"Don't you just love this outfit, daddy."

"It's perfectly darling."

Franklin Barker watched his daughter as she modeled her new dress in front of him in the living room.

It was hard to believe that she was the same introverted girl she had been just a few months before.

After Lightning's death she had totally changed. He had expected her to be terribly grief stricken about the horse.

She had begun to take a healthy interest in the way she dressed and her manner was much more polite.

She embraced you with her smile. She had hardly ever smiled after her mother's death three years ago.

"What time is Carter calling on you?"

"What time is it now?"

She was checking herself in the hall mirror, making sure that everything was just right for when her boyfriend called upon her.

"A few minutes to eight."

"He should be here any minute."

She was a ravishing spectacle. Barker loved when she wore her hair up on her head like it that.

She looked so much like Nora when she arranged her hair on top of her head like that. It brought out her classic beauty.

Her high cheekbones were clearly visible and their effect was not destroyed by long hair framing her face.

Her beautiful features were given full play to shine off her face. And tonight she was radiant. Her eyes twinkled.

She and Carter had been dating a lot lately. Franklin was glad to see her finally enjoying herself after the years of mourning for her mother.

Her odd fascination with her beautiful steed was over, thank God. She hadn't been on a horse since Lightning's death.

Mistler had explained to him what had happened on that fateful night when he had to shoot the steed from mauling Melanie.

How she had ever found the strange contraption he did not know. But she had and luckily Mistler had heard her frantic screams.

But the spirit that had doomed her mother to an awful fate and threatened to consume Melanie had died with the handsome steed.

Mullady told him that the instant the shot was fired and the horse fell dead off the pedestal, the smell of horse sweat faded away.

For the first time in years there was no odor of the beast permeating the musty, ramshackle old shed.

With the death of the horse had come a new Melanie. A Melanie that should have always been like the way she was now.

She sat patiently on the couch next to Barker waiting with bated breath for the doorbell to ring.

When it did she would joyfully hop to her feet brimming with the knowledge that Carter was just outside her door.

Barker had not pressed her about the incident. As long as she didn't bring it up he never broached the subject.

He could imagine what she must have gone through when the horse thrust into her with all its weight atop the contraption.

Somehow the event had brought her to her senses. It had knocked her out of her dream world and brought her back down to earth.

The doorbell rang and the music of the chimes bounced off the high ceilings and reverberated around the room.

Melanie was grinning from ear to ear. Her dress ruffled as she walked with graceful anticipation across the room.

"Melanie, you're beautiful."

"Thank you, Carter, you're so kind."

"I brought you a corsage."

"Why, it's gorgeous."

She took it out of the box, her fingers shaking with excitement, and removed the corsage from the cardboard box.

She held it to her heart and modeled it for her father and her boyfriend and then pinned it in place.

"What time is the dance," asked the smiling Franklin Barker.

"We'd better hurry or we'll be late, Melanie. In fact we're late already."

"All right, there's no need to rush," said Barker, "take your time and enjoy yourselves."

He watched them leave the house and walk on to the porch. Just as they were about to step down Melanie turned to her father.

She was smiling from ear to ear and said: "Don't worry, we won't be late. And if anything happens we'll call."

"Fine, honey, now have a good time." Carter held her arm and helped her down the steps of the porch and ushered her into the car that was waiting for them.

Carter's parents were well-to-do. Like Barker they owned one of the richest spreads in the county.

It was just like Marington to send his son out on a date with a chauffeured limousine, just to impress the girl.

Well, why the hell not. After what Melanie had been through she deserved nothing but the best.

A girl shouldn't have to go through such pain. He watched the chauffeur close the door and then hop into the front seat.

The car started up and then made its way out of the ranch. Barker kept his loving eyes upon it until it faded from view.

"We're not really late, are we, Carter?"

"No, we should make it on time. But in any event, drive faster please."

Carter was always so considerate. He was the perfect gentleman at all times. And he wore beautiful clothes.

Most of the boys couldn't afford to dress like Carter. His family was rich like hers. They made the perfect couple.

They arrived at the dance that was being held at the town hall. The place was mobbed with teenagers.

They danced every dance together. Even when Flossy McArdle tried to horn in on them Carter told her to bug off.

That made Melanie very happy. She was glad that Carter wanted nothing to do with her. Flossy was so mad.

When Melanie asked him how he felt about her right before they started dating he said that she was a cheap tramp.

Melanie knew that Carter did not think of her like that. He told her that she had a lot of class. He said that few girls were worthy of his station besides her. She had the kind of background that he admired.

Flossy was just a cheap floozy who tried to buy men's hearts with her body. She had no class at all.

Melanie loved when Carter talked like that. It made her feel important and special in his eyes.

She told him that she was very sorry about the way she had acted towards him at her sweet-sixteen party. She had been feeling very depressed and was not herself. She found the gift he had brought her and thought it was wonderful.

It was a gold locket, which opened up and inside it was a diamond. On the back it said, "All my love, Carter."

He said to her that he was sorry about what happened to her horse, the one that he knew she loved so much.

He had heard that it went crazy and had to be shot. She blushed when he talked about it and told him to forget it, the horse didn't mean that much to her.

He was surprised when he heard that. Everyone knew how much she really loved that horse of hers.

But he sensed her discomfort when he talked about Lightning and in deference to her feelings never brought it up again.

After having a wonderful time at the dance, it was time to go and Carter ushered her into the limousine.

He told the driver to just keep going. They wanted to take a ride along the river and watch the summer moon.

The driver stopped the car near an elevated embankment where they could see the moon and watch the beams sparkle off the running water.

It was a terribly romantic sight and Melanie sank into his arms like putty. Their lips met and they kissed.

He held her in his strong arms and she was a little crushed from his hearty embrace but enjoyed the feeling.

He smelled wonderful as well as being the most handsome boy she had ever seen and she let his tongue probe into her mouth.

She met his tongue with her own. She kissed him back as hard as she could and she felt her nipples rise inside her bra.

She controlled her passion because she remembered what Carter had said about Flossy being a tramp.

He didn't like girls who used their bodies to get what they wanted. It was cheap and bored him.

He let her rub her soft palms on his face. He was getting a little sweaty from their sweet embrace.

He felt his cock start to lurch inside his pants. Melanie's soft touch was making his fire come to the fore.

He pushed her away from him before he lost control of the situation and they both did something they might regret.

Melanie was content just to rest her head on his shoulder and watch the moon as the clouds passed by it.

Carter nibbled at her ear. Her body pulsed with delightful thrills from his sentimental gesture.

She raised her head up and Carter gave her a long and loving kiss and probed his tongue deep in her mouth.

When they broke the embrace they were both breathless. Their young faces were red and their eyes glazed.

Carter said it was time for the both of them to go home because it was getting late and her father would be worried.

The driver sped off into the night and they rode the rest of the way back to her house holding hands.

When they arrived at the house, Carter got out and opened the door for her and instructed the driver to wait.

They walked the few steps to the door and they looked each other in the eyes and hugged one another close.

Then their eyes closed and their lips touched and their bodies met in a loving and fiery embrace.

Her body pressed close against his and their tongues intertwined in their mouths and they kissed lovingly.

She felt Carter's hand brush against her bust and then he grabbed her breast and ran his palm over it.

Melanie was breathing heavy and her face was flushed. As her pelvis pressed against his crotch she could feel his cock surging up.

"Goodnight, Melanie. I had a perfectly wonderful time."

"Oh, Carter, won't you come in for a minute."

"It's getting late. Your father might mind."

"No, he won't."

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't lie about a thing like that."

She smiled into his beaming face. They both knew that they could trust one another implicitly.

"Okay, then, just for a minute."

Carter told the driver that he would be out presently and then he would take him home and his duties would be over for the night.

Melanie opened the door with her key and switched on the light. Carter shut the door and she led him into the living room.

"Would you like a soda or something. Or perhaps a glass of milk?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you."

"Why don't you have a seat."

Carter sat down on the couch and put his hands on his lap. Melanie sat down next to him clasping her hands together.

They sat there motionless staring off into space and deciding on what to do next. Neither one wanted to make the first move.

Slowly, Carter drew his arm up and put it on the back of the couch. As if on cue, Melanie inched closer to him. A strand of hair fell from the bun atop her head. He twiddled it between two fingers while his hand massaged the back of her shapely neck. Unnoticeable to the naked eye, Melanie moved herself closer to him. Each second brought her that much nearer until a minute had passed and her shoulder was nuzzled under his arm.

Carter put his hand on her arm and palmed the creamy skin. Melanie closed her eyes and sighed softly, overcome by the tenderness of the moment.

He lifted his head off hers and saw that her eyes were closed. He drew his other arm around her front and hugged her tight.

Their warm bodies formed together as one. She opened her eyes and looked long and lovingly into his.

Her blue gems twinkled in anxious delight. She rested her head on his shoulder and parted her lips just a fraction.

She squirmed in her seat when Carter brought his lips to hers and kissed her full on the mouth, their tongues touching.

She melted into his embrace. She accepted all of his tongue as it filled her mouth and then kissed him back.

Their kiss held them together in a long embrace until Melanie lost her breath. She took deep gasps of air that made her breasts rise and fall.

She nuzzled her face into his neck and sniffed his manly odor to capture his heavenly scent in her soul.

She was content and happier than at any other time in her life as she rested her head on his chest and reached her arm around his supple waist.

Her mind was ablaze with sweet thoughts. She imagined herself walking down a wedding aisle with Carter on her arm.

He lowered his head and planted sweet and gentle kisses on the lovely nape of her neck that made her gush with excitement.

The feel of his soft lips on her tender flesh stirred up her passion. Her toes twiddled inside her shoes.

As they continued necking she placed her hand inside his jacket and felt his hard chest underneath his white silk shirt.

She undid a button and slipped her hand inside and felt the muscles of his young but manly breast.

His feverish kisses were making her crazy. Her face was flushed and her body was aglow from the sweet caress of his tender necking.

Then he stopped making love to her neck and drew her mouth close to his and kissed her long and hard on the lips.

Their tongues met and swished together inside each other's mouths and their panting became heavier with each passing second. She felt Carter's hand brush gently against her bosom. His merest touch was enough to cause her nipple to rise up inside her bra.

His hand ran along the form of both breasts. Then he squeezed them gently through her dress and both nipples rose to attention.

As he petted her into a state of tender passion, Melanie kissed him hard and forced her tongue into his mouth.

Her hand was still inside his shirt and she mimicked his gropings by cupping his manly breast and tweaking the nipples.

Carter sucked on her tongue that probed deep into his mouth. The tip of it swished around his teeth and then darted to the back of his throat.

He gripped her breasts slightly harder. He cupped and palmed her tender globes and felt the hot, hard nipples inside her bra.

Melanie's hand fell to his lap and moved along the crotch of his pants. She squeezed the bulge that was rising up.

The both of them were breathing heavy. His cock seemed to jump to attention when she touched him there.

Carter began to unbutton the front of her dress. Without a whimper she succumbed to his groping, trusting him implicitly.

He flapped open her dress front and massaged her heaving breast through the heavy fabric of her bra.

Her little hand still had hold of his rising cock. It was getting hard just from her touch and it felt hot even though it was still inside his pants.

She found the zipper and pulled it down. She groped inside his pants for his erect member. Touching it thrilled her to the marrow.

Her hand wrapped around his stiff cock and pulled it free from his pants. Her cool hand gently jerked up and down.

Carter inched his hand inside the bra and cupped one breast. His fondling sent thrills of delight pulsing through her. He reached a hand to her back and unclasped the latch of her bra. Her hot tits spilled out into his hands.

He felt the stiff nipples with his tweaking fingers and then palmed her meaty tits while they tongue-kissed.

Carter's tender gropings caused Melanie to breathe heavily and grip his cock real tight in her little hand.

It was hot and hard and she reveled in the mere touch of it. She kept jerking it gently and ran her thumb on the bulbous tip.

Carter bowed his head to her tits and took each nipple into his mouth one at a time. He flicked his tongue all over the hard nubs.

Melanie was incensed and pulled on his cock. She could feel the blood surge inside it as his cock rose to full erection.

As Carter made love to her flaming tits her clit began to tingle. Even her cunt was wet from his wonderful mouthing.

He reached a hand under her dress and felt for her vee beneath the folds. Her panties were already wet from her flowing juices.

He moved his hand over the tender area of her crotch and felt her cunt lips with his fingers through the soft fabric.

He pulled her panties to the side and his fingers probed the folds of her juicy cunt lips that twitched with excitement.

When he found her dripping hole he poked his finger inside. Melanie gasped as he wiggled it from side to side.

His finger kept plunging upwards in her hot gash as his mouth still worked with feverish intensity on the pert nipples.

Melanie took a good hold on his stiff cock and strummed it in rhythm to the finger that rode in and out of her flaming pussy.

Her gasps changed to high-pitched squeals of pleasure and Carter took his mouth from her tits and kissed her to hush her up.

He forced his tongue deep into her mouth. With his mouth clamped on hers and his fingers running in and out of her Melanie was breathless.

As he brought her to a fever pitch she concentrated on her own mounting pleasure and even stopped jerking his cock.

He broke their kiss and returned to her breasts to mouth them lovingly. He pushed them together and sucked both nipples.

Once more his hand dropped to her gash and instead of inserting a finger he strummed the area of her swollen clit.

He tweaked it between two fingers. Melanie's breath caught in her throat and the expression froze on her face.

Her eyes rolled inside her head. She bared her teeth. Then she moaned delightfully when he plunged his finger back inside her.

He felt the walls of her cunt form around his probing finger. Her spasm made her vibrate in Carter's loving hands.

The way she vibrated was a wonder to behold. Carter had never seen her look more beautiful then at this moment.

Her face was radiant and her cheeks pulsed with fiery intensity. Her whole head was surrounded in a rosy aura.

When she passed through the wave of orgasm and regained her senses, she smiled and her expression was one of sweet satisfaction.

She still held Carter's cock firmly in her grasp. Now that he had satisfied her she was going to do her best to give him the same kind of thrill she had just experienced.

He moved back on the couch as Melanie smiled and held his cock and then bent her head down onto his lap.

She held his cock straight and kissed the purplish tip that throbbed and pulsed from the blood surging within him.

She put the bulbous cockhead in between her succulent lips. Slowly she drew the entire length of his staff into her mouth.

She was totally enraptured by the sweet taste of his meat. It was a fine taste inviting her to gobble down more of it.

She felt the cock lurch inside her warm and tender trap. She lifted off it when that happened fearing that she had accidentally hurt him.

"Please, don't stop," said Carter.

"Are you sure you're all right. I thought I hurt you."

"No, it was wonderful. Keep sucking, won't you?"

"Of course, Carter. Anything you want. Just ask."

He held her face in his hands and lowered her head back down on his cock. Never in his life had his cock been so hard.

She ran her tongue all along the hard staff. She licked it up and down as if it were lollipop that happened to be made of flesh and blood.

She stretched out her tongue and gently flicked it on the rounded cockhead. Her hands played with his balls.

Then, without warning, she swallowed the whole staff into her mouth and sucked on it very hard, the tip banging against the back of her throat.

She lifted her head and took her mouth completely off it. She kissed his throbbing cock from tip to stem.

Carter thought that his cock would burst at the seams. Never in his life had it been so bloated as this.

It pulsed in rhythm to his fast-beating heart. Melanie nibbled on the sides and then mouthed his sac of balls.

Carter sucked in air when he felt her warm mouth encircle his bag of nuggets and her tongue brusquely play with them.

"Easy, Melanie. Go slow. They're sensitive."

"Oh, I'm sorry Carter. Please forgive me."

In order to talk to him she stopped mouthing his cock. But she smiled at him while rubbing his tool along her face.

She was driving him crazy with her slow cock sucking. He didn't know whether he wanted to blow his load or continue enjoying her crazy mouthing.

She kissed every inch of his turgid member and then once more drew the tip of his cock between her lips and sucked.

Inch by inch she took it into her mouth until the whole shaft was firmly lodged inside and the tip banged into her throat.

He thought that this time he would come for sure. His balls tightened and the shaft stiffened but then once again Melanie removed her mouth.

"God, Melanie. What are you doing? You're driving me crazy."

"What's the matter. Don't you like it."

"No. I mean, God, yes. But my blood is boiling. I can't take any more."

He looked down at his stiff prick. Veins were popping out of it that he had never seen before.

"Melanie, you better get me to come before I break something."

She opened her mouth wide. Without his cock touching inside her mouth, she flicked her tongue up and down the shaft.

Her insane mouthing was making him frantic. With her cheeks puffed out she swallowed down his cock and ran her lips up and down it.

Just as her lips were about to brush on the hard rim of his cockhead, she opened her mouth wide and lapped the tender underbelly with her tongue.

Then her mouth dived back onto his cock and gulped it down. Her cheeks remained puffed out and nothing touched his dick but her lapping tongue.

All she had to do was suck in her cheeks and close her whole mouth on it and he would blow his load down her throat.

Melanie did just that. As if she had just read his mind she clamped her mouth on his hot cock and bobbed her head up and down.

She sucked his cock with long strokes of her lapping mouth. Every inch of his hot tool was engulfed in her succulent embrace.

Then she swallowed it down to the base. Her lips kissed his balls as her tongue licked his hot and throbbing staff.

His cock exploded into her mouth and giant jets of come burned on her tongue. His cock lurched but she held onto it firmly.

Thick gobs of sperm pumped out of his dick and drenched her mouth. She couldn't swallow his load fast enough and come dripped out from the corners of her lips.

She tasted nearly every drop of his steamy batter until her mouth was so filled with it with it she almost choked.

She lifted her face off his palpitating prick and jerked the staff with both hands. She watched the frothy spray fly into the air.

Oodles of sperm shot forth as his cock kept pumping to relieve its heavy charge. Melanie kept lapping it up but could not lap fast enough.

Her hands were drenched with sperm. She licked her fingers clean when his cock finally stopped pumping.

She took the cock back into her mouth and licked off every drop of sperm that had missed the confines of her eager mouth.

She left his cock clean as a whistle, then looked up at him smiling as she waved his softening cock in front of her face.

She was glad to have been the cause of his pleasure. She had repaid him in full for the raptures she had experienced.

She wiped his cock dry with tissues she drew from a box on the nearby coffee table and then put his cock back in his pants.

She raised herself up and fixed her clothes back in place. When she was finished she looked at him with that dignified air that always made him marvel.

She had a queen's grace. Everything she did, even while she sucked his cock, bespoke of a regal quality.

She floated across the room as she went to the hall mirror to check her makeup. Carter was too spent to do anything but just watch her.

"It's been a lovely evening, Carter, but I think you should go now."

"Oh, of course. I was just a little drained, that's all."

"You can call on me tomorrow if you'd like."

"I'd like that ever so much."

He wanted to raise up onto his feet but as yet he was still too weak. She helped him up and led him to the door.

"What time should I call for you."

"The same time as tonight."

"Perhaps we'll see a movie."

"Why, that would be perfectly delightful."

She opened the door and led him onto the porch. The driver started up the car and then got out to open the door.

They kissed one final time before parting. This time, when their tongues met, Carter could taste the residue from his mighty charge.

He left her standing on the porch bathed in rays of the purple moonlight and blew her one final kiss.

She made believe she was catching it and then clutched it to her heart. She felt for the locket he had given her that hung from her neck.

The driver closed the door and then took his position behind the wheel and gunned the engine twice before pulling out.

She saw the dust fly up from the spinning wheels as the limousine pulled away from the porch. Carter turned to her and from out the back window waved goodbye to her one final time.

Her eyes followed the speeding car until it faded into the night and she strained her eyes until they burned from the effort and began to tear.

She held Carter's locket up to the moonlight and read aloud the inscription engraved on the back. It said: "With All My Love, Carter."

She sat down on her porch and the dust from Carter's limousine swirled around her while she gazed up at the full moon.

Everything had gone dashingly well. Gone were the memories of a few months before. Not one sordid dream haunted her in her sleep since that maddening event.

She raised up her dress so as to feel the cool breeze on her sweaty legs. She smiled to herself and thought of Carter.

She didn't want to say it but it was true. He was a better lover than Lightning, much better.

She never thought of her once favorite steed anymore. In fact, sometimes she actually felt hate for Lightning.

She was glad that Carter had taken Lightning's place in her life. Everyone said they made the perfect couple.

She stood up to go back in the house. A dull sound pierced through the night. She pricked her ears and listened harder.

It was the sound of a high-pitched whinny.
