Bareelona April 2013

Our hotel was in the center of Barcelona on Plaça de Catalunya. As promised, Claudia’s mother had hooked us up with first-class plane tickets and the hotel was cool and modern with French windows that offered amazing views over the plaza and the city. I shared a room with Claudia while the guys shared a room next door.

We were all excited and ready to explore the city that night. Before we’d gotten on the plane, Claudia had asked me to sit with her so she didn’t have to sit with Beck. I couldn’t understand why she wanted him there if she planned to avoid him, but I was going with it for her sake. Beck wasn’t going with it. He’d insisted on sitting with her and when I’d glanced across the aisle, I saw he was listening quietly to her as she talked about her parents. She was a wreck about meeting her real dad and no matter what her head was telling her, I knew her heart was telling her she needed Beck.

I guessed when it counted, he was there for her, which made it difficult to be mad at him for being a part-time ass.

Jake and I sat together, discussing all the places we wanted to visit—Le Sagrada Família, Park Güell, Mount Tibidabo, Barcelona Cathedral, Casa Calvet, Gaudí House Museum…

There was so much to see, we knew we couldn’t cram it all in. But we’d certainly try.

“Tomorrow’s the big day.” I smiled reassuringly at Claudia as I shimmied into my best skinny jeans for dinner that evening. The next day we were going to be taking Claudia to meet Dustin at his apartment. From the few emails they’d exchanged, Claud had discovered Dustin lived in an area of the city called El Raval. Apparently it was popular with artists and musicians and creative types. He’d given us his address, warning us that his “quirky” apartment building didn’t have an elevator and he lived on the top floor.

Claudia seemed to ignore my comment as she zipped her dress.


She smiled at me. “You and Jake are so good together. It’s amazing to see you this happy. Has your dad spoken to you yet about possibly giving in?”

I frowned at the subject change. “We’re in Barcelona… for you. I’d really rather talk about that.”

“And I really rather wouldn’t. I feel like I’m going to upchuck. I spent the whole time on the plane talking to Beck about meeting Dustin and now I just want to try to forget about tomorrow’s life-changing moment and enjoy this beautiful city tonight with my good friends.” Her chin jutted stubbornly, almost daring me to defy her.

“Fine. If that’s what you want.” I pulled on a light cardigan over my thin tee, not knowing how chilly it might get. “Things are still bad. And Andie and I still haven’t spoken. We’ve never been this angry at each other or for so long.” I rubbed a hand over my chest unconsciously, right over the spot where I ached every time I thought of the discord between my sister and me.

“And the cop thing?”

I grimaced. “We’re still butting heads. I told them I’m not taking the LSATs.”

“That’s pretty much taking a stand.” Claudia grinned. “I’m proud of you for going for what you want.”

“It’s like this huge weight off my shoulders, I can’t even explain. I mean, can you imagine? In the end I would’ve made a terrible lawyer.”

“Actually, I can imagine you as a litigator. It’s all about championing someone. Or prosecuting a bad guy. That’s you through and through. Why am I taking the LSATs again?”

I made a face. I had no idea why Claudia was sitting the LSATs but that was a conversation for another time. “Being a lawyer is stuffy suits and papers, and I’m more of a polyester-uniform-and-action girl.”

Claudia snorted. “Okay, true.”

The knock at our hotel door made me grin. Claudia smirked. “What?” I asked as I strode toward the door.

“Nothing.” She laughed lightly. “I’ve just never seen you like this.”

“Like what?”

“All giddy and loved up. It’s cute.”

I know she said it to annoy me so I didn’t give her the satisfaction. Instead I opened the door to reveal my gorgeous boyfriend and his sexy best friend, and I grinned, refusing to give up the giddy. “Hey, handsome.”

“Hey, yourself.” Beck flashed me a wicked smile before brushing past into the room. His low-lidded eyes swept over Claudia. “Lookin’ good, babe. How you feeling?”

“Like I don’t want to talk about my father tonight.” She grabbed her purse and looped her arm through Beck’s. “Let’s just have fun.”

Jake wrapped his arm around my waist, and I leaned into him as he gave me a smoldering look. “I can do fun.”

“Mmm,” I agreed, standing up on tiptoes to press a soft kiss to his lips.

“And of course we have to put up with these two,” Claudia remarked behind us. “We may need vomit breaks.”

“Oh yeah,” Beck said dryly.

Jake and I ignored them.

“I can’t believe we’re in Spain and we’re eating at the Hard Rock,” Claudia said loudly over the music, making a face.

I laughed, not at all put out. Frankly, I was looking forward to my cheeseburger and fries.

We’d stepped out of the hotel and started walking east, only to discover the Hard Rock Café on the plaza.

Claudia had shaken her head at our pleading eyes. “No, I want to explore.”

“We’ll explore once we’re fed.” I’d grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside the café.

“Could we be any more American right now?” she said before taking a feisty bite out of an onion ring.

“I like it.” I leaned back against the diner-style seat and Jake draped his arm across my shoulders. “I’m starting to get a little homesick.”

“Me too,” Beck said as he watched Claudia chew petulantly. It was so clear from the soft look on his face that he thought everything she did was adorable.

Stubborn ass.

“Well, only seven weeks until we’re back home,” Jake reminded us.

“And then we have all summer.” I grinned. “I wonder what we could get up to.”

“If I’m going on tour with these creeps,” Claudia gestured to Beck, “you’re coming too.”

“Uh-uh, no way.” And I meant it. “I’m spending time with my family and Jake this summer, not parading from state to state as a roadie. Close quarters with Matt? I don’t think so.”

Jake snorted. “I don’t blame you.”

Claud glowered at me. “But you said I should go.”

“And so you should.” I laughed at the horrified look on her face. “You’ll have Beck and Lowe. And Denver’s not entirely terrible.”

“I don’t think that makes up for close quarters with Matt.”

Beck laughed. “She may have a point.”

I chuckled at the way Claudia’s eyes bugged out.

“All right, I’m definitely not going now.” She pinched her lips tight and shook her head.

“I think you’re all underestimating Matt,” I said, trying not to laugh and ruin my defense of him. “I think underneath the frat-boy attitude is a nice, misunderstood young man with awkward social skills. Who knows, Claudia… maybe the one has been under your nose the whole time.”

“Matt? The one? He once asked me if I was shaved.”

“He did what?” Beck looked at her sharply, his tone not at all happy.

Jake and I exchanged a knowing look.

Claudia shifted uncomfortably under Beck’s direct stare. “He was really drunk and being more of an idiot than usual. He did apologize later…” Her voice trailed off at the gathering thunderclouds in Beck’s eyes.

He finally lifted his angry gaze to look at Jake across the table. “Can you believe that dick? What’s the matter with him?”

“You know Matt,” Jake treaded carefully. “He says shit without thinking.”

“Yeah, well, I think he and I need to have a talk.”

“Beck, don’t.” Claudia scowled at him. “It’s no big deal. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

“He crossed the line.”

“Yes, and he apologized,” I reiterated for Claud. “And don’t pretend you haven’t done assholey things when you’ve been drunk.”

Beck grunted.

It was time for a subject change. “I was just telling Claudia I told my parents that I’m not taking the LSATs.” I glanced at Jake for his reaction.

His eyes lit up with affection. “Proud of you, baby.”

“Did they hit the roof?” Beck asked.

“They’re not happy, but I think they realize they’re not going to win this one.”

“Well, then…” Beck grinned and lifted his Coke in the air. “To Charley, our future sexy cop.”

We raised our glasses, clinking as Claudia and Jake cheered, “To Charley.”

* * *

We had a fun night even though we got a little lost, walking down one narrow cobblestone street and the next and somehow ending up on the one we’d started out on. Eventually, we ended up grabbing a cab and the driver in his broken English recommended a club called Moog. All wood, iron, and smoke, the place was packed. It wasn’t really our scene, but Claudia wanted to dance her troubles away.

I danced with her while the guys skirted the edges of the room, beers in hand, but we were pretty soon pressed in upon by other guys and girls and before we knew it, Jake and Beck were on the dance floor with us, keeping the wolves at bay. They didn’t dance, just kept their eyes on us and shooed off any guys who attempted to get near us. Claudia didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I think she enjoyed tormenting Beck with the gorgeousness that was a dancing Claudia.

And Beck definitely looked tormented.

I’d feel sorry for him if it weren’t self-inflicted.

We got back to the hotel pretty late, buzzed and full of energy. It was disappointing to be that buzzed and not be able to unravel it all with Jake in private, but I wanted to be there for my friend.

So we went into our separate rooms, and lying in bed, I talked with Claudia about everything and nothing until she fell asleep.

Collectively we’d kept her calm and taken her mind off meeting Dustin for as long as we could. But now, the morning after, as the four of us walked the twenty-minute journey to Dustin’s apartment, Claudia was so quiet. Jake and I were more than competent with a map, so we got there without any wrong turns. But while Jake, Beck, and I soaked in the fact that we were in Barcelona, staring up at the apartments with their wrought iron balconies, on their quaint narrow streets, small boutiques beneath them, Claudia was too lost inside her own head to take notice.

As we stepped onto Dustin’s street, I strode forward and grabbed Claud’s hand. “We’re right here with you,” I reminded her.

Her breathing had grown shallow and by the time we walked up the cramped, dark stairwell to the top floor, she was completely out of breath.

I held her hand a little tighter as we stood outside the door. “Just breathe.”

Her frightened eyes met mine and she nodded slowly, pulling air in through her nose and exhaling. Jake gave her shoulder a squeeze and Beck stepped close behind her, leaning down to press a kiss to her temple.

“You’ll be fine,” he murmured reassuringly.

Claudia stared at the door, a trembling smile on her lips. “Thanks, guys.”

She knocked.

A few seconds later, the door swung open. Staring out at us was an attractive forty-something guy with a dark, graying beard and piercing green eyes. Claudia’s eyes. He wore light slacks and a loose linen shirt rolled up at the sleeves. His feet were bare.

His eyes swept over us before coming to a stop on Claudia. He took a deep breath and gave her a soft smile. “Claudia?” he asked with an English accent.

Wide-eyed and more nervous than I’d ever seen my vibrant, confident friend, Claudia nodded. “Dustin?”

He swept an arm out gesturing us to enter as he stepped back from the door. “Please, come in.”

We ushered her inside and Dustin came forward to give her an awkward hug. “You look so much like your mother.”

“But I have your eyes.”

“That you do.” His smile was a little uncomfortable. He broke eye contact with her to stare at us. “And these are your friends?”

“Yeah. This is my best friend, Charley, and her boyfriend Jake, and this is my friend Beck.”

“Well, nice to meet you all. You must all be such good friends to be here for Claudia today.”

“We are.” I nodded, sizing him up.

Even more uncomfortable under my scrutiny, Dustin laughed nervously and walked farther into his apartment.

He had the whole top floor to himself, the space like a loft apartment. Lots of light streamed in through the windows and I could see in the far corner was his studio. Whatever he was working on was covered up, but paint smattered the floor and walls. A kitchen ran half the length of the adjacent wall and in the center of the room was a massive corner sofa and coffee table.

My eyes stopped abruptly on the sofa.

There was a woman on it.

“Uh, I hope you don’t mind, but I invited my girlfriend Pedra to join us,” Dustin said, hurrying toward the woman. She stood up and eyed Claudia grimly. Pedra was younger than Dustin. A lot younger. Tall, olive-skinned, pretty, with dark eyes and hair, she looked like a model.

“I brought my friends, so I understand,” Claudia said. She stepped forward, holding her hand out to Pedra. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Pedra looked at her hand and I thought for a minute she wasn’t going to take it. She eventually did but her grip was loose and the action reluctant. “You have his eyes,” she said, somehow managing to sound flat in her musical Spanish accent.

“Yup.” Claudia threw me a look that clearly screamed, “Help!”

“Why don’t we sit?” I stepped forward, gesturing to the sofa.

“Right, right, of course.” Dustin watched us take a seat. “Can I get you all anything? I have water, herbal tea, and a few beers.”

“I’ll take a beer.” Beck nodded congenially and I noticed Pedra’s eyes swing to him and stick. Typical.

“I’ll have a beer as well, thanks.” Jake leaned back against the couch, his arm around my waist, resting on my hip. His grip tightened, telling me to relax, but I couldn’t.

This situation was too important.

“Water, please,” I said.

“Me too.” Claudia gave a long, shaky sigh that Dustin didn’t even seem to notice. I was guessing he was too nervous.

When we were finally settled with our drinks, the conversation continued to be stilted and awkward. However, slowly, as smiles became less tremulous and laughter less forced, Claudia and Dustin touched on more serious issues—such as her parentage and the fact that her parents had asked Dustin to stay away.

Pedra sat tense throughout the entire thing, her lips pinched into a sour, disapproving look. I wondered if it was because she didn’t want to give up the spotlight to a daughter.

It was clear that despite both needing people there for backup, neither Claudia nor Dustin were comfortable discussing the whole situation with us in the room. We talked about college instead and Dustin told us about his artwork and his upcoming show. It was clear that art was his life, his passion; it totally consumed him, turning him from this nervous guy into a pretty intense one. He insisted we should go to Plaça St. Josep Oriol, a square in the Gothic Quarter not far from our hotel where we could view amazing artwork from some of the best local artists.

After a few hours, Claudia said quietly, “Well, I know you’re busy so we’ll go, but I thought maybe we could have dinner, just the two of us, while I’m here.”

“Of course.” His seemed genuinely happy and I felt a spark of hope for Claudia. “I’d love that. Tomorrow? I’ll make reservations at El Pintor and email you the details.”

“I have my phone. Do you want my number instead?”

“Yes. Let me…” He stood, looking around the space with a furrow between his brows. “Let me just find my phone…”

“I saw it on the bathroom sink,” Pedra muttered, scowling at Claudia.

Usually Claudia would scowl back but I knew she was playing nice, so I scowled for her. As if sensing my stare, Pedra looked at me, and whatever she saw on my face made her look quickly away.

I probably looked murderous. It was the momma bear in me.

Dustin returned with his phone and took Claudia’s number, promising to text her soon with the details of their date. He gave her another awkward hug and we left.

As soon as we stepped outside the building, Claudia sagged into Beck’s side and he wrapped his arm around her waist. “You okay?” he asked, concerned.

She shrugged. “It wasn’t so bad, right? He seems nice?”

“He seems really nice,” Jake assured her.

“Dinner will be better.” I smiled. “Just the two of you. It’ll be less uncomfortable without listening ears and Bitter Pill Pedra.”

Claud laughed shakily. “Yeah, what was that?”

“Ignore her. You didn’t come here for her. You came for Dustin and he seems really happy to meet you.”

She grinned, finally relaxing. “He did, didn’t he? Ahh,” she exhaled. “Let’s go explore and get something to eat. I’m starving.”

* * *

The guys knocked on our door half an hour ago to tell us they were ready to face the day, but Claudia and I had just woken up. We promised to meet them for breakfast at a café across the plaza and then rushed around the hotel room to get ready.

As we did so, Claudia chatted about Dustin.

Something niggled at me about how well things were going for her with her real father. Perhaps it was the cynic in me, or maybe I was terrified of my friend getting her heart broken, but it took everything within me to not warn her to be careful. I didn’t want to ruin this for her.

We dressed in shorts and tank tops since we’d woken up to a particularly hot day and headed along the plaza to meet Jake and Beck.

“So, Dustin says he wants to paint me.” Claudia smiled. Though her eyes were covered with oversized sunglasses, I could hear excitement in her voice.

“Would you do that?”

“Sit for him? Yeah. He wants to do a portrait.”

“Well, you’re beautiful and he’s an artist, of course he does.”

“Yeah, but also, I’m his daughter,” she added, a little indignantly.

“Of course. I just meant… of course he’d want to draw you, daughter or not.”

She grimaced. “I think he might have painted my mother nude. I asked if he painted her and he got all shifty and uncomfortable.”

I laughed. “Oh, he definitely painted her nude.”

Claud shuddered. “My mother. The disloyal muse.”

We crossed the plaza toward the café. “Have you spoken to your mom since you got here?”

“No,” she snorted. “My parents are pretending this isn’t happening.”


“Well, my folks emailed last night asking about you. They hope everything’s going great with Dustin and said that they love you.”

“I adore your parents. Do you think they would adopt me?”

I would’ve answered but I was too busy staring across the street at the café. Sitting at a table on the sidewalk was my boyfriend and Beck. They weren’t alone. Two girls were sitting in my and Claudia’s seats and Jake and Beck were laughing.

Something unpleasant pinched my chest.

I felt a nudge at my shoulder and turned to look at Claudia.

She lifted her sunglasses off to meet my eyes. “Hey. You okay?”

I sighed, glancing back at the flirting girls and our flirting idiot male counterparts. “Jake and I are in a great place, but I thought the whole jealousy thing was behind me. But I see that girl, laughing into his face, and he’s not doing much to put her off and I want to kill him. He was like this in high school.” I wrinkled in my nose in annoyance. “And he used to accuse me of being a flirt.”

“You are a flirt.”

I frowned. “I am not.”

“Oh, please. You can’t even help it.”

“Well, what about you?” I waved a hand in the direction of the café. “Doesn’t it bother you anymore to see Beck flirt?”

It was Claudia’s turn to scowl. “We’re friends. And girls flirt with him. If we were anything more than friends, I’d have to get used to that fact. Just like you have to get used to the fact that your boyfriend is hot and I hate to say it, babe, but since you two got back together, there’s this light around him… it’s totally attractive.” She patted me on the shoulder. “I guess you’ve only got yourself to blame for the hot señorita flirting with him right now.”

I groaned. “Okay. So how should we play this? Cool, unaffected… or pissed off?”

“Let’s be grown-ups and play it cool and unaffected. You know Jake loves you. You don’t need to be jealous. Ever.”

I shoved the horrible feeling away and let rationale take over. “You’re right,” I agreed, studying her carefully. “When did you get all wise and mature?”

Claudia tilted her chin up in thought. “Hmm… I think it’s a fairly recent development.”

“I like it.”

“We’ll see how long it lasts.”

Laughing at her, I followed as she crossed the street toward the café. Jake caught sight of us and when our eyes met, I felt our connection zing through me as always. I raised an eyebrow, nodding my head toward the girl next to him, but I wore a smile so he’d know I wasn’t mad. Anymore.

He shrugged and then tapped Beck on the arm. Beck looked over, his eyes instantly moving to Claudia. He straightened in his chair. Jake turned to the girls and said something. Whatever it was, it had them looking over at us walking toward them. The girls gave us curious looks but got out of our seats, waving flirty goodbyes to our boys.

A few seconds later, we rounded the table and as soon as my ass was in the chair, Jake wrapped his hand around my neck and pulled me in for a slow, sweet kiss. I smiled softly as I pulled back. “Good morning to you too.”

“Soooo…” Claudia drawled, relaxing back in her chair. “This is what you guys do with your time when we’re not around. Flirt with gorgeous Spanish girls? It’s a little unfair. If we’d known, we would’ve taken up with those two hot guys on mopeds who asked us if we wanted a private tour of the city.”

I looked at her with both eyebrows raised.

She smirked. “Guess it didn’t last long,” she said, referring to her wisdom and maturity.

I laughed, shaking my head. When I looked at Jake, he had an annoyed furrow between his brows. “Guys? Mopeds?”

I shoved him playfully. “Claudia’s lying.”

I thought his expression would clear but now Jake looked worried. “The girls just came over. We didn’t invite them to sit.”

“You are so whipped,” Beck muttered, reaching for a glass of cold orange juice.

Unamused, I glared at him. “Jake’s dating me. I’m freaking awesome. I love him and he’s getting it regularly and it is mind-blowing. Even if he is whipped, he’s sitting a lot prettier than you right now.”

Jake and Claudia burst out laughing and Beck smirked, his eyes filled with mirth as they met Jake’s. Jake pulled my chair closer and I turned to find his face inches from mine. His eyes danced happily. “You’re wrong. You’re not freaking awesome. You’re freaking phenomenal.” He brushed his nose alongside mine. “About that getting-it-regularly thing,” he whispered against my mouth, “I miss you.”

I missed him too. We hadn’t slept together since we’d gotten to Barcelona. Three nights might not sound like a lot but they were a lot after having slept with each other every single night in the past few weeks.

“You know what I’m thinking,” Claudia said loudly, bringing our attention back to her. She was smiling at Beck. “I’m thinking you and I should spend the day together. Leave these two to be all icky and in love. I could do with a breather. It’s nauseating.”

I knew she was teasing but that sounded like an amazing idea.

Beck grinned back at her. “You’re on.”

“I’m good with that,” Jake murmured in my ear.

A shiver rippled down my spine and I felt my body respond to the promise in his voice.

Suffice it to say, we shoveled down a light breakfast with Claudia and Beck and said a hasty goodbye. Jake practically dragged me by the hand all the way back to the hotel. When the elevator doors shut, he was on me, pressing me against the wall, kissing me voraciously, like he couldn’t get enough.

I panted as he hurried out of the elevator and along the corridor to my room. We got the door clicked open and shut and Jake yanked off my tank top and quickly pulled his own shirt off. I unbuttoned my shorts and shimmied out of them as Jake divested his jeans and then I was in his arms again, sprawling over him as he took us to the nearest bed.

Jake groaned as my searching hands found him hot and hard. He kissed me as I touched him, sliding his hands around to unclip my bra. He pulled back as it fell away from my chest and he whispered, smirking, “We have such good friends.”

I laughed in agreement, the sound soon swallowed up in his hot, deep kiss.

* * *

“I told you, I’m not going.” I shook my head stubbornly and stared at the posters and street art lining the sidewalk.

Jake laughed. “It’s not in use. They don’t do that anymore.”

“I’m not going to La Monumental and that’s that.” I shot him a warning look and he gave a huff of incredulous laughter but shut up.

It was day five. Claudia had left us an hour ago to go see Dustin again and Beck had decided to give Jake and I some alone time. Honestly, I think he was just sick of our honeymoon phase. While Beck was happily wandering the streets of Barcelona by himself—or not by himself, as I knew how easy it was for him to pick up random girls on his travels—Jake and I wandered the streets of Barcelona in the opposite direction.

We’d wandered about half an hour northeast of the hotel and were closing in on the famous bullring, La Monumental. Jake was right. The bullring hadn’t been used as such since 2011 after Catalonia banned bullfighting, but still, I hated the idea of it all and wasn’t interested in seeing the place.

“You are so obstinate,” Jake said, throwing me a small smile so I’d know he wasn’t irritated.

“You bet your ass I am.” I flashed him a cheeky grin. “Good luck with that, by the way.”

“You’re lucky I like my women stubborn.”

“Your women?” I snorted. “Am I part of your harem?”

He pulled a face. “What? You thought you were the only one who appreciates all my fineness?”

“Are you taking lessons from Matt on how to talk to women now?” I chuckled, taking a hold of his hand to move him away from the touristy stuff for sale on the sidewalks.

“I think his technique is flawless,” Jake replied deadpan. “Every day my man crush grows stronger.”

Remembering Beck’s reaction to Matt’s “technique” with Claudia, I winced. “I think he might be in trouble with Beck when we get back to Edinburgh. That guy is… I have no words. He’s so overprotective and possessive. Such an oblivious tool.”

Jake cleared his throat. “Actually…”

I stopped in the middle of the street, tugging on his hand so he’d stop avoiding eye contact. “Actually?”

He shrugged. “Nothing. I just… I think Beck is more aware of how he feels for Claudia than you realize. He’s got his demons. But he cares about her and I think he’s maybe coming around.”

My eyes narrowed. “Do you know something, Jacob Caplin?”

“Charley, I love you, but there are some things I can’t tell you.”

Nosy and curious and desperate to give my friend what she wanted, it didn’t sit well with me that Jake may be holding the answers and the key to Claudia’s future happiness. However, I understood. “Girl code,” I grumbled, “but for boys.”


“Ah, I get it.” I snuggled into his side. “Maybe, just in case, though, we should set them up for dinner alone tonight? I know Claudia had a fantastic day with him yesterday.”

“Why don’t we just let them sort themselves out? They did that favor for us.”

I frowned. “Stop being right. It’s throwing me off balance.”

He laughed, pulling me close, and we walked back to the hotel in perfect contentment.

We were waiting for the elevator when I caught sight of a familiar figure out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see Claudia striding into reception and my breath was knocked out of me by her appearance.

Her eyes were bloodshot. She had no color in her cheeks. Worse… There was something so desolate in her expression that I felt panicked. “Claudia!” I called out, my voice trembling.

She glanced over at me in surprise, her feet abruptly stopping their momentum.

And then suddenly, she rushed toward me, her face crumpling as she impacted with me. I wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed into my neck. My arms tightened as I looked over her head at Jake. We exchanged worried looks and a silent message that we needed to get Claudia somewhere private.

I got her into the elevator, Jake shadowing us protectively. I tried to ask what was wrong but she just kept crying these deep, shuddering, heartbreaking sobs.

Jake let us into our room and I settled her on a chair, crouching in front of her.

“Claudia, please talk to me,” I begged.

She hiccupped as she tried to control the tears. I waited patiently for her to pull herself together enough to look at me. Jake handed her tissues and she blotted at her face, fingers shaking.

“Dustin…” her voice cracked, “after being so cool and excited about us… he told me today he can’t do it.” Her tears fell silently now. “He doesn’t want the responsibility of being a dad and he thinks anything else is just confusing. He thinks it’s best we don’t see each other again.”


Fury shot into my blood and it took a huge amount of self-control not to march out of that room and go and hunt down the weak piece of shit.

Another man. Another parent… rejecting her. I hated them so much for doing this to her.

“Claud,” I whispered, reaching for her hand, “I am so sorry.”

She shook her head. “Don’t be. I should’ve known. I got my hopes up and I should have known.” She started crying again and I reached forward, pulling her into my arms.

“Ssh,” I attempted to soothe her. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. We love you, babe. You don’t need them.”

Her arms tightened around me. “I don’t want to be here anymore,” she sobbed.

Jake’s expression looked as murderous as I was sure mine was. He stepped forward and I read his body language. I gently eased Claudia out of my arms and Jake took my place. Claudia clung even harder to him, soaking his T-shirt with her tears.

He stroked her hair in comfort. “We’ll get you out of here,” he promised.
