
I’d like to start off by thanking my amazing readers. You are all the best encouragers any author could ask for. Whenever I’m feeling insecure (which is more often than not), I can always count on you to brighten my day and give me the motivation to keep writing. So thank you!

As always, this book wouldn’t exist without some very amazing people: Agent Extraordinaire Michelle Wolfson, Editor Supreme Sarah Landis, the ever-awesome Alice Jerman, and the rest of the HarperTeen team. Thank you for all your wisdom, insight, and support.

Even before making it to the in-box of my editor or agent, I have some brilliant beta readers that help whip it into shape: Stephanie Ryan, Candice Kennington, Jenn Johansson, Renee Collins, Natalie Whipple, Michelle Davidson Argyle, Sara Raasch, Julie Nelson, and Kari Olson. I love these ladies. They are my very closest friends.

I’d also like to thank some other authors who helped guide me through my debut year: Ellen Oh, Elsie Chapman, Megan Shepherd, Erin Bowman, Brandy Colbert, Shannon Messenger, Alexandra Duncan, April Tucholke, and Mindy McGinnis. Thanks for sharing the journey with me.

And, of course, I wouldn’t be able to write at all if not for the support of my best friend and husband, Jared, and my amazing kids, Hannah, Autumn, Abby, and Donavan. I truly feel so blessed to be their mom. Speaking of moms, mine is amazing. Thanks, Mom, for everything.

Since this is a book about brothers, I feel the need to personally thank mine for teaching me how awesome (and pesky) brothers can be. I couldn’t have written this book without knowing the bond a girl can share with her brothers. Love you, Jared and Spencer.

I have the world’s best, most supportive (and very large) family. If I attempt to name them all, I’m sure I will leave someone out and then I will feel guilty for life. So I will just say thanks to my parents-in-law: Vance and Karen (whom I adore); to all my sisters: Heather, Stephanie, Rachel D, Zita, Shar, Rachel B, Angie, and Emily; to the rest of my brothers: Eric, Brian, Jim, Rick, Dave, and Kevin; and to all the kids who go with all these people. I love you all.
