
Many, many people have encouraged and assisted me in writing this trilogy. In addition to those people I acknowledged in The Magicians’ Guild and The Novice, I’d like to give an additional nod to the people who helped me out during the writing of this book:

Once again, my proofreaders who give me such valuable advice: Mum and Dad, Paul Marshall, Paul Ewins, Jenny Powell, Sara Creasy and Anthony Mauricks.

Fran Bryson, my agent. Thank you for providing the perfect setting for my “working holiday.”

Stephanie Smith and the hard-working HarperCollins team for turning my stories into such polished, attractive books. Justin of Slow Glass Books, Sandy of Wormhole Books, and the booksellers who’ve taken on this trilogy with such enthusiasm.

And thank you to all the people who have emailed me with praise for The Magicians’ Guild and The Novice. Knowing you’ve enjoyed my stories helps keep the fires of inspiration burning high.
