Stone was halfway through the potato chips on the bar by the time Susan walked in. He offered her a peck on the cheek, which was accepted, then sat her down at a table.

“I hope it wasn’t inconvenient for us to meet here,” he said, after he had ordered her a martini and himself a Knob Creek.

“Not in the least,” she said. “I live in Farm Street, which is a stone’s throw away and is reached from here by a very convenient footpath. How was your day?”

“Very good. I got quite a lot done.”

“And what did you get done?”

“I lunched with my solicitor, then visited two tailors and my shirtmakers and made them all very happy, then I set about cheering up two automobile salesmen.”

She laughed. “All these things for the new house, I assume.”

“I’m starting from scratch.”

“When do you complete the sale of the house?”

“Tomorrow morning at nine, here, in my suite.”

“Which suite?”

He told her.

“I designed it.”

“I rather thought you might have. It looks like you — cool, but with concealed warmth, and elegant. By the way, I have a question for you.”

“Ask away.”

“The two paintings — the middling Constable and the good Turner: Charles wants two hundred thousand pounds for them. Do you think that reasonable?”

“I would have thought it reasonable yesterday, when I described them to you in those terms, but this afternoon they were delivered to my office, and now, having been cleaned and reframed, the Constable is a very good example, and the Turner is spectacular. I should think they’d bring at least half again, perhaps twice that at auction.”

“Then I will accept his offer.”

“I will have two van loads of things going down to the house tomorrow, and I’ll include the pictures, plus some others.”

“Why don’t you drive down with me tomorrow, if you’re willing to put yourself in a car with a driver who is accustomed to driving on the right, not to say, the correct side of the road, and stay for a few days. You can even work, if you feel so inclined.”

“Is that a business proposition or a personal one?”

“A little of both, but you may choose your sleeping quarters from the available stock. I think every designer should sleep in the room or rooms she has designed. How else can you know if you got it right?”

“A very good point. I’ll think it over and give you an answer later in the evening. Where are we dining?”

“At Harry’s Bar.”


After the pasta course she assented to his invitation.

“What made you accept?” he asked.

“One martini and one glass of wine,” she replied. “Also, I know something that you won’t learn about until tomorrow morning.”

“And what might that be?”

“Sir Charles, after having requested permission from the new owner of Windward, intends to throw a bash in the house on Sunday evening for forty or fifty of his most intimate friends, and he expects me to have the public rooms ready to receive them. So I will work while I’m there, along with the crews I’m sending down tomorrow, and I’ll return to London on Monday morning.”

“Perfect. And I will take off for New York on that day, too.”

“How very convenient for us both.”

Their osso buco arrived, and they returned their attentions to their food.

After dinner, Stone walked Susan to her house, in Farm Street. She did not invite him in. “It’s rather a mess at the moment,” she said, “and the cleaners won’t be in until tomorrow.”

“Then I will collect you a little after ten in the morning,” Stone said. He kissed her on the lips, and she went inside, closing the door firmly behind her.

Sir Charles, his solicitor, and Julian Whately arrived together shortly after nine the following morning and were given coffee and pastries before the briefcases were unpacked and the paperwork for the closing on the sale of the house was stacked high on Stone’s dining table, awaiting signatures.

“First,” Stone said, handing Sir Charles a check, “I accept your offer of the two pictures, and Julian will give you the signed agreement.”

“You are very welcome,” Charles replied.

They began signing documents, and that took nearly forty-five minutes. “Congratulations,” Sir Charles said, finally, “you are now the legal owner and lord of the manor of Windward Hall.”

“Thank you,” Stone replied, and the two men shook hands.

“Now, I have a request,” Charles said. “On Sunday evening, may I host a party celebrating my eightieth birthday in the house?”

“Certainly, you may.”

“Don’t worry, I shall make all the arrangements and bear the cost.”

“As you wish.”

The two men shook hands, and they all traveled to the ground floor together, where Stone’s new Porsche awaited, his luggage already aboard. They all shook hands again, and he drove around to Farm Street to collect Susan.

She had brought two large bags, and when he opened the boot, up front, he found it filled with his own things, and the space behind the front seats was taken up by the package Joan had sent him from New York and the things he had bought at Turnbull & Asser. “Don’t worry,” he said, placing Susan’s two bags in her lap. “I have a solution.”

He drove into Berkeley Square and around to the Bentley dealer. He got out of the Porsche, rapped on the window, and beckoned the salesman outside, then he unloaded the two cases from Susan’s lap onto the sidewalk. “Will you kindly put these into the boot of the Bentley?” he asked.

“Of course, Mr. Barrington.” He looked at his watch. “And I can have the car there by two o’clock.”

“Perfect,” Stone said. He got back into the Porsche. “When you’re traveling in this car,” he said to Susan, “you need a Bentley following you with the luggage.”

“An excellent solution to our problem,” she said. “And I can already feel the blood returning to my legs.”

And so they set off for Windward Hall.

On the way out of London, clouds began to quickly gather, and by the time they were on the motorway, the downpour was so heavy that visibility was affected.

They arrived at Windward Hall — the first time Stone had entered the estate by the front gate — and as they approached the house in the still-steady rain they had to drive past a good-sized tent pitched on the lawn some twenty or thirty yards from the entrance to the house. Parked alongside the tent were two police cars, one unmarked, and an ambulance.

“What on earth is that?” Susan asked as they drove past.

“It appears to be a crime scene,” Stone replied, “very likely a homicide.”
