Cast of Characters

Sir Baldwin de Furnshill

Once a Knight Templar, Sir Baldwin is Keeper of the King’s Peace in Crediton. He is known to be an astute investigator of crimes.

Simon Puttock

The Bailiff of Lydford, Simon is responsible for law and order on the moors, under the watchful eye of the Warden of the Stannaries, Abbot Robert Champeaux of Tavistock.


Simon’s servant. Hugh is a moorman and understands Dartmoor and its folk.

Sir Roger de Gidleigh

The Coroner of Exeter, responsible for investigating cases of sudden death over a substantial area of Devonshire.

Abbot Robert Champeaux

Of all Tavistock Abbey’s Abbots, Abbot Robert was probably the most influential in his day. Taking on his post with a debt of some £200 in 1285, he soon made the Abbey profitable. One of his inspired ideas was to buy the Wardenship of the Stannaries.


Steward to the Abbot himself, Augerus is responsible for the Abbot’s stores and seeing to his master’s private needs.


New to the Abbey, Gerard has been tempted into thefts by older, unscrupulous men.


This monk is salsarius at the Abbey (see Glossary).


Once a monk in a northern Priory, Peter came south after being attacked by Scottish marauders, and was grateful for Abbot Robert allowing him to live in Tavistock as Almoner.

Sir Tristram de Cokkesmoor

The King’s Commissioner of Array, Sir Tristram has the responsibility of recruiting men for the King’s army.

Joce Blakemoor

Receiver of the tin at the five coinings held at Tavistock, Joce is an important local man within the Burgh.


Also known as Wally. An unsuccessful miner, Walwynus has spent the last few years eking a living from his smallholding while trying to locate another seam of tin.


A barber. Monks are not allowed to bleed themselves, and all abbeys need a barber to open veins, as well as removing teeth and ensuring that cheeks and tonsures are neatly shaved.


Originally from the north of England, Nob runs a local pie-shop with his wife, Cissy.


Wife to Nob, Cissy is also the unofficial aunt to all those young women who need help with their social lives or children.


Widowed while young, Ellis’s sister has recently become pregnant and is in need of a comforting shoulder to lean on.


The miner who took over Walwynus’ works, Hamelin is sorely troubled by his lack of success. His wife and family are in dire straits, but he can’t find the tin he needs.


Hamelin’s wife is desperately worried about her youngest son, Joel, who is showing signs of malnutrition.

Rudolf von Grindelwald

A Free Swiss from the Forest Cantons, Rudolf has come to Dartmoor with his wife Anna and family to buy tin, for he is a master pewterer.


Rudolf’s wife.

Welf and Henry

Two sons of Rudolf who have joined him on his trip to Devonshire.

Hal Raddych

One of the old school of Dartmoor miners, Hal is a near neighbour to Wally and Hamelin.
