Gross Ch. The Gild Merchant. A Contribution to British Municipal History: in 2 vols. Oxford, 1890. Vol. 1. P. 106, 108, 110, 112–114; Кеннингем У. Рост английской торговли и промышленности в Средние века. М., 1903. С. 290–294; Colby Ch.W. The Growth of Oligarchy in English Towns // The English Historical Review. 1890. 20. P. 639–642, 648–651; Green A.K. Town Life in the Fifteenth Century: in 2 vols. L., 1907. Vol. 1. P. 35–124; Vol. 2. P. 266–268; Hibbert A.B. The Origins of Medieval Town Patriciate // The Past and Present. 1953. № 3. P. 15–27; Jacob E.F. The Fifteenth Century. 1399–1485. Oxford, 1961. P. 365–367, 387–390, 395.
