Series Acknowledgments

First off, I must thank and praise my principal editor, Juliet Grames. She has had a huge impact on these four books, mostly by metaphorically standing at my shoulder as I write and demanding to know what the character is feeling. In this and many other ways her input has been crucial throughout.

My other editors—Maureen Sugden, Rachel Kowal, Katie Herman, Ellie Robbins and Linda Grames—have also made stellar contributions. I have often been in awe of how much they know and how much they notice.

I also want to thank everyone at Soho who has helped bring the books and myself to the market, both those I know by name—Bronwen Hruska, Paul Oliver, Amara Hoshijo and Abby Koski—and those I don’t.

Writing, like most endeavors, is often all about confidence, and I must thank my agent and friend Charlie Viney for his encouragement over the years.

Last but far from least, I must mention my wife’s contribution. Nancy has been busy these last few years doing a PhD and hasn’t read much of the series, but her voice inside my head undoubtedly helped to write it.

—David Downing
