldie. “Just ask your mom and dad if it’s okay first.”

Molly scurried indoors. A moment later, Jess and Lily saw nine little mouse faces at the windows. Molly’s brothers and sisters!

They waved, then Molly herself ran out, followed by a smiling mouse wearing an apron who introduced herself to the girls as Molly’s mother.

“What’s that delicious smell?” asked Lily.

“We’re dipping blueberries in toffee,” explained Mrs. Twinkletail. “Look for us at the fair, won’t you? Don’t get into any trouble, Molly. Good-bye, everyone!”

Holding her bag of hazelnut chips, Molly settled happily in Lily’s hands. The four friends set off for Sunshine Meadow and the fair.
