Chapter 17—Harlow

My body was drained, no energy no feeling… nothing. Cruz has been gone for hours, and I didn’t expect him back anytime soon. Casey talked Ma into keeping Cooper for me, and I knew that I would have a talk coming from Ma very soon.

Staring at the blonde beside me, Casey’s eyes were slowly shutting as I felt mine doing the exact same thing. This time, I hoped the nightmares would disappear.

* * *

“Babe.” The slight rocking of my body was arousing me from my sleep, sleep I so desperately needed. Opening my eyes, Cruz was peering down at me. “Babe as hot as it is to have two very hot-ass chicks in my bed, I only want one.” Looking over, Casey was sound asleep, and the clock said 6:06 a.m.

“Got it,” I croaked out as my voice decided it didn’t want to wake up.

“Gonna take a shower, be out in a minute.” He kissed the top of my head and moved to the bathroom.

Nudging Casey’s body, she began to groan, “G.T. stop.” Rolling my eyes, I moved her harder. One thing I didn’t want to hear this morning was about her and G.T. fucking.

“Wake up, Casey.” As her eyes slowly opened, she smiled.

“Morning beautiful.” Casey rubbed her eyes appearing to clear the fog out of them.

“Hey, girl. Cruz is back. Gotta go.” Casey rolled out of bed without a word. It’s something else I loved about her. She knew this life and knew what was expected. I’d never have to explain anything to her.

Putting her shoes on, Casey’s words killed me. “I leave tomorrow.”

Closing my eyes, I held in everything… all the thoughts, feelings, anger, sorrow… Casey needed this, and I was gonna be strong. “I’m gonna miss you.”

She turned in the bed hugging me, “I’m gonna miss you, too. You take care of yourself.”


The bathroom door swung open as Cruz stepped out wearing nothing but a towel around his hips. “Unless you both wanna fuck me, Casey, you gotta go.” I glared at him as the sexy smirk made an appearance on his lips.

“Bye, girl,” I said giving her one last squeeze as she walked out of the room.

“I heard she’s leaving,” Cruz said as he approached the bed.

“Yeah, going to school. Really, she’s getting away from G.T.”

“Yeah,” he grunted. I wasn’t shocked he knew. I expected it, and even though he never said anything to me, it didn’t piss me off. Or maybe it’s just been a hell of a night… or morning now.

“She’s leaving tomorrow.”

“Sorry, Babe.”

“I just want her happy.” Cruz threw the towel off his body, giving me an awesome view of his toned abs with the V ever so present, and his throbbing cock bouncing against his abdomen. I knew I would never get tired of seeing this fine specimen of a man.

“Speaking of happy. You’re not going back to the apartment. You’re moving in with Cooper and me. I’ll have the Prospects pack your shit and move it over.”

I nuzzled closer. “Okay.” Cruz’s body stilled.

“You’re, not gonna put up a fight?”

“Nope, too tired,” I said as I yawned.

“Not too tired, ‘cause my dick needs you, right the fuck now.”

Smiling I spread my legs open wide for him as he let out a low grumble moving in between them. Cruz slid inside my pussy; my body always seemed to be ready for him. Closing my eyes, I relished in the feel of his weight on top of me as his thrusts became more powerful and needy. My body rose higher and higher as we exploded together in the heat of passion.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“Love you.”

As I drifted off to sleep, Cruz’s words filled my ears. “It’s all over babe.” His words lulling me into a deep, nightmare free sleep.
