[1] The annotations, provided by miss Belle Holder

[2] “Mom, my name should come first. B comes before N. I am a published author now, so let’s play by the rules.”

[3] “Mom, that’s great. I’m tired. I’m going to bed. Here are some interesting facts about lizards: some lizards live for as long as twenty years. Did you know that? Probably not.”

[4] To wit: “But do remember this, Gentle Reader: Lightning Merriemouse-Jones was destined for greatness.”

[5] · When Belle was five years old, an approaching woman came to a dead stop approximately two feet in front of her. The lady’s eyes widened with admiration, and she bent down to address Belle in that singsong voice which some adults use when addressing children:

“Oh!” she said. “You are such a beautiful little girl! Look at those big blue eyes! Have you ever thought of becoming a fashion model when you grow up?”

Whereupon Belle replied, “Actually, I would like to be an entomologist.”

[6] N.B. from Holder the Elder: This may not be too surprising, as Cheddrick M-J was an admirer of the writings of H.G. Wells, and spent many an evening chewing upon the tomes of the esteemed author.

[7] “No, it’s a purple, blue, and green taxi cab arriving out of a royal purple mist, tinted with gold (unless it’s hinted with gold. What does hinted with gold mean?) Okay, it’s tinted.”
