It’s gotten so dark. The last bit of strength has seeped out of me; there’s nothing left. Nothing to hold me up. I can’t get up, can’t do anything. All I can do is lie here in the dark and look around. It’s all so familiar, yet it seems different now. Changed. Ruined.

I hear your voice. And if I make a slight effort, I can see you in my mind, picture your face and your body. But I can’t penetrate into your consciousness, get hold of who you are. What thoughts are racing through your mind right now? Are you confused? Lonely? Resigned? Or is there some solace, hope? Do you believe things will get better? That everything will work out in the end? Do you ever think of me? Answer me!

How do I go on? What can I do? Without me, you are nothing. Words that exposed and humiliated me, made me shrink and cower. But now… now I feel something in my body, feel it growing and getting closer. Preparing to claw its way out. Soon I will get up. I’ll stand determined and erect. I will leave what has been, put it all behind me. The future is waiting. She is waiting.

Soon it will grow light. Soon I will go to meet her.

And you’ll be left alone in the shadows. May they swallow you up.
