
Thank you to the wonderful team at Entangled Teen—Liz Pelletier, Stacy Abrams, Stacey O’Neale, and Rebecca Mancini. And to my agent, Kevan Lyon, you rock as always. If it weren’t for my friends and family, I’m sure I’d be a hermit living in a writing cave by now, so thank you for putting up with me when I go on a writing binge. A special thanks to Pepe Toth and Sztella Tziotziosz for being awesome cover models and joining us on our Daemon Invasion tours.

None of this would be possible if it weren’t for the readers. I love you guys. I wish I could hug every one of you, but I suck at hugs, and it would just be all kinds of awkward. So trust me, this thank you is better than a hug. I promise.
