
I am grateful to the editors who first published these stories: Cecilia Alemani, Andrew Bourne, Junot Díaz, Matthew Fishbane, Ben Metcalf, Sigrid Rausing, Paul Reyes, Will Rogan, Nicole Rudick, David Samuels, and Deborah Treisman. Andrew Eisenman read these stories early with great critical care. I am indebted to him for his intelligence and vision. Max Porter, too. Smart and generous readings that always pushed the stories where they needed it most. Heidi Julavits offered crucial readings and critical editorial ideas at every stage of revision. To me there is no sharper reader, not to mention writer, not to mention person.

A special thanks is due to the MacDowell Colony, who provided not just time and space, of the most ideal kind, but some unnameable deeper gift, conducive to work and concentration, that is harder and harder to find.

To Deborah Treisman, thank you for your faith and support and always exacting editorial insights. Many of these stories are much improved because of you.

To Denise Shannon, my one and only agent, thank you as always for your brilliance, candor, and advocacy. I have been so fortunate to be able to work with you for all of these years.

To Jordan Pavlin, thank you for your unerring belief. I am endlessly grateful for your intelligence and loyalty and passion.

And to everyone at Knopf—thank you for sticking by me and offering such a very good home.
