No one’s life is perfect. But mine was made a lot more perfect by the brilliant people who helped me create this book.

Jenny Bond and Sarah Frampton offered me insight and ideas on city life and country life alike. I’m especially grateful to Jenny for her expert help on the corporate world of advertising, marketing, and brands.

Meanwhile, I am constantly in awe of the amazing work of “Team Kinsella” in the UK, the U.S., and around the world. Thank you to everyone who works so hard on my books—and a special thank-you to my agents and publishers in the UK and U.S.:

At LAW: Araminta Whitley, Peta Nightingale, Jennifer Hunt

At Inkwell: Kim Witherspoon, David Forrer

At ILA: Nicki Kennedy, Sam Edenborough, Jenny Robson, Katherine West, Simone Smith

At Transworld: Francesca Best, Bill Scott-Kerr, Larry Finlay, Claire Evans, Nicola Wright, Alice Murphy-Pyle, Becky Short, Tom Chicken and his team, Giulia Giordano, Matt Watterson and his team, Richard Ogle, Kate Samano, Judith Welsh, Jo Williamson, Bradley “Bradmobile” Rose

At Penguin Random House U.S.: Gina Centrello, Susan Kamil, Kara Cesare, Avideh Bashirrad, Debbie Aroff, Jess Bonet, Sanyu Dillon, Sharon Propson, Sally Marvin, Theresa Zoro, Loren Noveck

May your lives always live up to your Instagram posts….
