Chapter 68

They had come in numbers — police and General Security Services — but still a mob was beginning to form. It wasn’t just Shomrei Ha’ir who were anti-Zionist. Many of the ultra-orthodox sects were. And whilst some of the people in Mea She’arim were from the pro-Zionist Agudat Yisrael faction, the overwhelming tendency of the residents of the area was towards opposition to the State of Israel and its institutions.

So the mob that gathered to “watch” as the police and SHaBaK came to arrest Shalom Tikva was to say the least somewhat hostile. But the police had been aware of this. That is why they turned out in force. Treading lightly in order not to alienate a large part of the community was all very well. But after the explosion at the cafe, it was gloves off. Singing the praises of terrorist organizations was bad enough, but doing business with them crossed the line. One can sup with the devil, but selling ones soul to him put one beyond the pale.

And Shalom Tikva wasn’t just wanted in connection with the suicide bombing by Hamas, he was also wanted in connection with the abduction of the Sasson twins. That meant that a cozy cell now awaited him.

The trouble was — as the police found when they battered down the door to his apartment — that the bird had flown. Whether he had been tipped off or merely read the writing on the wall, the result was still the same.


Disappointed, the search teams went in and began bagging up and boxing up items to help with the investigation, carrying them out to waiting vans. As the crowds grew and became more volatile, the police called in reinforcements, including border guardsman, who didn’t hesitate to use their batons. And when even that didn’t suffice, tear gas was used.

And in the distance, watching all of the action and blending in with the crowd, was Shalom Tikva. When he grew bored, he turned and edged his way out of the crowd.
