HOLLY LISTENED TO Stone’s report of his conversation with Lance. When he had finished she shook her head. “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.”

“Neither do I.”

“I mean, the part about the Arab assassins would be funny if you and I hadn’t already killed three of them. I wouldn’t believe it, otherwise.”

“Neither would I.”

“And he said they wouldn’t know we’re in Orchid Beach?”

“He said that he figured it out, but they wouldn’t.”

“I hope to God he’s right.”

“So do I.”

“Still, I’m sleeping with a gun.”

“Good idea.”

“Speaking of sleeping…”

“I’m right behind you.” Holly let Daisy in from her nightly run in the dunes, then led Stone upstairs. “Daisy, get in your bed,” she said, and the dog curled up where she had been told.

“Good,” Stone said, stroking her hair, “I don’t want anybody between us tonight, and I’m glad Ham’s out of the house, too.”

“I’m glad, if you’re glad,” she said, helping him shuck his shirt over his head.

Stone worked on her buttons and unhooked her bra. “Alone is good,” he said, kissing her breasts.

She pulled him to her and pushed down on his shoulders until he was on his knees, pulling off her clothing. “Ooooh, that’s the place,” she said, running her fingers through his hair.

He pushed her onto the bed, and she opened her legs. For the next few minutes he concentrated on making her happy, and the noises she was making confirmed her feelings.

She came with a series of cries and little convulsions, then she pulled Stone on top of her. “I want everything tonight,” she said.

Stone slipped inside her. “The works,” he said, kissing her ear as he moved slowly in and out.

“The works!” she cried and moved with him.

For the better part of an hour they explored each other with fingers and tongues. They changed positions and laughed at the intensity of their pleasure. Then they took turns coming and collapsed in each other’s arms.

“It occurs to me,” Stone panted, “that my heart must be in pretty good shape, because if it weren’t, I’d be dead right now. That’s the best stress test in the world.”

Holly rested her head on his shoulder and threw a leg over his. “Okay, the Arab assassins can shoot me now.”

“I hope not.”

“If they showed up right now, I wouldn’t be able to hold a gun. I can’t make a fist.”

“Then we’re both helpless.”

“We could rely on Daisy.”

“We’d have to.”

Stone suddenly thought of something. “I just had a troubling thought.”

“Not now, please.”

“If they don’t know we’re here, who ransacked your house a few days ago?”

“Don’t make me think about it now.” Her voice trailed off. “I’m going to sleep.”

“Oh, no. You have to answer that question. You’re not sleeping until I’m sleeping, and I can’t sleep thinking about that.”

“What was the question again?”

“Who broke into your house?”

“How the hell should I know?”

“Didn’t your police force investigate?”

“Yes, but they didn’t leave any prints.”

“Who do you think it was?”

“Are you saying it was Arab assassins?”

“It would certainly seem to be Trini-connected, wouldn’t it?”

“Trini’s a Florida boy. If he wanted my house broken into, he wouldn’t need Arab assassins, he’d just make a call to some of his homeboys.”

“Well, I’m relieved that it wasn’t Arab assassins.”

“I’m so glad.”

“Is the burglar alarm on?”

“No, but there’s a keypad right here by the bed.”

“Would you turn it on, please?”

With a groan, Holly rolled over and tapped in the code, then rolled back. “There you go.”

“Good. I think I can sleep now.”

“But I’m wide awake.”

“I’m sleepy.”

“Oh, no you don’t,” she said, taking his testicles in her hand and squeezing.

“Hey, I can’t sleep with you doing that.”

“That’s the idea.” She stopped squeezing and began lightly kneading instead.

“You don’t really think I can…”

“Sure you can.”

“It’s impossible after what we’ve just done.” “Then why is this working?” she asked, continuing. “Oh, God.”

Holly rolled on top of him and put him inside her. “In fact, it’s working very well indeed.”

“I can’t argue,” Stone said, arching his back. “But I’ll never be able to come again.”

“Wanna bet?” she asked.
