
Kim replaced the receiver after the third call. She hoped she was wrong and that she was about to waste the valuable time of some very important people. She would happily accept a bollocking from Woody if she was wrong. She would get no satisfaction from being right on this one.

Someone did not want that ground excavated.

‘What’ve you got, Stace?’ Kim asked, perching on the edge of the spare desk.

‘Hope yer sitting comfy, Guv. The building that still stands is part of a bigger facility that was built in the 1940s. Back then, it was designed to house the mentally disturbed soldiers returning from the war.

‘The physically disabled were sent to various hospitals in the region but the worst of the psychologically affected were sent to Crestwood. Really, it was a secure unit for the soldiers that could never go back into society. We’re talking killing machines that ain’t got an ‘off’ button.

‘By the late Seventies the population of about thirty-five individuals had either committed suicide or died of natural causes. The place was then used as a borstal.’

Kim cringed. It was an outdated word that brought all kinds of connotations.

‘Go on.’

‘There's some real horror stories that came out of the Eighties of abuse and molestation. An enquiry was carried out but no charges were brought. By the early nineties the place 'ad been turned into a children’s home for girls but still 'ad a reputation for housing troubled teens.

‘Due to budget cuts and building repairs the place was being phased out as we entered the millennium and in ‘04 there was a fire that emptied it completely.’

‘Anyone hurt?’

Stacey shook her head. ‘There ain’t no headlines to suggest it.’

‘Okay, Kev, Stace, start compiling a list of staff members. I want to see ...’

The sound of the fax machine kicking into life silenced her.

They all knew what it was and they all knew what it was going to say.

Bryant reached for the document and perused it quickly. He stood beside Stacey’s desk and handed her the C.V. of Teresa Wyatt.

‘Here you go, guys, I think you have your first.’

Glances were exchanged between them all as the possibilities began to dawn. No one spoke.

And then the phone rang.
