Chapter 36

The phone was ringing as Liz came into her flat. She fumbled for the light switch, dropped her bag and briefcase on the floor and made it across the sitting room just in time. ‘Hello,’ she said.

‘Liz, it’s Edward here. Have you got a minute?’

‘Of course,’ she said. She looked around the room, which was messy even by her standards. She’d planned to tidy up this evening, so any diversion was welcome.

‘Cathy rang me from Brighton. She was in quite a state.’

Liz remembered that the French anarchists were due to visit. ‘Is she all right?’

‘Yes – I mean, she hasn’t been hurt or anything like that. René came as planned, but on his own. Though that was bad enough; she’s very shaken up.’

‘What happened?’

‘He asked her again for money. They want ten thousand pounds – a contribution to the cause, he called it. Apparently, they’re planning to disrupt the G20 conference next month in Avignon. Cathy thinks they’re trying to buy guns, and maybe explosives.’

‘Does she know any more – what kind of explosive, or where they’re getting it from?’ This was no longer just a family problem; now it was a professional matter.

‘No, she didn’t get much out of him. But for once Cathy saw sense and said no when he asked for money. She told him she’d lost her job.’

‘Good for her.’ Anything to get that creep off her back. ‘How did René take it?’

‘Pretty badly, I gather. But it’s what he suggested could happen next that upset her. He was threatening that Teddy might be harmed if she didn’t give them the money.’

‘What? Where is he now? Has he gone?’

‘Yes. He’s gone for the moment. But apparently there’s a violent sidekick. A thug called Antoine.’

‘I know – my French colleagues told me about him. Did René say Antoine would hurt Teddy?’

‘More or less.’

‘The police will take a dim view of that.’

‘I know, but the problem is, we’ve only got Cathy’s word against this chap René’s. And he’s probably buggered off by now, back to France. I don’t see what the police here can do.’ Edward paused, and breathed out noisily. ‘That’s why I rang you. I’m awfully sorry, Liz, and I certainly understand if you can’t help. It’s just—’

I know, she thought, it’s just Teddy. But that and the mention of explosives were more than enough reason for her to get involved. She said, ‘Leave it to me, Edward. I think I can help.’

Liz called Isobel Florian as soon as she arrived at the office the next day. She explained what had happened to Cathy, and what else René had told her.

Isobel said, ‘That’s the first firm evidence we have received. We know he has been making trips to Marseilles, but we didn’t know exactly what for – Marcel, our source inside the commune, thought it was probably weapons, but now it sounds even worse.’

Liz said, ‘Obviously the G20 summit has to be our priority, but I am worried about Cathy and her little boy. René threatened that if she didn’t help finance their plans, he would come back – along with this fellow Antoine.’

‘You certainly don’t want that. We’ve checked, and this Antoine has a criminal record a mile long. He’s very violent. But it seems to me that we could easily kill two birds with one stone. If we can find out when those two are going to England, I would arrange a raid on their commune. I’m sure we’ll find plenty there. That would allow us to issue an Interpol warrant for René and Antoine. The moment they set foot in the UK, they’ll be arrested. Until they’re extradited to France, the only part of Britain they’ll see is through bars.’
