Chapter 30

Hooligan’s finger hovered over the speed dial. With a wry smile he realised that what he was about to do could possibly spell the end of his career.

He pushed the button.

‘Boss?’ he asked as the call connected.

‘Go ahead,’ Morgan answered, his voice thick with frustration.

‘I’m gonna give you bad news, bad news, good news, good news.’

‘Spit it out, Hooligan.’

‘Bad news number one is that Peter has left the building.’

‘What? Where’s he gone?’

‘More bad news first, boss.’

‘Jesus. Just tell me, Hooligan.’

‘I may have hacked into the security service’s CCTV network.’ Hooligan held his breath, as Morgan let out his.

‘You know that’s a terrorism charge if they catch you?’ said Morgan.

‘I know. And I take full responsibility, boss, but there’s a girl’s life at stake.’

‘You’re a good guy, Hooligan.’

‘I’m a great guy, boss. And now the good news — I think I’ve got the van. Flat-panel truck that’s had a fresh paint job. Really fresh, like Daz whites. It’s on Horseferry Road, about a kilometre south of Horse Guards.’

‘They must have taken the next bridge to the south.’ Morgan swore, and Hooligan thought he could hear the sound of the dashboard being hit in frustration. ‘We’re never going to make it through this traffic in time to cut him off, by vehicle or on foot.’

‘Well, that’s where the second bit of good news comes in, boss.’

‘Hooligan, you’re doing a great job, but please, just get it out.’

‘Sorry.’ Hooligan cleared his throat. ‘It’s Peter, boss. He’s on a bike, and he’s cutting through traffic.’

‘Can he get to Abbie?’ Morgan asked, suddenly more optimistic.

‘He can,’ Hooligan confirmed, checking his screens. ‘He’s going to intercept in one minute.’
