“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,”

Morgan said.

That his heart hadn’t exploded yet was shocking, but every pore in his body seemed to be leaking sweat, every nerve ending on fire.

Once he was able to get away from the guy who’d tackled him, Morgan found the car waiting for him just like Chester had said it would. The door was open, and somehow Morgan managed to dive into the car a split second before it went speeding off.

Once inside, he found Chester waiting for him, a huge smile on his face.

“The gun,” Chester said.

Morgan handed it to him, his hand shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. Chester took the revolver and put it into a valise on the floor below him.

“You okay?” he said.

“I don’t know,” Morgan replied. “He’s dead. Oh man, he’s really, really dead.”

“How many times did you shoot him?”


“Did all the bullets hit?”

“I think so. I was pretty close, but everything…man, everything just went crazy after that.”

“It’s a good thing you got away,” Chester said. “You’re a resourceful man, Morgan.”

“Thanks,” he said. Morgan’s heart rate was finally beginning to slow down.

The car sped down Broadway, and Morgan was pleasantly surprised to see that nobody was following them.

“No cops,” Morgan said. “Nobody, they…”

“Don’t worry about that,” Chester said. “I’m just glad you’re all right. You did a great job, Morgan. I knew we could trust you.”

Morgan beamed inside. “You always can, sir.”

“Yes,” Chester said, “I know that now.”

Chester leaned over and put his arm around Morgan.

It was an odd gesture, but for some reason Morgan felt strangely comforted.

“Hey, uh, can I get the second part of the payment now? Just don’t want to forget.”

“The money, of course. I knew you wouldn’t forget.”

Then Morgan felt something sharp pierce his neck, and then a terrible burning sensation began to creep its way into his bloodstream.

He jerked backward, and Chester moved away. “What the hell was that?” he cried.

Then he saw the syringe in Chester’s hand, and Morgan knew exactly what the man had done.

“Sleep,” Chester said.

Morgan tried to reach for the man, but suddenly his entire body felt weak. His arms hung limply at his sides, as Morgan felt his body begin to slump down in the seat.

“Why…” he said. “I…I would have done anything for you…”

“I know that,” Chester said. Morgan caught the slightest hint of remorse in the man’s face. “And you gave as much as you possibly could have.”

“My mom…” Morgan groaned, barely able to make out the words.

“She’ll never see you again.”


“We’re here,” another voice said from the front seat.

It was the driver. Morgan hadn’t had time to see him when he jumped into the car.

The driver turned around briefly to talk to Chester.

That’s when Morgan saw who was driving the car.

Theodore Goggins.

“Sorry, man,” Theo said. “No hard feelings.”

“Tell them to chop the car and burn the body,” Chester said. Then he looked back at Morgan. Morgan’s eyelids were falling. He could feel his heart slowing down, draining him. It was all he could do to retain a small sliver of light to see the man who’d killed him.

“Good night, Morgan. I hope wherever you’re going you find all the money you can possibly dream of.”

And then Morgan Isaacs died.
