"Feel up to talking, Martin?" Detective Norm Chisholm of the Laurel County Sheriff's Office asked as soon as he walked into Martin's hospital room.

"Sit down. I've been expecting you. Any word yet on Melissa?"

Norm shook his head.

"How's Gene doing?"

"Not good. You two weren't acting very smart."

"Don't make me feel any worse than I do already. Gene wouldn't let me call the police. He was terrified that the kidnapper would kill Melissa." Martin's features clouded and his voice caught. "The way the FBI handled Patty's stakeout really spooked him."

Chisholm had no comeback for that, so he asked Martin to tell him what had happened by the river. When Alvarez was through, Chisholm brought Martin up to date.

"We sent a forensic crew to the take-out point downriver from where you were shot. That's where the kidnapper left the river, but we don't have a clue to who he is."


Norm shook his head. "Martin, what kind of couple are they?"

"Melissa and Gene?"

The detective nodded.

"Gene worships her."

"And Melissa? She seem happy?"

"Desert Grove is a change from the big city, and there is the age difference," he answered after a pause. "Why do you ask?"

"Gene never said anything to you about marital problems?"

"No, he didn't, Norm. Where is this going?"

He shrugged. "Probably nowhere. I'm just ruminating."

When Norm left, Martin called Gene Arnold, who seemed inconsolable. The pain pills the doctor had given Martin dulled his senses, but not enough to banish the guilt he felt for failing his friend.
