Chapter 11

Sugar held her limp arm to her chest as Daedalus carried her from his car into their bedroom. She could have walked–well, at least limped–inside.

Robert, the pack’s beta or second in command, followed them with his small troop of omegas he’d been training. They surrounded her and Daedalus as they made their way into the brownstone.

She had a glimpse of what the president must feel like with the secret service. Except his people were highly trained, whereas theirs just shifted and tore their enemies apart. A shudder shook her.

“You’re cold.” Daedalus held her tighter.

No, she was creeped-out, but she kept silent. He always grew upset with her inability to naturally accept his and the shifters’ violent natures. There were groups of people begging to be turned from human to creature, some of them ill or crippled like her. She had options they never would, yet she couldn’t bring herself to say yes.

Religion didn’t stop her. Neither did stubbornness, as her twin, Spice, believed. It was simple fear. Would she still be herself after the change? She’d watched her sister after she’d become infected with the shifter virus. Spice had always been on the selfish side. Not anymore, she was all about the pack now. But was that from the change?

Robert barked out a few orders and the omegas scattered, two of them bumping into each other.

She flinched at the impact and swallowed a laugh. A frustrated sigh whispered from her vampire lover. Their guards still needed a lot of training.

Daedalus entered their bedroom. Well, she thought of it as theirs, but when she’d returned from rehab she’d noticed his clothes no longer occupied closet space. Ever since she’d been injured, he’d started to drift away. She couldn’t blame him. She was mortal and she was dying.

He glanced at Robert, who still followed. “Your omegas are…” Holding her with one arm like a small child, he pulled back the covers with the other hand before tucking her in. “Raw.”

“Daedalus.” She had warned him to be nicer.

“What? I thought I was being generous with that assessment.”

Leaning against the doorframe, Robert shook his head. “I know. I’m hoping once this Pal Robi thing is over that you’ll take over their training.”

“No, no.” Daedalus shook his head. “Once I claim what is mine, I doubt things can go back to the way they once were. I won’t have the time to dedicate to the Vasi. I’ll need to clean house in my own clan. That will take time.”

Her heart shrank at his declaration. However, it gave her a glimmer of hope. Would he leave her? That could make things easier.

“I’m a computer geek, not a warrior. They need someone better.”

Rubbing his bald head, her vampire stared at the floor. “I might know someone, who might help, but this needs to wait until we’re secure.”

Robert nodded and closed the bedroom door.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Daedalus opened her bedside table drawer and pulled out her medication list.

She rolled her eyes before she could stop herself.

It didn’t escape his notice. Nothing ever did. “What? Spice said you missed your hypertension and blood thinner pills, but I can’t remember their names.”

Oh yes, her wonderful blood thinner pills that probably made her taste like paint remover. Thank goodness, he hadn’t tried to feed from her since she’d recovered. She would be devastated if he gagged.

He leaned closer. “You know, there was a time when you couldn’t wait to get me in bed.” He traced his fingertip over her bottom lip. Having a stroke had killed her libido, but apparently Daedalus wanted to resurrect it.

She gave him a shy smile, a blush burning her cheeks right to the tips of her ears. How could he still want her? She just didn’t feel sexy in this state.

Heat ignited in his gaze as it traced from her face to her breasts. “I remember–” His finger brushed over her skin as it traveled along her throat to outline the neckline of her blouse. “You liked being tied to the bed while I–” He flicked her budding nipple and she gasped. “Did what I pleased to your lush, wanton…”

Her heart went aflutter and she shut her eyes. She had loved those nights he’d tortured her with pleasure for hours. Those times were over. She glared at him and shoved his hand away. “I’m not ready.”

He set his hand on her thigh and licked his lips before turning away. Hurt radiated off his powerful body.

What kind of relationship could she offer him? He’d had every opportunity to leave while she’d been in a coma, but apparently he’d stayed by her side day and night. All the best doctors had been flown in to see her and she’d probably still be in a vegetative state if not for them. Most importantly, he’d kept her human. She’d been helpless to stop him from changing her, yet he loved her enough to respect her wish to stay mortal. She sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just tired.”

He stroked her leg. “I’ll go get your pills.”

She watched his perfect ass retreat from the bedroom as he hurried to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Flopping her head back, she listened to the water running as her vampire rummaged through all her pill bottles.

Once he had Pal Robi back, he could focus his attention on his people again. She hadn’t thought he’d ever leave her, but now that she’d considered the idea, it would work better this way. He would need something to occupy his time after she was gone.

She’d come to realize a few weeks ago that even with the medicine she would still die soon. The pills only postponed the inevitable and the doctors told her she’d never recover one hundred percent. She’d be half a woman.

Daedalus returned with a glass of water and a pill cup.

She took both without complaint. “Can you make me something to eat?”

He grinned, the hurt fading from his eyes. “A sandwich?”

“Sure. I’m starved.” She waited until he left before spitting out the pills into her hand. Pulling the blankets off, she swung her good leg over the edge, dragging the paralyzed one with her hand, and reached for the tissue box on the nightstand.

The door swung open again and Daedalus entered. “Mayo or… What are you doing?”

“Umm, going to the bathroom, I want to shower.”

He came to carry her, but she swatted him away.

“I can limp there.” The pills in her hand scattered on the floor. Shit. She shut her eyes for a moment, knowing he hadn’t missed them flying out her hand.

He bent to pick up one of the pills. “You dropped this.” Handing it back to her, he frowned as he picked up the other pill. “Sugar, do you have something to tell me?”

She swallowed. “No.”

He stared at her with his sea blue eyes, piercing through her thin veil of deception. Folding his arms over his chest, he waited.

“You want me to swallow the pills that were on the floor?”

“I want you to tell me why those pills aren’t already in your system.”

“It must be my lip.” She pointed to the droop. “They must have spilled out instead of going down.”

He snorted. “Bullshit.” His frown deepened. “How long have you been doing this?”

She blinked, her tears rising, but she would not cry. There were few decisions left for her to make, most of her independence stolen from her in a moment of shifter violence. When and how she lived or died was one of the few things she still controlled.

“Sugar?” His voice shook. He knelt so he could look her in the eye.

Cupping his chin with her one good hand, she drew him close enough to place a chaste kiss on his mouth. “It’s better this way. We always knew that one day I would die. It will just be sooner than we planned.”

He yanked his chin from her grasp. “Fuck, no.” Storming from their bedroom, he returned with fresh pills. “Take them.”

Sugar sighed and fingered them in his palm. “You can make me swallow them tonight, but you can’t be there to watch each time.”

“Your sister will make sure you take them when I’m not there.”

She smiled. Who would have thought that her lover and sister could ever work together? “How long would you force me to live this way?” She gestured to her paralyzed side.

“Forever, if I had my way.” He pulled her into his arms and settled into bed with her cradled on his lap. “Cross over. Be with me.”

She shook her head, not daring to meet his gaze. If he kept harassing her about becoming a vampire, she might weaken enough to accept one day, but not tonight.

He leaned his head against her shoulder. “You want me to continue after you’ve gone, but I don’t see how. It’s a little selfish of you.”

That snapped her head up. “No, it’s not. It’s selfish of you to keep asking.”

“You knew what I was when you returned for me at my home. I gave up everything to be with you. I–I just assumed that eventually you’d make us more permanent. How is that selfish?”

“I can’t see myself preying upon people to live.”

“It’s a natural instinct, Sugar. You’d get use to it.”

“And if I killed someone by accident?”

“I’d be there for you. I wouldn’t turn you loose as a fledgling. I would watch over you, help you hunt, protect you as any good vampire mate should.” He closed his eyes and held his hand open. “Take the pills.”

She wouldn’t put a gun to her head any more than she would accept Daedalus’ offer, but by not taking her medications she was letting nature take its course. Just like this evening with the gun. She would have shot to protect Clementine, but not herself.

For the moment, she had a Nosferatu warrior meeting her gaze with a plea. She swallowed the damn pills. But they couldn’t watch her forever.
