
Once again, big, sparkly, major thanks are owed to the St. Martin’s team: Matthew Shear, Rose Hilliard, Anne Marie Tallberg, Brittany Kleinfelter, Katy Hershberger, Angela Goddard, and everyone else who contributes so much!

Also, huge thanks to the Brandt & Hochman team: Gail Hochman, Bill Contardi, & Marianne Merola, for all that you do!

And, to my foreign publishers—thank you for all your hard work on the Immortals’ behalf!

I’m also incredibly grateful for the love and support of my family and friends (you know who you are!), with a special shout out to Jim & Stacia—those once a month dinners provide the perfect diversion!

And, as always, much gratitude goes to Sandy, because I really, truly couldn’t do it without him!

But, most of all, I want to thank my readers—you guys are THE ABSOLUTE BEST!
