This book is a thriller, not a travel guide. Still, to get the flavor of fundamentalist Iran, the author did extensive reading. Three books proved most helpful: A Concise History of Iran, by Saeed Shirazi; Know Thine Enemy, by Edward Shirley; and The Iran Threat, by Alireza Jafarzadeh. A heartfelt thank you to these authors.

RADM Stanley W. Bryant, USN (Ret), read and gave helpful comments upon the action scenes in this book. As usual, the author’s wife, Deborah Coonts, offered cogent advice on the plot and characters. A special tip of the flight helmet to Stan and Deb.

Finally, the author would like to publicly thank his editor at St. Martin ’s Press, Charles Spicer, whose enthusiasm for adventure fiction and patience are unsurpassed. Thanks, Charlie.
