One of the reasons Nigel had found it so easy to persuade Hugh to delay his visit to Evesham was that Hugh had had visions of spending a few more nights with Cristen.

That had been before the king’s visit, of course.

As it was, Hugh spent the night in the Great Hall with the rest of the knights, listening to Ranulf snore and thinking about his interview with Stephen.

How did the king know I was at Somerford?

Guy must have told him that Nigel was the man who had discovered Hugh and introduced him into Chippenham, Hugh thought, as he lay on his straw pallet in the dark and chilly hall. Stephen could not have been certain that Hugh was still present at Somerford, but if the king had asked for him directly, then it wouldn’t have been possible for Nigel to lie.

It could have been worse, Hugh told himself philosophically. I might not have made a friend of the king, but neither did I make an enemy.

At this point, however, he was truly stuck at Somerford until the king had left the district. If Stephen suspected that Hugh was planning a visit into Gloucester’s territory, the king might very well arrest him.

Stephen would have to return to the siege of Malmesbury on the morrow, Hugh thought with a resurgence of hope. The king could not remain here at Somerford indefinitely. He would have to return to his troops.

That would mean that Hugh would get his bedroom back. And once everyone was asleep, he and Cristen…

With one part of his mind, Hugh knew that what he had done with Cristen, and what he planned to keep right on doing, would be perceived by others as grossly immoral. He knew others would think that he had betrayed Nigel’s trust and his hospitality by bedding his daughter under her father’s own roof.

But what he felt for Cristen and she for him transcended all the standard moral tenets of church and of society. He could no more keep away from her than he could keep from breathing the air that he needed to live. They belonged to each other.

They would marry. As soon as he learned what he needed to know about his past, they would marry. Then they would never be separated again.

The king left Somerford the following morning and the siege of Malmesbury continued. Finally, after eight days of being under constant fire, Robert fitz Hubert and his castle garrison surrendered. Conveniently for him, Robert was cousin to Stephen’s commander, William of Ypres, and it was the Fleming who arranged for Robert’s release. To no one’s surprise, once the former castellan of Malmesbury was free, he rode west to join with the Earl of Gloucester.

After his two successes in north Wiltshire, Stephen moved twenty miles south to Trowbridge, a well-fortified castle belonging to Miles of Gloucester’s son-in-law, Humphrey de Bohun. There the king began the laborious task of building siege engines to batter down the walls.

Shortly after Stephen had left the district of a devastated Malmesbury, Hugh prepared to ride northwest to Evesham in hopes of catching up with Father Anselm.

“I wish I could go with you,” Cristen said as they clung together in the night.

“I wish you could, too,” Hugh replied. His lips were buried in her hair and he inhaled the scent of lavender that always clung to its brown silkiness.

“If you need me, send and I will come.”

He laughed shakily. “Your father might have something to say about that.”

“It doesn’t matter,” she said starkly. She pressed closer to him in the bed. “Nothing matters now except us.”

“Aye,” he said. He closed his eyes and relished her nearness with every pore of his body. “And that is what will keep me sane.”

He thought of this conversation the following morning as he mounted Rufus in the outer bailey and prepared to move off with the three knights Nigel had insisted on sending with him.

Cristen had not come to see him off.

“I can’t bear to see you ride away from me,” she had said last night.

“It’s all right,” he had said. “It’s all right, my love. I will be back. I promise I will be back.”

Hugh and his escort rode north to Gloucestershire and from thence they turned west, toward the vale of Evesham. It was November now and the weather had turned cold. Under their mail, Hugh and the knights wore several layers of wool shirts, and around their shoulders they wore warm wool cloaks.

Fortunately, it did not rain. The wind was sharp and chill, but the sun shone most of the time. The forest trees were almost bare and the paths were covered by the leaves that had fallen during the last month. As they passed the scattered assarts that small farmers had cut out of the woods, they could smell the fragrance of burning charcoal.

Hugh remembered the last time he had made the journey from Evesham to Somerford. He had been running from his mother then. He still did not know why he had this feeling about her. As Cristen had said, if Alan’s story was true, she was very much to be pitied.

Did she love me, I wonder? Hugh thought. Or was I too much of a reminder of the husband she did not like?

It didn’t matter if Isabel had loved him or not, Hugh told himself firmly. He had had Adela. She had been more than mother enough for him.

It was late in the afternoon and the gray of evening had started to set in, by the time Hugh and his party reached the walls of Evesham. The knights on gate duty recognized him and let him in. With a trepidation he tried to deny even to himself, Hugh approached the formidable stone walls of the castle.

He hoped she wasn’t there.

Philip Demain couldn’t believe his eyes when Hugh walked into the Great Hall of Evesham.

The incredible nerve of the man! After the way he had behaved to Isabel, to return here as if assured of a welcome!

Philip simply couldn’t believe it.

Simon had been sharing a cup of wine with a group of his knights in front of the fire, and he too looked amazed when he saw who had come into his hall.

“Hugh,” he said in astonishment.

Everyone seated by the fire watched in silence as the slim young man crossed the floor. The only sound in the huge hall was the roaring of the fire and the clinking of his spurs.

Hugh stopped when he was still a few feet away from Simon. “My lord,” he said respectfully. “I am sorry to have arrived unannounced like this. If I am not welcome, I will go away.”

He was carrying his helmet under his arm. His fine-boned face that was so like his mother’s was framed by his mail coif. His skin was red from the cold.

Philip longed to make a cutting remark to him, but there was something about Hugh’s expression that warned him off.

“I did not expect to see you here again,” Simon said. His own face was stern. “You left us so…precipitously…the last time you visited.”

“I am sorry for that,” Hugh said.

“It is not me to whom you owe an apology,” Simon said grimly. “It is to your mother.”

Philip saw a flash of quickly suppressed emotion flicker across Hugh’s guarded face. “I realize that,” he said quietly. “Is she still at Evesham?”

“Unfortunately, she is not,” Simon said. “She went back to the convent in Worcester right after you left us.”

Philip, watching Hugh closely, saw the relief that he could not quite disguise.

“I see,” he said.

The scene in the hall had frozen into a tableau. The squires, who were playing dice around one of the trestle tables, had stopped their game. The pages, who were sitting on a bench along the wall kicking their heels and waiting to pour more wine for the knights, had ceased their low chatter. The knights around the fire sat in dead silence, staring at Hugh.

“Why have you come here?” Simon asked his nephew. “Was it just to offer your apologies?”

Against all the laws of hospitality, he was keeping Hugh, who was still dressed in full mail, standing while the rest of the men around the fire remained seated, wine cups in hand.

Hugh did not seem at all discomposed by his position. He stood easily, his feet a little apart, one arm cradling his helmet, the other hanging loosely at his side. He still wore his gloves.

He said, “Actually, I came to see Father Anselm, sir. Is he still at Evesham?”

“No, he is not. He left to return to the cathedral in Winchester two days ago.”

Hugh’s expression never altered. “I see. Well, if I may beg your hospitality for the night, I will be on my way again in the morning.”

Simon’s eyes narrowed. “You are going to go to Winchester?”

“Aye,” Hugh replied simply.

Simon frowned. Then he waved toward the squires who were gathered around trestle table throwing dice. They, like everyone else in the hall, had stopped all activity and were silently watching Hugh.

“Someone come here immediately and disarm my nephew,” the lord of Evesham said impatiently, as if it were the squires’ fault that Hugh had been kept standing.

Two squires jumped up and ran to assist Hugh. For a long minute the only noise in the hall was the jingle of sword belt and spurs being removed, the rattle of a mail coat as it was pulled over the head.

Finally Hugh stood before them in his wool shirt and padded leather jerkin. There was a faint mark around his neck where the mail coat had chafed him.

“Sit down,” Simon said, waving toward a stool that was placed next to his own high-backed chair.

Hugh obeyed. He sat easily, making it look as if the backless stool was the most comfortable seat in the world.

“We heard that the king was besieging Malmesbury,” Simon said. “Is it true?”

“Aye,” Hugh replied. “Robert fitz Hubert and his garrison surrendered a few days ago.”

Simon waved to a page to bring Hugh some wine.

“We heard that as well,” Philip said in a hard voice.

With a courteous nod of thanks, Hugh accepted a cup of wine from the page.

“Where is Stephen now?” Simon asked. “Do you know?”

He stared at his nephew as if he were issuing a challenge.

Hugh sipped his wine and replied calmly, “I believe he has gone to Trowbridge.”

It was clear from the expression on his face that Simon had already known that.

“I would have returned to Evesham sooner, but with Stephen in the neighborhood, I did not feel it was wise for me to attempt a trip into Gloucester’s territory,” Hugh said.

Simon grunted his agreement. “If you had been caught, he would most probably have arrested you.”

Philip said, with barely concealed hostility, “Did you meet the king while he was at Malmesbury? Somerford is only a few miles away, I believe.”

The light gray eyes lifted to meet his. They wore an ironic look and Philip had the uncomfortable sensation that Hugh knew exactly what he was thinking.

“As a matter of fact, I did meet him,” Hugh replied.

“God’s bones,” said Simon. He blew hard through his nose. “What happened? Did he ask you to swear allegiance to him?”

“Aye, he did.”

Simon looked grim. “And did you so swear?”

Hugh took a sip of wine. “No,” he said. “I did not.”

The men around the fire regarded him with open disbelief.

“Then why aren’t you under arrest?” Philip demanded.

A page came quietly forward with a flagon of wine and refilled one of the knight’s cups.

“I didn’t exactly refuse to swear allegiance to Stephen, either,” Hugh replied mildly. “I…er…avoided the subject.”

He took another swallow of his own wine.

“How did you manage to do that?” Simon asked incredulously.

Hugh rested his wine cup on his knee. “I told him that as Hugh Corbaille I owed him allegiance for my three manors in Lincolnshire, but that as Hugh de Leon I owned nothing and so had nothing to swear allegiance for.”

The stares of the knights slowly turned to grudging admiration.

Philip scowled.

“That was clever,” Simon said.

Hugh did not reply.

“Why do you want to see Father Anselm?” Philip demanded.

Hugh lifted one level brow. “I want to talk to him.”

“About what?”

Now Hugh’s stare was frankly inimical. “I believe that is my affair, not yours.”

Simon waved his hand impatiently. “Enough of this brangling! Did Stephen tell you that he would continue to support Guy as Earl of Wiltshire?”

“He did,” said Hugh.

Simon looked pleased. “Well, then, it must be plain to you that your only chance of winning back your rightful place is to join with us.”

“Perhaps,” Hugh said mildly. “However, I am not ready to think of that yet. First I must speak to Father Anselm.”

Simon’s face was suddenly grave. “Why must you talk to the priest, Hugh?”

His voice sounded strangely heavy.

Hugh kept his level gray gaze trained on his uncle’s face and did not reply.

“Why not just leave it alone?” Simon went on. “Digging up the past never did anyone any good. The present is challenge enough, I should think.”

Hugh shook his head.

After a moment, Simon sighed. “All right.” The heaviness had not left his voice. “If you must talk to the priest, you must talk to the priest.”

“Thank you,” Hugh said.

After another half an hour of general conversation, mostly about Stephen’s prospects of succeeding with his siege of Trowbridge, Simon got to his feet and announced, “I’m for bed.”

The rest of the men stood with him in courtesy.

Simon looked at his nephew. “You had better come upstairs with me and greet the Lady Alyce, Hugh. She will tell you where you are to sleep.”

Hugh looked faintly apprehensive. “Very well, sir.”

Philip was glad to see that something could shake that formidable composure.

“She is not happy with your behavior,” Simon said.

“No, sir,” Hugh said resignedly.

Simon beckoned. “Come along then.”

As the lord of Evesham moved the stairs, two of the squires who had been playing dice leaped to their feet and followed behind him.

Hugh had planned to leave for Winchester the following morning, but when he awoke it was to find that a storm had swept in from the west. Rain was falling in torrents and the wind was whipping it in sheets against the western wall of the castle.

It was not a day to travel.

The following day was still overcast and rainy, but the wind had died down considerably. At midday Hugh decided that it would not be unreasonable of him to ask Nigel’s knights to attempt the weather.

He would have preferred to send them back to Somerford and travel on to Winchester alone, but he had promised Cristen that he wouldn’t do that.

Thomas was sick. He protested that he was perfectly able to ride, but his skin was flushed and hot and he obviously had a fever. Since he absolutely refused to be left behind, Hugh felt he had no option but to remain yet another day at Evesham.

Two days suffering the reproachful looks of Lady Alyce and the unabashed curiosity of his cousin Juliana were a penance he supposed he deserved, but it wasn’t pleasant.

Finally the weather lifted and Thomas’s fever abated. Hugh was actually in the courtyard, preparing to leave, when a messenger from Earl Robert came galloping into the outer bailey with news for Simon.

Hugh went back into the castle to find out what was happening.

“I bring you good news, my lord,” the messenger was saying triumphantly as Hugh entered the hall. “Earl Robert wishes me to tell you that Miles, Constable of Gloucester, has led an army to Wallingford and defeated and captured the garrisons that the king left there to hold Brian fitz Count in check!”

Simon was delighted. “That is great news indeed!”

I knew it, Hugh thought disgustedly. Stephen should never have left Wallingford until he had taken it.

He thought of the ruination of Malmesbury, of the devastation that Stephen’s army was wreaking around Trowbridge, had already wreaked at Wallingford. Now Miles had also laid waste to Wallingford and was marching back west, to destroy as many of Stephen’s strongholds as he could while the king was tied up at Trowbridge.

The empress had only been in England a little over a month, and already the damage was extensive.

“Sit down,” Simon was urging Gloucester’s man. “Have something to eat and tell us everything that you know.” He turned to Hugh and motioned imperatively. “Join us, Hugh. You will be interested to hear this tale.”

Hugh hesitated briefly, then nodded.

He supposed he could leave for Winchester tomorrow.

Hugh actually did manage to ride away from Evesham the following day. The weather was decent, Thomas was well, and no messengers came galloping in with war news.

They had reached Burford when Rufus lost a shoe. By the time Hugh had located a blacksmith and had the stallion reshod to his satisfaction, it was late afternoon. Reluctantly, he decided that they might as well spend the night at the local inn and start off again once more in the morning. If they rode hard all day, they would reach Winchester by evening.

In the morning, as Hugh and his escort of knights were having a morning meal of bread and ale in the taproom of the inn where they had spent the night, they heard the first rumor that Miles of Gloucester was heading for Worcester.

The garrison at Worcester was loyal to Stephen and the rumor was that Miles intended to sack the city and take the castle for the empress.

Hugh froze when he heard those words.

His mother’s convent was in Worcester.

When finally he could get his lips to move, he turned to Thomas and said, “There’s been a change in plans. We’re riding back to Worcester.”

Thomas took one look at Hugh’s face and all of his questions died. “All right, Hugh,” he said.

Hugh stood up. “We’re leaving now.”

The three knights had to run to keep up with him as he strode out of the taproom.
