They sat around a fire as an elder told stories. He told them in a way Eric had never seen before, using his whole body to weave the tale as children sat at his feet, enthralled. Eric couldn’t understand what the story was about but he knew a storm was involved from the blowing sounds and the wave-like motions of the man’s hands. Thomas sat next to the man that had greeted him, talking and drinking. William was caught up in the man’s storytelling as well. “It’s amazing how entertaining this really is,” William said. “I wish I knew what he was saying.” Eric nodded absently. “What’s wrong? William asked. “Nothing, I miss home I guess. And I’m out in the middle of the fucking jungle chasing an animal that almost killed me.” “God puts us where he needs us.” Eric scoffed. “I don’t think God would want to help me.”

“You know, there’s a parable I’m really fond of. A man dies and goes to heaven and he’s standing before St. Peter and Peter has his whole life written for him as footsteps on a beach. There’s two sets of footprints at the early stages of the man’s life and St. Peter explains that that’s because God was always with him. Then, in the more troubled times of the man’s life, there’s only one set of footprints. The man says ‘why did God abandon me when I needed him most?’ and St. Peter says ‘no, that’s when he carried you.’”

William always got a look in his eyes when he spoke of his religion, a type of peacefulness Eric hadn’t seen very much. The only other person he’d seen that had it was Jalani.

William put his arm around Eric’s shoulders. “Tomorrow’ll be better Eric, it always is.”
