“Lou! We have a situation!” Daphne shouted frantically as she ran past his office door. Boldt knew her well enough not to question. He left his office at a run and followed her down the stairs, two at a time. The fifth floor, Crimes Against Persons-Homicide-remained his emotional home. His time with Intelligence, required for his advancement, felt more like a probationary sentence.

He guessed: two officers going at it; a suspect loose; a threatened suicide-police work did strange things to people.

They reached the entrance to Homicide and peered through the safety glass. “Who is that?” Boldt asked, seeing a man waving a police-issue 9mm at a semicircle of a dozen uniformed and plainclothes officers, all perfectly still.

“Sidney Weinstein. Father of the second child,” she answered. “His mother is the homicide. We asked him down to view mug shots because he may have had a look at the Pied Piper.” Her breath fogged the glass.

“This is not good,” he said.

“You see who I see?” she asked.

“Wish I didn’t.”

Well behind Sidney Weinstein and just around the corner, Dunkin Hale and Gary Flemming, there for the four o’clock task force meeting, observed the chaos.

Boldt signaled the receptionist to admit them. Weinstein was shouting obscenities and complaints about the incompetence of the police. “My mother and my child!” he cried out.

The receptionist slowly lifted her arm and depressed the button that freed the secured door. Sidney Weinstein, hearing the electronic buzzing, waved the gun frantically, parting the semicircle. “No one comes in here!” he shouted.

“It’s only me,” Daphne announced, stepping inside. “I’m with Lieutenant Boldt. He’s the one who has been looking into those nine-one-one calls. Your grudge is with them, Sidney, not any of these people.”

Boldt stepped through behind her, knowing nothing of any 911 calls.

The heavy door closed with a thump, distracting Weinstein.

In that instant, Boldt caught a signal from Flemming, who pointed to the coffee lounge-the glass wall on which Weinstein was leaning. Formerly a copy room, the lounge had two doors around the corner from each other. Flemming intended to reach Weinstein through the lounge if Boldt could shift the man closer to the door that stood open to Weinstein’s left.

Daphne continued to work with the man, Boldt blocking out her words, his attention riveted on Flemming, who gently twisted the doorknob and slipped into the lounge. Daphne ignored Flemming, her methods psychological, not physical. “Let’s think about Hayes for a moment,” she encouraged, winning back Weinstein’s attention. She didn’t want any mention of his deceased mother-there was still hope for Hayes. She stepped closer.

“You stay where you are!” he thundered, shaking the gun at her.

Daphne stopped short. “Okay … okay … let’s think about this. Together. Sidney? Okay. You are an intelligent man, not a criminal. If you shoot one of us, where does that leave you? Where does that leave Hayes? You are going to be shot dead or locked up if you fire that weapon. That’s what they’ll do to you,” she said, indicating the gathering of uniforms and detectives. “Where does that leave Hayes?”

“He’s never coming back. Not one of those kids has been found.”

“Are you giving up?” Daphne asked. “Do you want us to give up?”

Weinstein strained to make a decision. “My mother,” he moaned.

“Put down the weapon, Sidney,” Daphne advised. “Right now.” The man continued to wave the gun. “What if Hayes, right this minute, has a weapon aimed at him, the same way you’re aiming it at us? Are you going to condone that?”

The weapon bobbed in Weinstein’s grip, his finger dangerously on the trigger. Daphne took another step forward.

“No,” Boldt hissed at her.

She motioned Boldt away. She had spotted Flemming and wanted to prevent a violent solution.

Boldt knew that her ambitions could blind her. She carried an ugly scar on her neck from an encounter with the Cross Killer and wore turtlenecks and scarves to cover her mistake.

She asked Weinstein, “How do you think these people feel with a gun trained at them?”

Weinstein swept the crowd with the barrel of the weapon. To Boldt, he looked unpredictable and crazed.

Flemming, unseen on hands and knees, reappeared briefly at the door nearest Weinstein. He needed Boldt to move Weinstein closer.

Boldt edged right, threw his hands over his head, and said loudly, “Most of us in this room have children, Mr. Weinstein. I have two. Miles and Sarah.”

Weinstein tracked Boldt with the gun and in the process shifted slightly closer to Flemming. “You stay where you are.”

Daphne glared at Boldt, angry that he would assist a violent solution. “Yes,” she said, “you stay where you are.”

Keeping his hands over his head, Boldt continued to his right, maintaining Weinstein’s attention.

“You see this man?” Daphne asked Weinstein, gesturing at Boldt. “He has been working around the clock on these kidnappings, and now here he is having to deal with you instead. Is that fair to Hayes, Sidney? Think about it. Put the gun down!”

Flemming, still on all fours, again appeared in the doorway to Weinstein’s left. Everyone saw him but Weinstein, whose back remained pressed against the wall.

“You’re incompetent! All of you!” the man shouted. “Stop!” he ordered Boldt, taking yet another step closer to the door.

Boldt moved with him, one final step. Weinstein tracked him, nervously pulled in the same direction. Flemming looked prepared to spring.

“Put the gun down!” Daphne begged, not wanting the risk of a physical intervention. “Please, Sidney. For Trish, for Hayes. Put … the gun … down … now!”

Weinstein’s face bunched in grief and his shoulders shook. He could no longer support the weight of the weapon. Its barrel sagged toward the floor.

Flemming sprang like a cat, chopped the man’s arm to the floor, dislodging the gun, yanked an arm back hard and threw a choke hold onto the man, all in one fluid movement. He kneed the back of the man’s legs, dropped him to the floor face down and fell atop him. Boldt reached them, fished under Flemming and cuffed Weinstein’s wrists. “Got him,” Boldt announced.

“Check it,” Flemming demanded, not letting up the pressure, charged with anger.

A uniformed cop toed the fallen weapon away and retrieved it.

Boldt tugged. “Okay. He’s cuffed.” He overheard Flemming whisper menacingly into Weinstein’s ear, “You’re a son-of-a-bitch. You know how hard these people are working for you?” Flemming smacked the man’s forehead to the floor and then climbed off, panting.

As he stood, the room exploded into applause.

Weinstein was hauled off to booking, Daphne by his side. Boldt, Hale and Flemming gathered in the coffee lounge. Hale shook Flemming’s hand like a player to the coach. Flemming’s black face shined bright with sweat as he met eyes with Boldt and said, “You’re thinking I was a little rough with him.”

“I’m thinking you’re fast for your size, and I’m grateful for it.”

“He’d lost control of himself. That’s something I abhor. Emotion and reason-it’s a delicate balance. Got the better of me for a moment.”

“He’d flipped out,” Hale said, eager to be part of the conversation.

“Not that I don’t empathize,” Flemming added. “I can imagine the loss he’s suffered, a parent’s grief, the guilt. Who wants to sit on the sidelines? I wouldn’t. And given his history-having called nine-one-one but to no good-one can hardly blame him for the anger, the frustration. The rage.”

Boldt said, “You don’t settle it with a gun.”

“You have children,” Flemming said. “How would you feel if the situation were reversed?”

“How I would feel, and what I would do about it are separate matters,” Boldt said.

“Are they? Only if you have reason and emotion balanced and in check,” Flemming explained. “Weinstein didn’t. Once a person loses that balance, there’s no telling what’s going to happen, what he’ll do. I’ve seen it firsthand, maybe you have too. I even feel that way myself sometimes,” he said more quietly, “on the edge like that.”

“I’ve been there.” Hale sounded proud of himself.

“We all have our breaking points,” Boldt agreed. “Weinstein certainly found his.” Boldt realized he and Flemming had not broken eye contact since the start of their conversation. Flemming came off as an intense man; he took over without any apparent effort on his part. “A born leader,” men like Flemming were called. “Thanks for what you did out there.”

The two men shook hands again. “Thanks for moving him toward me. We made a pretty good team out there.”

Boldt didn’t want to think of himself as part of Flemming’s team. He took the stairs back to his own floor, considering the line between emotion and reason, wondering what it had felt like inside Weinstein’s mind at that moment of uncontrollable rage, and knowing it was not a place he ever wanted to be.
