
The Abandoned Field: Free Fire Zone (film), 119, 120, 168

Acosta, Oscar Zeta, 219

Adams, Eddie, 105

Affirmation, 204

Afghanistan, 2, 6–7, 14

African Americans, 53, 153, 200, 218

Agamben, Giorgio, 244

Agent Orange, 230

Aguilar-San Juan, Karin, 40

Ahn Junghyo, 141–42

Air America (film), 123, 124

Air Defense Museum, 165

Aki Ra, 172

American PX, 140

American Sniper (film), 14

American Sports, 1970: Or How We Spent the War in Vietnam (Papageorge), 231–32

American War, 4, 6–7

American Way: exclusivity of, 10

Angkar (Organization), 84, 89

Angkor Wat, 269

Anlong Veng, 297–99

Antiwar movements, 265

Apocalypse Now (film), 13–14, 64–65; power of, 127; as secondhand memory, 103; in U.S. war machine, 116–21; worldview of, 120

Apostol, Gina, 111

Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 271–72, 274

Appy, Christian G., 50–51

Arendt, Hannah, 96

Arlington National Cemetery, 44

Army of the Republic of Vietnam: memorials to, 335

Art: acknowledgment of dead through, 175; commodification of, 13; as gifts, 296–97; of Hmong trauma, 281–83; of Ho Chi Minh, 160–62; importance of, in ethics of memory, 12–13, 87; inequities of memory industry in, 184; in just forgetting, 286–87; of Khmer Rouge era, 87; to memorialize Korean forces, 137–38; recognition of human and inhuman in, 99; in shock of recognition, 113; and the war machine, 269–78

Asian Americans: as model minority, 131, 153

Assman, Jan, 50

Augé, Marc, 25–26

Balaban, John, 295

Baldwin, James, 218, 219

Ban Me Thuot, 163

Ban Vinai refugee camp, 242–43

Bao Ninh, 30, 37–38, 55

Bars, 179

Barthes, Roland, 183

Bataille, Christophe, 84

Battambang, 188

Battle Hymn (film), 130

Baudrillard, Jean, 64–65, 116–17, 127

Bercovitch, Sacvan, 10

Bergson, Henri, 109

The Betrayal (Nerakhoon; film), 292–93

B-52 Victory Museum, 165

Bhabha, Homi, 248

The Birth of a Nation (film), 117

Black April, 42

Blackness, 141

Black Ops (video game), 109, 110

Black Panthers, 218, 219

Black Virgin Mountain (Heinemann), 295

Bombings, 276–77

The Book of Laughter and Forgetting (Kundera), 94

The Book of Salt (Truong), 206, 208, 209–10

Borges, Jorge Luis, 19

Boym, Svetlana, 43

The Bridges at Toko-Ri (film), 130

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (Díaz), 220

Buddhism, 295

Bui Thac Chuyen, 171

Bush, George H.W., 49

Butler, Judith, 75–76

Butler, Robert Olen, 209

Call of Duty (video game), 109

Cambodia: acknowledgment of conflict in, 7, 288; commodification of war in, 15; extension of war into, 6; under Khmer Rouge regime, 7, 83–100, 129; memorials to, 260; prosecution for war crimes in, 289–90; recognition of veterans in, 66–67; war casualties in, 7, 8, 156; war photographers from, 184

Cambodian refugees, 234

Cambodia: Splendor and Darkness (Lê), 268–69

Cao, Lan, 203, 212

Capitalism: industrialization of memory in, 13–16; just memory and, 18; in Korea, 130–31, 149–50, 151–52; Korean immigrants’ effect on, 131–32; in museum gift shops, 175, 177–79; national power and, 15–16; perpetual war and, 285; reconciliation and, 295–96; success of South Korea in, 129; of tourist industry, 178; of Vietnam refugee communities, 40–41

Carter, Jimmy, 114

Casualties, of war: art as acknowledgment of, 175; burial of, 23–25; as depicted in war stories, 229; forgiveness for, 287–88; industry of memory and, 156–57; in Korean War, 129; in Korean war films, 145, 146, 147–48; memorials to, 24–27, 35–36, 42–43, 44, 49, 52–56, 66–68, 153–55, 187, 258–59; memories of, 25–33, 50–51; museums related to, 29–30, 39–40, 112–13, 254–61; natural affinity for, 28–29; number of, in Vietnam War, 8, 156; otherness of, 68–69; personal mourning of, 194–98; photographers as, 183–84; as result of Korean soldiers, 145, 146, 147, 150–51, 155; shock of recognition and, 112; unearthing, 45; Vietnamese refugees’ memories of, 45; women and children as, 30. See also Veterans, of war

Catfish and Mandala (Pham), 206, 208

Caves, 186–89

Cemeteries, 23–27, 35–39, 44, 45

Chang, Juliana, 235

Chan, Jeffery Paul, 124

Cheah, Pheng, 90–92

China: in Korean War, 6

China Gate (film), 125

China Men (Kingston), 225

Chin, Frank, 124

Choeung Ek, 254, 255, 256, 258

Chong, Sylvia Shin Huey, 65

Chow, Rey, 74

Chum Mey, 255

Chun Doo Hwan, 139, 143

Cimino, Michael, 109–10

Cinematography, 122

The Circle of Hanh (Weigl), 295

Class inequality: just memories and, 17

Close Quarters (Heinemann), 64, 235

Collective memories: definition of, 10

Collective memory: definition of, 10

Colonialism, 84, 93, 197

Commemoration (Cuong), 175

Communist Party, 26–30, 41, 158, 205–6

Con Son, 172

Coppola, Francis Ford, 116–18, 119, 137

Cosmopolitanism, 266, 270–72, 275–76

Cotter, Hollan, 269

Cuba, 7

Cu Chi, 181

Cumings, Bruce, 143

Dachau concentration camp, 258

Dang Duc Sinh, 175

Dang Nhat Minh, 167–69, 183

Dang Thuy Tram, 168–69, 212, 274–75

de Antonio, Emile, 119, 137

Debord, Guy, 14

The Deer Hunter (film), 109–10

Demilitarized Zone, 133

de Palma, Brian, 77

Derrida, Jacques, 287–88, 290, 291

The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram (Nhat Ky Dang Thuy Tram; Tram), 274–75

Díaz, Junot, 219–20

Didion, Joan, 27

Dien Bien Phu, 169–70

Dinh, Linh, 43, 215, 216, 218

Disremembering, 63–68

Documentation Center of Cambodia, 259

Dominican Republic, 6, 219–20

Dong Ha, 24, 45

Don’t Burn (film), 168

“Don’t Cry in California”; (“Khong Khoc O California”; Thiep), 280

Downey, Robert Jr., 123

DuBois, W. E. B., 53

Duch, 84–86, 89, 93, 98–100, 256

Dunlop, Nic, 299

Duong, Lan, 211

Duong Thu Huong, 61–62, 80

Eastwood, Clint, 123, 124

The Eaves of Heaven (Pham), 212

Education, 206–8, 276

Ehrhart, W. D., 295

Eichmann, Adolf, 95–96

The Elimination (Panh), 84–85, 88, 100

Ellison, Ralph, 63

“The Emergence of Vietnamese American Literature” (Truong), 209

Enemies: as flat characters, 28–29; lack of affinity for, 28

Engels, Friedrich, 107

English language: of ethnic literature, 198–99; in industrial memories, 15

The English Patient (Ondaatje), 276–77

Enlightened forgetting: definition of, 18

Entertainment Weekly (magazine), 237, 241–42

Espiritu, Yen Le, 124, 195–96, 206

Ethical vision, 121

Ethics of remembering: of American Vietnamese, 40–44; artistic works and, 160; characterizations of people in, 28–33; description of, 9–19; heroic vs. antiheroic mode in, 43–44; humanity vs. inhumanity and, 96–100; injustice of forgetting and, 68; of minority people, 43; natural affinity and, 27–29, 59–60; otherness and, 68–69; thick relations in, 54–56, 59

Ethnicity, 199, 201

Ethnocentrism: influence of, in memory industry, 13

Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia, 289

Faas, Horst, 183

Family bonds, 55

Farocki, Harun, 105

The Fifth Book of Peace (Kingston), 277

Filkins, Dexter, 284

Films: about Korea’s role in Vietnam, 143–49; of horror genre, 174; importance of, 87; of Khmer Rouge era, 86–89, 97; most vivid war images from, 105; power of American cinema in, 171; power of voice in, 214; role of, in war machine, 108–28, 144–45; as secondhand memories, 103–4; on war and memory, 168

Fine Arts Museum, 29, 160, 175–77

First person shooters, 110–11

Flat characters, 28–33

The Forever War (Filkins/Haldeman), 284

Forgiveness, 262–65, 279–80, 287–95

Forgotten War, 129

Forster, E. M., 28, 29, 277

Foucault, Michel, 91

French colonialism, 197

French troops, 169–70, 172, 173

Freud, Sigmund, 16, 55

From Vietnam to Hollywood (Lê), 233, 268

Fuller, Samuel, 125

Full Metal Jacket (film), 145, 179

Fussell, Paul, 62–63

The Gangster We Are All Looking For (thuy), 194, 208, 213

The General Retires (Thiep), 238–39

Genocide, 83–100

Ghost stories, 195–96

Gibson, Mel, 123

Gillam, Victor, 252

Gilroy, Paul, 68

Ginzburg, Natalia, 8

Giving, 296–97

Going Back (Ehrhart), 295

A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain (Butler), 209

Gooks, 62–64, 140–41

Gordon, Avery F., 195

Gran Torino (film), 123–25, 126

The Green Berets (film), 125–26

Greene, Graham, 51, 142–43

Grenada, 6

Griffith, Philip Jones, 66

Griffiths, D. W., 117

Griswold, Charles L., 292

Guevara, Che, 3

Gulf War, 14, 49, 118

Gustafsson, Mai Lan, 157

Haeberle, Robert, 30

Halbwachs, Maurice, 10

Haldeman, Joe, 284

Hallyu, 132

Ha My memorial, 153–55

Hanoi: cemeteries in, 26; museums in, 29–30

Hanoi Hilton, 173

Haunting: of defeated people, 40

Hawaii, 7

Hayslip, Le Ly, 150–51, 195, 203, 207–8, 228, 262, 264, 266

Heinemann, Larry, 64, 235, 295

Helicopters, 117–20, 137–38

Herman, Judith Lewis, 228

Herr, Michael, 35–36, 103, 117, 122

Hirsch, Marianne, 268

Hmong people: films about, 123–25, 126; psychological trauma of, 234–35; transformation of trauma for, 281–83; in war stories, 242–43, 244–45

Ho Chi Minh: art of, 160–62; characterization of, 28–29; mausoleum of, 157–60; memorial to, 24; Vietnamese people’s view of, 158

Ho Chi Minh City. See Saigon

Ho Chi Minh Museum, 159

Ho Chi Minh Trail, 25

Hoi An, 154

Holden, William, 130

Hollywood, 13–14

Holocaust, 87, 258

Hong, Cathy Park, 215

Hudson, Rock, 130

Human waste, 243–45

Hussein, Saddam, 49

Hwang Suk-Yong, 139–41

Hyde, Lewis, 296

Ieng Sary, 299

Imperial powers, 139

Industry of memory: casualties of war and, 156–57; components of, 107–8; ghosts of war and, 183–87; inequities in, 183–84; vs. memory industry, 106; power and, 107, 108; prisoners of war and, 172–73; propaganda in, 114–15; of small country vs. superpower, 157–89; structures of feeling in, 107; in the United States, 108–28; weapons and, 166–67

In Every Neighborhood (O moi xom; Sinh), 175, 177

In the Year of the Pig (film), 119

Invisible Man (Ellison), 63

Iraq War, 2, 6–7, 14, 42, 83

Irish Americans, 201

Islamists, 95

Iyer, Pico, 109

Jager, Sheila Miyoshi, 135

James, William, 232

Japanese army, 227–28

Japanese goods, 140

Jarhead (film), 118

Jeffords, Susan, 145

Jewish Americans, 201

Jin, Ha, 244

Johnson, Chalmers, 115–16

Jo Sung Mo, 151

Journey from the Fall (Tran), 233–34

Just forgetting: art in, 286–87; capitalism and, 285, 295–96; vs. forgetting, 279, 297; forgiveness and, 279–80, 286–95; gift giving in, 296–97; imagining utopia in, 285–86; just memory in, 297; path toward, 283; rarity of, 284; reconciliation and, 295–96; release of suffering for, 280–83; vs. unjust forgetting, 284

Just memory: description of, 17; ethics of recognition in, 19; importance of, 16–17; for just forgiveness, 297; methods of dealing with excessive memories in, 17–18; moral priority of, 68; prerequisites for, 283; requirements for, 18

Kant, Immanuel, 291

Karlin, Wayne, 119, 295

Kar Savuth, 85

Kennedy, John F., 125

Khieu Samphan, 299

Khmer Rouge, 254, 255, 268–69; Cambodian casualties of, 7; ethics of recognition and, 83–93; good vs. evil and, 95–96; humanity vs. inhumanity and, 97–100; as laughing matter, 93–94; length of regime of, 129; monuments to, 297–99; prosecution of, 289–90; vs. terrorists, 95

“Khong Khoc O California” (“Don’t Cry in California”; Thiep), 280

Kim, Kyung Hyun, 145

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1–3, 50, 62, 153, 273, 291

Kingsolver, Barbara, 273

Kingston, Maxine Hong, 194–95, 225, 277

Kinnell, Galway, 213

Kipling, Rudyard, 251

Kissinger, Henry, 26

Korea: antiwar memories of, 139–49; criticism of United States by, 151; culture of, 132–33, 151–52; economy of, 130–31, 149–50, 151–52; film industry of, 144–49; number of Vietnam casualties from, 156; subimperial power of, 139, 152; U.S. patriotism and, 152–53; vs. Vietnam, 133–34; Vietnamese brides in, 143; Vietnamese people’s memories of, 150–51; Vietnam soldiers from, 136–55, 150–51; Vietnam War memorials in, 136–39; war machine of, 135–36

Korean immigrants, 130–32

Korean War: division of Korea and, 129; films about, 130; memorials to, 134–39, 152; memories of, 6; novels about, 141–43; number of casualties of, 129; South Koreans’ view of, 129–30; television shows about, 133

Korean War Memorial, 152

Koreatown, 130, 131–32, 153

Kubrick, Stanley, 179

Kundera, Milan, 10, 26, 94, 182

Kuras, Ellen, 292–93

Kuwait, 6, 51–52

Kwon, Heonik, 151

Lam, Andrew, 205

Land Mine Museum, 172

Language: in industrial memories, 15

Lao Hmong American War Memorial, 152

Lao People’s Army History Museum, 186

Laos: acknowledgment of conflict in, 7; apology for war atrocities by, 288; caves in, 186–87; commodification of war in, 15; extension of war into, 6; leader of, 44; memorials for, 152; movies about, 123; recognition of veterans in, 66–67; Vietnam’s presence in, 186; war casualties in, 7, 8, 156, 157; weapon displays of, 162–66

Larsen, Wendy Wilder, 209

Last Night I Dreamed of Peace (Tram), 212, 274–75

The Last Parallel (Russ), 130

The Latehomecomer (Yang), 237, 241–42, 245–46

Latino Americans, 153, 200, 219

Laughter, 93–94

Lê, An-My, 262–63, 266–67, 270

Lê, Dinh Q., 233, 268–69, 270

Le Duan, 24

Le Duc Tho, 26

Lê Minh Khuê, 119

Le, Nam, 201–2

le thi diem thuy, 194

Lee, Chang-Rae, 248–49, 250

Lessing, Doris, 286

Levinas, Emmanuel, 84, 95, 99, 227, 272

Lieux de memoire, 42

Life magazine, 101

Lighters, 177–78

Lincoln, Abraham, 24–25

Lin, Maya, 47, 52–53, 55, 66

Literature: about mourning the dead, 194; authenticity of, 210–11; collaboration and betrayal in, 211–13; education related to writing, 206–7; of ethnic minorities, 197–222; mourning the dead in, 194–98; mythical immigrant story in, 220–21; as part of war machine, 111; prizes for, 208, 209; purpose of, 253; of war, 30–32, 51, 61, 139–43. See also War stories

Little Saigon: citizens’ war memories in, 42–44; description of, 40–42

Living in Fear (film), 171–72

The Lotus and the Storm (Cao), 203, 212

“Love and Honor and Pity and Pride and Compassion and Sacrifice” (Le), 201–2

Love like Hate (Dinh), 215

Lucas, George, 109

MacArthur Foundation, 262

Mai Dich Martyrs Cemetery, 26–27

Majority people: in films and books about war, 56; genocide and, 92; minority myths of, 131; power of, 43, 60–61; as saviors in films, 124–25

Mang Satire, 87

Margalit, Avishai, 27, 55, 56, 59, 292

Marker, Chris, 302, 303

Marx, Karl, 107, 164, 294

Masculinity, 145

M*A*S*H (television series), 133

Mbembe, Achille, 158, 180

McCain, John, 173

McCarthy, Mary, 113

McGurl, Mark, 208

McNamara, Robert, 83

Media: in industrialization of war, 13–14; influence of authorities over, 11; Korean culture in, 132. See also specific media

Memory industry, 106, 175, 177–79

“Me So Horny” (2 Live Crew), 179–80

Mexican people, 59

Military History Museum, 163, 165

Military-industrial complex. See War machine

Mines, 25, 45, 172

Minority people: cultural sensitivity toward, 83; double consciousness of, 53–54; in films and books about war, 56; lack of power of, 43, 60–61; literature authored by, 197–222; majority’s myth about, 131; memorials to, 56; notable histories of, 200–201; power of, 196–97; riots involving, 130; as veterans of war, 44, 56–59; as victims, 196–97, 221; war on, 219; war stories by, 248–49

Mishra, Pankaj, 240

The Missing Picture (film), 86–88, 99–100

Moon, Seungsook, 136

Morrison, Toni, 65, 269

Moua, Mai Neng, 67, 68, 244–45

Movie industry: in commodification of war, 13–15

MTV Cribs (television show), 104

Museum of Contemporary Art, 165

Museum of the Boat People and the Republic of Vietnam, 39–40

Museum of the Revolution, 29–30

Museum of the Son My Massacre, 150

Musical scores, 117

Music videos, 151

My Lai massacre, 30, 141, 150, 177

Nabokov, Vladimir, 43

National Cemetery of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, 37

Native Americans, 200

Native Speaker (Lee), 248–49

Necropolitical regimes, 158–59, 180

Nerakhoon (The Betrayal; film), 292–93

New Year Baby (film), 89

Ngo Dinh Diem, 105

Nguyen, Bich Minh, 213

Nguyen Cao Ky, 150

Nguyen, Hien Trong, 45

Nguyen Huy Thiep, 238–41, 280

Nguyen Ngoc Loan, 105

Nguyen Phu Cuong, 175

Nguyen, Phuong, 204

Nguyen Quang Sang, 119

Nguyen Qui Duc, 212

Nguyen Thi Hien, 185

Nguyen Van Lem, 105

Nguyen-Vo Thu-Huong, 194

Nhat Ky Dang Thuy Tram (The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram; Tram), 274–75

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 17, 103

Night of the Living Dead (film), 174

Nora, Pierre, 42

North Korea, 129

Novel without a Name (Huong), 61

Nussbaum, Martha, 273, 275–76

Obama, Barack, 56–59

O’Brien, Tim, 116, 225–26, 229, 233, 244, 247, 248

O’Connor, Flannery, 207

Ode to My Father (film), 145, 148–49

Okinawa Prefectural Peace Museum, 260–61

O moi xom (In Every Neighborhood; Sinh), 175, 177

Ondaatje, Michael, 276–77

Paco’s Story (Heinemann), 235–36

Page, Tim, 183

Palumbo-Liu, David, 211

Panama, 6

Panh, Rithy, 83, 84–88, 92–93, 97, 99–100, 255, 262

Papageorge, Tod, 231–32, 235, 263

Paradise of the Blind (Huong), 61

Paris Peace Accords, 26

Park, Jinim, 140

Peace movements, 265–66

Pelaud, Isabelle Thuy, 200

People’s Cemetery of Binh An, 35–39

Perfume Dreams: Reflections on the Vietnamese Diaspora (Lam), 205

Pham, Andrew X., 206, 212

Phan, Aimee, 206

Phan Thi Kim Phuc, 105

Phi, Bao, 217, 218

Philippine-American War: memory of, 5–6

Philippines, 251; American expansion in, 7

Phnom Penh, 83, 95

Photographers, 183–84

Photographs: of ancestors, 193–94; of death camp victims, 255; of Ho Chi Minh’s body, 158, 159; most famous, 105; as part of war machine, 105–6; powerful memory and, 262–63, 266–67; power of, 105, 108; as presence that invokes absence, 183–85; in shock of recognition, 112; of U.S. homeland during war, 231–32

Phrasavath, Thavisouk, 292

Poeuv, Socheata, 89

Pol Pot, 297–99

Postcards from the End of America (Dinh), 216–17

Postmemory, 268

Powerful memory: antiwar and peace movements and, 265–67; casualties of war and, 254–60; compassion and empathy in, 267–78; forgiveness and, 262–65; low ground and high ground of, 253–54; poverty and, 260–61; prisons and, 254–60

Prisons, 172–74

Prosthesis, 25

Puerto Rico, 7

Pure forgiveness, 292, 296

Quang Tri province: memorials in, 24–25; unearthed casualties in, 45

The Quiet American (Greene), 51, 142–43

Racism, 63–66, 124–25, 130; vs. ethnicity, 199, 201; Koreans and, 140–41, 142; patriotism and, 153

Raimi, Sam, 118–19

Rape, 31–32, 227–28

Recognition: of capacity for inhumanity, 72–73; of humanity vs. inhumanity, 97–98; importance of, to remembering, 71–72; of other as victim, 73–79; of power, 81–83; resignation and, 83–93; retribution and, 83–93; visual dimension of, 79–80; in war machine, 112–14

Reconciliation, 45, 69, 295–96

Refugees. See specific refugee groups

Remembered War. See Korean War

Remembering Heaven’s Face (Balaban), 295

Requiem (Faas and Page), 183

Resentment, 292

Resignation, 83–93

Restorative nostalgia, 43

Retribution, 83–93

Revolutions, 205

Ricoeur, Paul, 17, 18, 56, 60, 68, 73–74, 185, 262, 294–95

Roh Tae Woo, 139

Romero, George, 174

Rosler, Martha, 225

Round characters, 28–33

R-Point (film), 145, 148

Rubins, Nancy, 165

Russ, Martin, 130

Said, Edward, 240

Saigon: capitalism in, 41; cemeteries in, 33, 35–39; fall of, 42, 163; museums in, 29

Scarry, Elaine, 264, 272, 277

Screen memories: description of, 104–5

Sebald, W. G., 92, 103

Secondhand memories, 103–5

Secret War, 44

Self-sacrifices, 108

Seoul, 132–35

Shacochis, Bob, 5

The Shadow of Arms (Hwang), 139–41

Shallow Graves: Two Women and Vietnam (Larsen and Nga), 209

Shawcross, William, 7

Slavery, 60

“Small Wars” (Lê), 266–67

Sollors, Werner, 3

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 71–72

Sông I Sing (Phi), 217

Son My Museum, 30, 112–13, 177

Sontag, Susan, 183, 218–19, 268, 269

Sorrow of War (Ninh), 30, 39

Souls of Black Folk (DuBois), 53

Southern Vietnamese: exiles from, 9

South Korea: commofidication of war in, 15; fashioning of war memories by, 134; Forgotten War vs. Remembered War, 129–30; hired soldiers from, 142; origin of, 129; transformation of, as depicted in film, 148–49; war memorials in, 134–38

Spiegelman, Art, 87, 304

Spielberg, Steven, 109

Spivak, Gayatri, 124

Story cloth, 281–83

Strategic hamlets, 40–41

Sturken, Marita, 49, 66, 104

S-21 death camp, 83–86, 89–90, 98, 254–55

Sunny (film), 145, 147–48

Surname Viet, Given Name Nam (film), 214

The Surrendered (Lee), 249

Swofford, Anthony, 51–52, 119

The Tale of Kieu (classic story), 203

Ta Mok, 299

Tanks, 163–65

Tatum, James, 54

Terrorism, 70, 95, 174, 273

Tet Offensive, 105, 110

Tham Phiu, 187–89

The Dinh, 183, 184

The Things They Carried (O’Brien), 225–26, 244, 247

Thich Nhat Hanh, 281, 291, 295

Thich Quang Duc, 105, 108

To Huu, 26

Tourism, 178, 181, 298–99

Tran, GB, 212–13

Tran, Ham, 233–34

Tran Thi Nga, 209

Transformers 2 (film), 169, 171

Translations, 204

Treachery, 60–61

Trinh T. Minh-ha, 122, 214, 214, 218, 253

Truong, Monique, 206, 209–10

Truong Son Martyrs Cemetery, 24

Tunnels, 180–83

Tuol Sleng, 254, 255, 258, 259, 269

Tuong Niem (Cuong), 175

2 Live Crew, 179–80

Um, Khatharya, 256

Uncle Ho memory, 28–29

United Nations, 84, 89, 289

United States: affinity for “others” in, 59–60; American character in, 198; cemeteries in, 23; criticism of, by Koreans, 151; culture wars in, 249–50; ethics of remembering for, 9; expansion of, 7; exportation of arms by, 135; hiring of Korean soldiers by, 142; homeland of, during Vietnam War, 231–32; Korean immigrants to, 130–32; in Korean War, 6; lieux de memoire in, 42; memory industry related to, 177–78; others’ depictions of, 112–14; patriotism in, 48–49, 54, 152–53, 274, 275; in Philippine-American War, 5–6; poverty in, 215–17; pro- and antiwar factions in, 8; profit incentive of, 140; race riots in, 130, 153; responsibility for war atrocities by, 288; Vietnam casualties of, 7, 156; Vietnamese immigrants to, 9, 40–45, 69–70; view of Vietnam War by Americans in, 199–200; war machine of, 104–28

University of Southern California, 109

Vang, Mai Der, 281

Vang Pao, 44

Vann Nath, 255

Veterans, of war: American citizens’ rejection of, 48–51; cemeteries for, 23–27, 35–39, 44; forgiveness for, 262, 295; in logistics service, 229–30; love of war by, 51–52; minorities as, 44, 56–59; rebuke of Vietnamese soldiers as, 44; recognition of, in Cambodia and Laos, 66–67; truthful depictions of, in war stories, 224; at Vietnam memorializations, 42–43, 47–49; war stories from point of view of, 225–27. See also Casualties, of war

Victims, 218–19, 221, 280, 291

Video games, 109–10

Vieng Xai, 186–87

Viet Cong, 218

Viet Minh, 169–70

Vietnamerica (Tran), 212–13

Vietnamese language, 15

Vietnamese refugees, 9; American dream and, 204–7; as anticommunist witnesses, 205–6; cultural depictions of, 43–44; family photos of, 193–94; heroic mode of memories of, 43–44; literature of, 197–218; in Little Saigon, 40–44; mourning the dead by, 194–98; remembering by, 302–4; sense of loss of, 43, 45; War on Terror and, 69–70

Vietnamese Women’s Museum of Hanoi, 185, 260

Vietnam syndrome, 48–51

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 24, 44, 47–49, 52–56, 66–68

Vietnam War Monument, 42

Vinh, 24

Vinh Moc, 181

Virilio, Paul, 122, 227

Vo Thi Sau, 172

Voting rights, 60

Walcott, Derek, 283

Walken, Christopher, 110

Wandering Souls (Karlin), 295

War crimes, 112, 288–89

War machine: vs. arms industry, 106; art and, 269–78; breakdown of, 128; collective vs. individual memories and, 115; of Communist Party, 158; compassion and empathy and, 267–69; ethical vision and, 121; justification of, 108; of Korea, 135–36; logistical support in, 229–30; media’s role in, 105–6, 108–28, 144–45; in photographs, 263–64; power of memories in, 115–16; propaganda in, 114–15; shock of misrecognition and, 112–14; tunnels and, 180; in war stories, 224–25, 229–30

War Memorial of Korea, 134–39

War on Terror, 70, 174

War Remnants Museum, 29, 112, 113, 158, 255

War stories: aesthetic qualities of, 223, 227, 244–45; civilians in, 227–32; content of, 223–24; critics’ judgment of, 236–42, 246–49; individual and national identity and, 245; inhumanity in, 233–36; from memory of Southeast Asians, 232–35; by minority authors, 248–49; patriotism in, 224; rape in, 227–28; of refugees, 242–46; selective humanism of, 240; soldier’s point of view in, 224–27; veterans’ true story in, 224; war machine in, 224–25, 229–30; Westernized authors of, 246–47; Western values and, 240–41. See also Literature

Waters, Mary C., 201

Wayne, John, 125, 126

Wealthy memory, 259–60, 261

Weapons: displays of, 162–66; in industry of memory, 166–67; vs. terrain, 170

Weigl, Bruce, 295

Welfare state, 131

We Should Never Meet (Phan), 206

When Heaven and Earth Changed Places (Hayslip), 203

When the Tenth Month Comes (film), 168

Where the Ashes Are (Duc), 212

White Badge (film/novel), 142–45, 149

“White Man’s Burden” (Kipling), 251

Whiteness, 221

White War (Ahn), 141–42

Williams, Raymond, 107

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 205

Woman Native Other (Trinh), 214–15

The Woman Warrior (Kingston), 194–95

Wong, Sau-ling Cynthia, 203

World War II: commodification of, 13; memory of, 5; museums of, 261; rape in, 227–28

Yamashita, Karen Tei, 156

Yang, Kao Kalia, 237, 241–43, 245–46, 250

Young, James, 10, 186

Zelizer, Barbie, 15

Zero Dark Thirty (film), 14

Zippo lighters, 177–78

Žižek, Slavoj, 234, 235
