Borovsky and Anna entered the room beyond the row of drawers. It was dark, but it wasn’t a menacing dark. It was welcoming. The only illumination came from a bright light attached to a large magnifying glass on a flexible pole. Behind it was what appeared to be a classic crone from a folk tale. She was lanky, gray-haired, and dressed in a bulky dark brown sweater and wool skirt that looked like they were spun from the fibers of tree bark.

‘Close that door!’ she commanded, eyes intent on the glass and what it was magnifying. Borovsky hastily ushered Anna in and closed the door behind them. ‘What do you want?’

‘What do I ever want?’ Borovsky answered. ‘Your help.’

Anna expected the response that he got.

‘Viktor?’ the woman said. ‘Viktor, is that you? Viktor!’

The crone was not much taller standing than she had been sitting. She came forward quickly and then there were more hugs.

Anna got her bearings after a second round of introductions. Olga Uritski turned on the bright overhead lights, drew up three stools, and gave them each a small glass cup of sbiten — the popular Russian drink of blackberry jam, honey, water, and spices.

After the urgency Borovsky had expressed to get in here, she was surprised to see him take his time now. Or rather, be forced to take his time. Then she understood the politics: unlike Natalia, this woman required nurturing. It was the difference between the gatekeeper and the one who possessed what you really needed.

There was general chatter as they sat around a large, square table covered in felt, in the center of a large, square room. All four walls were lined with long wooden drawers designed to safeguard coins. The table had several examining devices attached to it, as well as many drawers of its own. Anna did her best to soak it all up.

‘The department was created after World War Two,’ Borovsky told Anna, ‘to house the coins and medals from the Imperial Moscow University.’

‘But it soon became much more than that,’ Olga said. She appeared to be older than the colonel, but it was hard for Anna to be sure. She had the flat face and granite-like head of an aged Latvian, as well as a shock of Brillo-like white hair. An incongruous but beautiful pearl necklace was around her sagging throat. ‘Presently we have more than two hundred thousand pieces from all over the world.’

‘Olga is the curator of the Russian and Soviet portion,’ Borovsky informed Anna. ‘They have one of the best and oldest numismatic collections in Russia.’

‘The world,’ she corrected proudly. ‘And Viktor was quite a friend of the department… the entire museum, in fact.’

‘Was?’ Anna wondered between sips.

Olga smiled at him. ‘Well, you can’t be running off on archeological digs all the time with the Soviet Union disintegrating around you.’

Anna blinked a few times. It was amazing how wrong she had been about the colonel. The more she learned, the more impressed she became. ‘So you went on digs?’

Borovsky made a dismissive gesture, but Olga wasn’t having it.

‘Viktor often joined us in Tuva, the Crimea, even in the Ukraine and Romania.’ She looked at him with affection. ‘And he never failed to help — at least when he wasn’t wandering off on his own.’

‘Enough, enough,’ he grunted. ‘As I said to Natalia, this is official business, Olga.’

‘I suspected as much, which is why I made you slow down. I know how you get on cases.’ Olga smiled at him and sighed. ‘So tell me, what kind of official business?’

Borovsky unbuttoned his uniform coat and reached inside. ‘This kind,’ he said, showing the thin box Anna had found in Andrei Dobrev’s apartment.

The old woman took the box, pulled it under the adjustable arm’s illuminating magnifying glass, and clicked off the lights from a switch under the table lip.

‘Inside,’ Borovsky suggested.

Olga opened the box and peered at the indentation inside the padding.

‘Well?’ he asked.

She glanced at him from over the edge of the glass. ‘I’m guessing you know as well as I do.’

‘I thought so,’ he said.

Anna was dying to know. She did not ask.

Olga looked at Anna, but her question was for Borovsky. ‘May I?’

‘Of course,’ he said.

The curator motioned Anna forward, pointing through the magnifier. ‘See the outlines within the indentation?’ Through the glass Anna saw what seemed to be an etching in the felt of the hollow box. ‘It’s unique, like a fingerprint,’ Olga said. ‘Romanian, gold, first-series leu, twenty lei, 1868.’ There was a moment of appreciative silence before she looked up through the magnifying glass at Borovsky’s wide eyes. ‘Where did you get this?’

Borovsky took the box back and spoke before Anna could answer. ‘I’m sorry, that’s privileged information.’

‘Ah!’ Olga exclaimed. ‘That means we are done.’ She added sadly, ‘I should have taken more time. When will we see you again?’

‘Sooner than you think,’ he said cryptically. ‘Come, Sergeant. We have work to do.’

Anna was about to follow when she felt a hand on her arm. She turned to see Olga looking at her with a concerned expression. ‘Look after him, will you? He likes to think he’s younger than he is.’

Anna placed her hand on Olga’s and nodded more reassuringly than she felt. When she went through the outer office, she noted that Natalia also looked concerned at the speed of Borovsky’s departure and the brevity of his farewell.

Anna caught up with him in the middle of the Black Sea exhibit. It showcased ancient sculptures, vases, urns, and other artifacts — some dating back as far as the fourth century BC — that had been recovered by the museum’s staff. But Anna remained silent despite the questions that had started to pile up like the coins on Olga’s desk.

As they neared the front door, he said suddenly, ‘I want to thank you for your assistance, Sergeant. I will no longer require your services on this matter. You may take the car and report back to your station, discussing it with no one.’

Anna felt as if she had been punched in the gut. During their walk she had noticed the change in him, but she attributed it to contemplation. Something had set Borovsky off. His gentle humor and paternal guidance had evaporated — all because a suspicion had been confirmed?

As his subordinate, she knew she should do as ordered. For one reason or another, he didn’t want her help any more. In the past, she would have nodded and gone back to the station. But the new Anna wasn’t going to do that. She was going to risk a big toss of the net.

‘No, sir,’ she said.

‘Thank you—’

‘I mean, “no sir” as in, “I’m not going.”’

He stopped. ‘You forget yourself.’

She stopped. ‘Quite intentionally, yes. I believe you still require my services.’

Now surrounded by stone and wooden sarcophaguses, statues, papyri, vessels, amulets, and stone hieroglyphic friezes, Borovsky’s stern face softened. ‘Go back to your daughter, Anna. Keep her safe. Make her happy. Raise her well.’

He walked away.

She caught up to him again outside. He was looking across the street at the church and the Moscow River beyond. ‘How can I do that, sir, if I can’t say to her, “I did what was right, not what was ordered”?’

She saw regret, then admiration and appreciation fill his features, before he once again settled into the Viktor Borovsky she had come to know.

He nodded his approval. ‘You are right. A philosophy that is irrefutable.’

That made her smile.

‘Come then,’ he said, ‘we must hurry.’

‘Where to?’ she asked as they hustled to the car.

His answer caught her by surprise.
